
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

RSS and ATOM feeds central

A list of the available RSS and ATOM XML feeds at Parliamentarians for Global Action - Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for Human Rights, Democracy and a Sustainable World..

Site feed


The feeds below contain the latest public articles added on each category.

About Us

8 Articles RSS ATOM

Programs and Campaigns

0 Articles RSS ATOM

Democracy, Gender, and Inclusion Program

1 Article RSS ATOM
  Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights 4 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage 2 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) 0 Articles RSS ATOM

Human Rights and Environment Program

0 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign for the Protection of the Oceans and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 7 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign for a Human Rights-based Approach to Climate Action 0 Articles RSS ATOM

International Law and Human Rights Program

0 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign for the Universality and Effectiveness of the System of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 185 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty (ADP) 39 Articles RSS ATOM

International Peace and Security Program

1 Article RSS ATOM
  Campaign to Address the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) 0 Articles RSS ATOM
  Campaign in Support of the Negotiation of a Treaty Prohibiting Fully Autonomous Weapons (FAWs) 1 Article RSS ATOM
  Biological Security and Health Campaign 1 Article RSS ATOM
  Campaign to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security 0 Articles RSS ATOM

News Center

1123 Articles RSS ATOM
  Activity Calendars 11 Articles RSS ATOM
  Biological Security (Weekly Updates) 22 Articles RSS ATOM
  Cybercrime (Weekly Updates) 37 Articles RSS ATOM
  International Justice (Weekly Updates) 32 Articles RSS ATOM
  Nuclear and Radiological Security Updates 35 Articles RSS ATOM
  SALW / ATT (Weekly Updates) 25 Articles RSS ATOM
  DGI Program: Latest News 0 Articles RSS ATOM
  HRE Program: Latest News 0 Articles RSS ATOM
  ILHR Program: Latest News 0 Articles RSS ATOM
  IPS Program: Latest News 0 Articles RSS ATOM

PGA Membership

4 Articles RSS ATOM

Resources for Parliamentarians

77 Articles RSS ATOM