Liechtenstein signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998, and ratified on 2 October 2001, becoming the 40th State Party.
Liechtenstein signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998, and ratified on 2 October 2001, becoming the 40th State Party.
Diplomatic representatives had the opportunity to discuss PGA’s current thematic priorities and the challenges legislators face in the implementation of a human rights-centered agenda that aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
– The Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the United Nations (UN) generously hosted the first 2023 strategic meeting of the PGA UN Advisory Committee. This informal encounter counted on the participation of UN Ambassadors and officials to discuss pressing issues for the international community.
PGA organized two critical side events on 8 December, which provided concrete reflections on serious issues faced by the Rome Statute system. Both events gathered high-level participation from the ICC and States representatives, as well as other civil society organizations.
Les 16 et 17 novembre 2018, la 10ème Assemblée consultative des parlementaires sur la Cour pénale internationale et l’Etat de droit (CAP-ICC) et le 40ème Forum annuel de l’Action mondiale des parlementaires (PGA) étaient organisés à Kyiv.
PGA co-sponsored a high-level ministerial event at the UN to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute, International Justice Day, and the entry into force of the Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression.
Member of Parliament Ms. Petra Bayr and Colleagues to the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs concerning the introduction of the Crime of Aggression, the fifth criminal offense before the International Criminal Court.
Parliamentarians welcome the First Ratification of the New System to contribute to the Prevention of the Illegal Use of Force through a permanent and independent International Criminal CourtToday the Principality of Liechtenstein deposited at the Unit