Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

20th International Day against the Death Penalty

No criminal justice system is perfect. No one can guarantee there will be no miscarriage of justice in a case. A civilized and progressive society moves in the direction of stamping out archaic forms of punishment – like torture and the death penalty – and focuses on improving people’s socio-economic lives.

For centuries, the death penalty has been disproportionately used against minority groups, the marginalized and vulnerable communities which exist in large populations as well. Statistics from the Prisons Department also validate that more than 86% of people on death row come from B40, marginalized, minority and vulnerable communities in Malaysia and around the world.

Parliamentarians for Global Action has always been a strong advocate and partner towards the abolition of the death penalty, beginning with the first step, to abolish the mandatory death penalty, and as President I applaud this herculean task to bring this to the House. As such, we can celebrate a small victory step in the right direction after Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar tabled the first reading of amendments to seven bills to abolish the mandatory death penalty.

Ms. Kasthuri Patto (MP) Malaysia, President, Parliamentarians for Global Action
(for full statement, see: Time to ratify UN treaty, abolish death penalty – Kasthuri Patto, the Vibes, 10 October 2022)

The Death Penalty in Practice

States have abolished the death penalty for all crimes
States have abolished the death penalty for common law crimes
States are abolitionists in practice
States are retentionists

The 5 States that executed the most in the world in 2021 are, in order: China, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

28,670 individuals are known to be under a sentence of death around the world at the end of 2021.