
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Activité de PGA en 2020

Date Event Location Campaign
27-29 January PGA participation in informal consultations for Convention on International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes   The Hague, Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
29-30 January Regional South and South East Asia PGA Workshop to Promote Engagement by Women Legislators in Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons   Parliament of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur SALW/ATT
5-7 February Participation in Law Enforcement Committee session and Roundtable on the legislation implementing international humanitarian law, co-organized by CCL   Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv Rome Statute of the ICC
17-19 February Visit of Moroccan Legislators to the ICC and relevant institutions   The Hague, The Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
19 February Parliamentary meeting on Securing our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament the disarmament agenda released in 2018 by the UN Secretary-General. Launch of initiative on Parliamentary Handbook in Support of Disarmament for Sustainable Development. Co-sponsored by IPU, PNND, PGA, PFSALW, GCSP, WFC, Government of Canada and UNODA   United Nations, New York SALW/ATT
24 February Parliamentary seminar of the new Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights on The Role and democratic challenges of parliaments in the digital era - Ceremony of signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between OAS & PGA, Organization of American States’ Headquarters   Washington DC, United States DRHR
2-6 March Participation in the Global Equality Fund’s Stakeholders Workshop   Johannesburg, South Africa SOGI Campaign
8-11 March Visit of Zimbabwean Legislators to the ICC and relevant institutions including the Parliament of The Netherlands   The Hague, The Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
10 March Briefing on Three Treaties to Fight Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and support Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries   Parliament of South Africa, Cape Town Protection of the Oceans
10-12 March Consultations on the ICC and the threatened withdrawal by South Africa from the Rome Statute with Parliamentarians and Government Officials   Parliament of South Africa, Cape Town Rome Statute of the ICC
*16-18 March Informal/Bilateral Meetings with South Africa Parliament and Pan-African Parliament in advance of Parliamentary Biosecurity Engagement Project [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa BWC/1540
*17-18 March Participation in UNSCR 1540 ASI Database Technical Meeting – Stimson Center [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Washington, D.C., United States BWC/1540
*19 March Meeting on IUU Fishing and Human Rights: EU’s participation in the Three Treaties to Fight IUU Fishing [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   European Parliament, Brussels Protection of the Oceans
*20-21 March Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) and the Biological Weapons Convention [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Gaborone, Botswana BWC/1540
*April Roundtable on Strengthening the Fight against Impunity and the Rule of Law in Morocco [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Rabat, Morocco Rome Statute of the ICC
*21-22 April Participation in Regional Africa Workshop hosted by the Government of Kenya to promote the Universalization of BWC, in collaboration with BWC ISU, supported by the European Union [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Nairobi, Kenya BWC/1540
*11-12 May Subregional Consultation with Parliamentarians on Promoting Access to Justice and Freedom from Violence for All in the Commonwealth [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Castries, Saint Lucia SOGI Campaign
15 May Webinar organized by PGA and OAS on Political-Parliamentary Action in Times of COVID-19   Virtual DRHR
17 May Virtual commemoration on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)    Virtual SOGI Campaign
*18 May National Seminar on the ratification of the Rome Statute by Ukraine, hosted by the Foreign Affairs Committee and co-organized by PGA and the Center for Civil Liberties   Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv Rome Statute of the ICC
22 May PGA Launches the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)    Virtual DRHR
26 May PGA Democratic Renewal & Human Rights Campaign Urgent Action Alert 1: MALAYSIA    Virtual DRHR
*26-29 May Parliamentary participation at Equal Rights Coalition Conference [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   London, United Kingdom SOGI Campaign
27 May Legislators in Ecuador discuss small-scale fisheries and the role they can play to ensure their sustainable management   Quito, Ecuador Protection of the Oceans
