
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

Chile Uprising: Diputado Tucapel Jiménez Offers On-The-Ground Perspective

On 14 October 2019, mass protests took over Chile, prompt by a raise in the Santiago Metro's subway fare. The student-led demonstration quickly gained support from multiple social sectors, united against the increased cost of living and prevalent inequality in the country. More than 1 millon people rallied in Chilean cities. Although demonstrations have been allegedly tainted by looting and vandalism, they have predominantely remained peaceful. 

The government of President Sebastian Piñera responded by declaring a state of emergency, deploying military forces on the streets and enforcing curfews. To date, the uprising has left at least five people dead at the hands of the armed forces, allegations of torture, and many arbitrary detentions. 

Dip. Tucapel Jimenez, longstanding and prominent PGA Board Member, provides a critical look at the situation in the country, its causes, the ways towards a lasting solution and the role of parliamentarians in this process.

Dernières Nouvelles : Campagne pour le renouveau démocratique

Championing  Human Rights, Democracy and The Rule of Law - International Day of Parliamentarism 2024

We invite parliamentarians to learn more about our toolkits and resources on democracy, the environment, gender equality, international justice, peace and security and the inclusion of marginalized populations.

Photo Courtesy the United Nations

In a 2021 resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on “promoting inter-religious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech”.

Senado Federal, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

PGA is committed to promoting safe and inclusive political environments for women parliamentarians