
Movilizando parlamentarios como defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, la democracia y un mundo sostenible.

Guerra en Ucrania

Última actualización
Child refugee at Lviv train station, Ukraine - March 7, 2022; Photo: ©ruslanlytvyn/123RF.COM
Child refugee at Lviv train station, Ukraine - March 7, 2022; Photo: ©ruslanlytvyn/123RF.COM

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, its sovereign and democratic neighbor after it had amassed almost 200,000 Russian troops at the Ukrainian borders. This premeditated, unjustified, and unjustifiable invasion, firmly condemned by PGA, represents an act of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter and customary international law.

On 1 March, the European Parliament passed a resolution “condemning in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against and invasion of Ukraine, as well as the involvement of Belarus in this aggression” and "demanded that the Russian Federation immediately terminate all military activities in Ukraine, unconditionally withdraw all military and paramilitary forces and military equipment from the entire internationally recognized territory of Ukraine, and fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence within its internationally recognized borders.”

In a similar vein, on 2 March UN General Assembly (UNGA) convened an extraordinary session under a “Uniting for Peace” procedure, after the failure of the UN Security Council to pass a resolution under Chapter VII due to the veto by the Russian Federation as one of its P5 members. The UNGA resolution, adopted by 141 countries, deplored in the strongest terms “the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine” and demanded that Russia “immediately, completely, and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” Although the UNGA Resolution is not legally binding, it expressed the views of the UN membership as a whole and was aimed at increasing pressure on Moscow and its ally, Belarus.

Unfortunately, as reported by numerous sources, Russian armed forces continue committing atrocities that may qualify as war crimes or crimes against humanity, including attacks against civilian objects, resulting in the death of hundreds of civilians. In light of the recent events, the International Criminal Court Prosecutor announced the opening of an investigation into the situation in Ukraine on 2 March 2022 - a development that PGA had been calling for since the first day of the invasion.

Applicable Law

The Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its two 1977 Additional Protocols place the protection of civilians at their core. Russia has signed and ratified the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols I (Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts), II (Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts), as well as III (Adoption of an Additional Distinct Emblemed). Other international instruments/treaties, to the extent they integrate International Humanitarian Law, are also of relevance.

Considering the current war of aggression, which amounts to an International Armed Conflict (IAC), instigated by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and the recent attacks on 4 March 2022 on the Ukrainian Nuclear Plant in Zaporizhzhia, relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocols I and II, and Customary International Law should be taken into consideration.

What Can PGA members Do?
Actions Taken by PGA Members
Relevant Resources

Video: Watch the European Parliament debate on Russia's invasion of Ukraine »

Ukrainian refugees
People cross a destroyed bridge as they evacuate the city of Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, during heavy shelling and bombing. Photo: ©palinchak/123RF.COM

Declaraciones y Acciones de PGA sobre Ucrania


Enfoque sobre Ucrania: tras bastidores

Uno de los mayores éxitos de la Campaña durante el primer semestre del 2021, fue la aprobación por parte del Parlamento ucraniano del Proyecto de Ley nº 2689 "Sobre las Enmiendas a determinados Actos Legislativos para la Aplicación del Derecho Penal Internacional y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario." Esta ley, cuya promulgación está aún sujeta a la firma del Presidente, permitirá a Ucrania hacer rendir cuentas a los responsables de los crímenes internacionales cometidos en el este de Ucrania y en el territorio ocupado de Crimea.

Este gran logro, es el resultado del incesante trabajo que se ha venido realizando desde el 2014 por parte de los miembros de PGA de Ucrania, en cooperación con organizaciones no gubernamentales y expertos nacionales e internacionales. El siguiente cronograma destaca algunos de los múltiples esfuerzos realizados tras bastidores que fortalecen la lucha contra la impunidad en el país:

  • Con el fin de facilitar el proceso de ratificación del Estatuto de Roma por parte de Ucrania, PGA organizó una visita a la Corte Penal Internacional (enlace disponible en inglés), en la que participó una delegación de miembros de la Verkhovna Rada (Parlamento ucraniano).