29 May PGA Members’ participation and contribution to the European Parliament’s hearing with the ICC Prosecutor, organized by the Human Rights Sub-Committee (DROI) upon proposal by the EP Vice-President in charge of democracy and human rights (PGA member)  European Parliament, Brussels [hybrid in-person & virtual session] Rome Statute of the ICC
1 June PGA Campaign for Democratic Renewal & Human Rights Urgent Action Alert 2: El Salvador   El Salvador DRHR
*2-6 June Parliamentary participation at UN Oceans Conference [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Lisbon, Portugal Protection of the Oceans
8 June Virtual Dialogue between Presidents of Latin American Legislative Powers: Legislating, representing and exercising political control in the new normality    Virtual DRHR
9 June How Parliamentarians can use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for post-pandemic Economic Recovery, a virtual parliamentary dialogue in partnership with Kirsten Brosbol, former PGA Member and former Minister of the Environment of Denmark; the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.    Virtual n/a
12 June Participation in webinar on Proposal to Reform the Criminal Code of Honduras, public consultation hosted by the local NGO SOMOS CDC [virtual]    Virtual GEI
*June Field Mission and consultations on Rome Statute ratification and implementation in Guinea Bissau. In cooperation with RADDHO [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Bissau, Guinea Bissau Rome Statute of the ICC
*June Ceremony for Kiribati’s ratification of the Rome Statute & virtual visit of Legislators from Pacific Island States (Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu, Fed. States of Micronesia) to the ICC & other relevant institutions, co-organized with the ICC and the EU, ICC premises/Parliament of The Netherlands, The Hague [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   The Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
June / July Parliamentary Delegation/Field Mission to Jamaica on the Rule of Law (including Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute) [POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY]   Parliament of Jamaica, Kingston Rome Statute of the ICC
June / July Seminar on the ratification of the Rome Statute by Ukraine, hosted by the Foreign Affairs Committee and co-organized by PGA and the Center for Civil Liberties-Ukraine, Parliament of Ukraine, Kyiv (TBC) [Interventions by PGA Member and secretariat via video-link]   Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv Rome Statute of the ICC
2 July PGA Campaign for Democratic Renewal & Human Rights Urgent Action Alert 3: Venezuela   Venezuela DRHR
7 July Parliamentary Webinar on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a virtual parliamentary dialogue in partnership with Parliamentarians for the Global Goals; the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.   Virtual n/a
9 July Participation by PGA member in webinar on How to Change the Law: using legislative reform to protect LGBT+ people, hosted by Human Dignity Trust and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global LGBT+ Rights    Virtual GEI
13 July Informal Side-Event to the UN Human Rights Council – Panel Discussion on Environmental Crimes, Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Prevention of Genocide, organized by PGA in cooperation with KOO-Austria [virtual]   Virtual n/a
21 July Conversation between Co-Chair of LGBTI Intergroup at European Parliament and Moroccan PGA member on human rights, privacy and inclusion [virtual]   Virtual GEI
22 July The 8th Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Parliamentary Working Group on the Fight Against Impunity   Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
21 August PGA Democratic Renewal & Human Rights Campaign Urgent Action Alert 4: Brazil   Brazil DRHR
26 August Parliamentary Consultation on The Role of Parliamentarians in Building More Inclusive Societies, in partnership with the Parliament of St. Lucia and UNDP   Virtual GEI
27 August Virtual Launch of Statement on Zimbabwe’s situation: “Zimbabwe should end Human Rights Abuses and uphold Democratic principles and the Rule of Law”   Virtual DRHR
28 August International Justice and Universality: the need for Malaysia’s accession to the Rome Statute (organized by Malaysian Bar Council with the intervention by PGA members)   Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
3 September Parliamentary Webinar on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a virtual parliamentary dialogue in partnership with Parliamentarians for the Global Goals; the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.   Virtual n/a
10 September “Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes” a panel discussion based on the recent book by Prof. Jennifer Trahan, co-sponsored by PGA and the Permanent Missions to the UN of Costa Rica, The Netherlands, and Sierra Leone.   Virtual ILHR
15 September Webinar on “Magnitsky-Type Sanctions: a tool for Parliamentarians in Addressing Human Rights Abuses”. Organized by PGA and its partner the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR).    Virtual DRHR
