
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

Archives 2015 - Page 2

Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Uganda, 07 October 2015

While a relative majority of States have taken abolitionist positions and the number of executions has decreased in 201, 58 States still apply the death penalty

Visit to PGA Headquarters by High Level Delegation from The Kingdom of Tonga

PGA was pleased and privileged to receive the Hon. Prime Minister of Tonga and PGA Defender of Democracy Awardee (DDA) 2013, H.E. Mr. Samiuela ’Akilisi Pohiva

Visit of Delegation of Parliamentarians from El Salvador to the Hague

Legislators agreed that, given that misconceptions and misperceptions around the Rome Statute had now been clarified, there was room for consensus in favor of ratification.

El Salvadorian Delegation with the President of the ICC and PGA’s team

Visite d’une Délégation Parlementaire du Salvador à la CPI, au Parlement Néerlandais et aux Organisations et Tribunaux Internationaux à la Haye

PGA Member, Ramesh Lekhak, MP (Nepal)

Nepal joins eight other countries that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in their constitution.

Hon. Mohamed Talebna, MP (Mauritania)

le Gouvernement Mauritanien a déposé l’instrument de ratification du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes (TCA) ce 23 Septembre 2015.

From Left to Right: Dr. David Donat Cattin, Mr. Christian Nygard Nissen, Mr. Nicos Argyrides, representative from the Ukrainian Embassy translating, Mrs. Iryna Lutsenko and Ms. Olena Suslova from the NGO Women’s Information Consultative Center

PGA a reçu en ses bureaux, des législateurs ukrainiens dont Madame la députée Iryna Lutsenko et Madame la députée Iryna Suslova également membre de PGA, durant leur visite à La Haye.

Rep. Iván Cepeda Castro (Colombia)

This gathering represents a historic step toward peace in Colombia as both parties reaffirmed their commitment to the agreements reached to date and concluded on end-date to the conflict.

Sen Alain Destexhe, Convenor of the International Law and Human Rights Program

Alain Destexhe, Convenor of the International Law and Human Rights Program visits Iraqi Kurdistan and calls for the ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC

Dr. David Donat Cattin, Secretary General, Parliamentarians for Global Action.

Op-ed by Dr. David Donat Cattin, Secretary General, Parliamentarians for Global Action, published on 14 Sept. 2015

© Armando Ríos, Legislative Assembly, El Salvador

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved a reform to the Penal Code increasing sanctions against murders and threats motivated by hate.

Hon. Tharchen MP (Bhutan) and Hon. Nidup Zangpo MP (Bhutan), Image by ChangeMaker

Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Maldives, Malaysia, Nepal and Pakistan, as well as representatives from the Security/Defense Sector and civil society in Bangladesh actively participated in the Workshop.

Hon. Moustapha Niasse, President of the National Assembly of Senegal, member of PGA

Hon. Moustapha Niasse, Président de l’Assemblée Nationale du Sénégal, PGA membre

© Image by Thiago Completo, PGA

Le 1er Septembre 2015, PGA a co-organisé , intitulé ‘Le rôle des parlements dans la criminalisation de la guerre illégale et agressive’.

Please send comments and questions to Marieke.vandoorn@pgaction.org{/email} by 27 August 2015.

The ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) has shared its draft Strategic Plan for the period 2016 - 2018 and is inviting comments from interested external actors.

The Parliament of Indonesia was represented by 6 Members of Parliament from the House and the Senate, including leading PGA Members in Indonesia. Photo: Malaysian Parliament.

La région Asie-Pacifique reste sous-représentée dans le système du Statut de Rome, ce qui a encouragé le parlement de la Malaisie

Cette ratification porte le nombre d’États ayant ratifié le deuxième Protocol facultatif à 82.

L’Action mondiale des parlementaires (PGA) félicite la ratification du deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques (PIDCP) par le Parlement du Togo le 10 juillet 2015.