22 September Virtual Workshop with Malaysian and Indonesian Parliamentarians to address challenges of COVID-19 through Implementation of Existing International Biosecurity and Biosafety Frameworks – co-organized with CRDF Global  Virtual BWC/1540
25 September Third Meeting of Global Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)  Virtual DRHR
9 October Access to Counsel: 'A Matter of Life or Death’ – What can parliamentarians do?  Virtual ADP
11 October International Day of the Girl EN | ES | FR  Global GEI
13 October Virtual National Workshop with Somalian Members of Parliament to Promote Biological Security, Biosafety and Bio Risk Management Best Practices, co-organized by PGA with CRDF Global  Virtual BWC/1540
23 October Virtual Seminar on "La Pena de Muerte en las Américas: ¿Un Problema del Pasado?", organized by PGA’s National Group and the Parliamentary Group on Human Rights in the National Assembly of Ecuador [virtual]   Quito, Ecuador ADP
2 November Virtual Townhall Meeting on “Supporting the International Criminal Court with President Chile Eboe-Osuji", organized by the University of Ottawa. PGA President, Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, participating on behalf of PGA.   Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
11 November PGA participation in a briefing for the diplomatic community on Ukraine’s implementation of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law obligations, organized by CCL  Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
16 November National Workshop on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Regulation during COVID-19, in partnership with ELI   Mexico [virtual] Protection of the Oceans
18-20 November Participation in the COVID-19 and Domestic Violence Summit   United Nations, New York GEI
19-20 November 11th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC), [hybrid in-person & virtual session]   The Hague, The Netherlands [Virtual] Rome Statute of the ICC
30 November Lawmakers in Ecuador Discuss Impact of COVID-19 on Small-Scale Fisheries   Quito, Ecuador [virtual] Protection pf the Oceans
1 December Improving the system for the nomination and elections of Judges: Can the “ICC system” learn from the European Court of Human Rights? Comparative Procedures for the Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the European Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court (ICC) - in cooperation with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)   The Hague, Netherlands/Strasbourg, France [virtual] Rome Statute of the ICC
4 December Fourth meeting of the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT) [virtual], Special guests, Sen. Boris Dittrich (PGA Member and Chair of the PGA National Group in The Netherlands) & Reinaldo Villalba on behalf of Sen. Iván Cepeda Castro (PGA Member, Colombia)   The Hague, THe Netherlands [virtual] DRHR
4 December The Role of Parliaments in the establishment of sanctions. Virtual Workshop for civil society organizations hosted by the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) with the participation of PGA  Washington/New York, United States [virtual] DRHR
9-10 December Southern Africa Regional LGBTQI+ Conference, in partnership with the Southern Africa Litigation Centre, Human Dignity Trust and Out and Proud  virtual and on-site meetings in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe GEI
14-16 December Participation in the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court  World Congress Forum, The Hague, Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
16 December Webinar on The Role of Parliamentarians in Advancing Girls' Rights, particularly ending Child Early and Forced Marriage in Kenya and Zimbabwe, in collaboration with Girls Not Brides  Virtual CEFM
17 December Virtual National Workshop with Iraqi Members of Parliament to Promote International Biological Security and Biosafety Frameworks, co-organized by PGA with CRDF Global [virtual]   Iraq BWC/1540
18 December Side Event to the 19th Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court on “Assessing the Independent Expert Review (IER) Report’s Findings and Recommendations on Victims’ Rights: The Perspectives of NGOs. A Tribute to the Legacy of Dr. Felipe Michelini”, hosted by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations and co-organized by PGA and the Victims' Rights Working Group (VRWG)   Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
17-18 December Participation in the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court   United Nations, New York Rome Statute of the ICC
December Participation by PGA Delegation in Annual Meeting of States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention [Date TBD]   United Nations, Geneva BWC/1540




    • 12 February: PGA UN Advisory Committee Meeting, New York

    • 29 May: PGA Executive Committee Meeting [part I], Virtual meeting

    • 17 July: PGA Executive Committee Meeting [part II], Virtual meeting

    • 9 October: PGA International Council Meeting [part I], Virtual meeting

    • 30 November: PGA International Council Meeting [part II], Virtual meeting

    • 11 December: Executive Committee (Board) Meeting [part III]