    Members of the Parliament of Ukraine visit the International Criminal Court
  • PGA celebró un Seminario Parlamentario sobre la CPI y la Protección de Civiles (enlace disponible en inglés), antes de que la Verkhovna Rada llevara a cabo la votación sobre la propuesta de enmienda constitucional para permitir la jurisdicción de la CPI. Dicha enmienda es una condición previa para la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma.

    Svetlana Zalishchuk
  • PGA asiste a una misión ad hoc en Kyiv (enlace disponible en inglés), con el fin de discutir el paquete de enmiendas constitucionales sobre el poder judicial necesario para la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma.
  • El Diputado Hryhoriy Nemyria, Presidente del Comité de Derechos Humanos, Minorías Nacionales y Relaciones Interétnicas del Parlamento de Ucrania y Presidente del Grupo Nacional de PGA en el país, organizó una mesa redonda sobre la implementación del Estatuto de Roma en el ordenamiento jurídico nacional.
  • El Secretario General de PGA realizó una misión especial en Kyiv (enlace disponible en inglés), para avanzar el proceso hacia la plena implementación y ratificación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI.
  • La Verkhovna Rada acogió la 10ª Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios para la CPI y el Estado de Derecho (CAP-ICC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el 40º Foro Anual que condujo al Plan de Acción de Kyiv y al compromiso de los parlamentarios de trabajar por la universalidad y la eficacia del sistema del Estatuto de Roma.
  • PGA, en colaboración con el Centro de Libertades Civiles y el Grupo de Asesoramiento Jurídico de Ucrania, llevó a cabo una discusión de expertos (enlace disponible en inglés) para discutir con los parlamentarios las ventajas de armonizar la legislación nacional con el Estatuto de Roma.

    PGA and Partners Take a Critical Step in the Fight Against Impunity in Ukraine
  • a petición del Comité parlamentario pertinente, PGA proporcionó asistencia técnica sobre el nuevo proyecto de ley que alinea el código penal ucraniano con las normas internacionales. Dicha propuesta finalmente se convirtió en el Proyecto de Ley nº 2689.
  • Dos días después de la aprobación del Proyecto de Ley nº 2689 por parte del Comité sobre la Aplicación de la Ley, PGA participó en la mesa redonda (enlace disponible en inglés) organizada por este mismo comité y el Centro de Libertades Civiles en la Verkhovna Rada para impulsar apoyo político a dicho proyecto.
  • PGA envió una carta al Presidente de la Verkhovna Rada, Honorable Dmytro Razumkov, en apoyo de la adopción del Proyecto de Ley nº 2689 (enlace disponible en inglés).
  • La Verkhovna Rada aprueba en primera lectura (enlace disponible en inglés) el Proyecto de Ley nº 2689.
  • A petición propia, la Secretaría de PGA preparó una opinión legal exhaustiva para el Comité sobre la Aplicación de la Ley, puesto que se estaba preparando para la adopción final del Proyecto.

    Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine
  • PGA preparó un comentario jurídico (enlace disponible en inglés) sobre determinadas disposiciones respecto a la última versión del Proyecto de Ley nº 2689.
  • La Verkhovna Rada adopta el Proyecto de Ley nº 2689 (El Proyecto todavía está sujeto a promulgación).

Timeline of the events

  1. 20 January 2000

    Ukraine signed the Rome Statute (RS).

  2. 29 January 2007

    Ukraine ratified the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court (APIC).

  3. 17 April 2014

    The Government of Ukraine lodged a declaration under article 12(3) of the Rome Statute accepting the ICC's jurisdiction.

  4. 25 April 2014

    ICC Prosecutor announced opening a preliminary examination of the situation in Ukraine.

  5. 05 September 2014 / 12 February 2015

    Minsk agreement (Protocol and Memorandum and subsequent Package of Measures) signed between Russia and Ukraine and endorsed by the UN Security Council in resolution 2202. Contains highly problematic Art. 5 on amnesties (“Provide pardon and amnesty by way of enacting a law that forbids persecution and punishment of persons in relation to events that took place in particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine.”).

  6. 16 September 2014

    The Rada of Ukraine voted unanimously on an Association Agreement with the EU that includes two clauses on ICC ratification and implementation.

  7. December 2014

    Parliamentary elections. PGA organised a mission to the Rada and broadened its membership.

  8. 08 September 2015

    The Government of Ukraine lodged a second declaration under article 12(3) of the Statute accepting the exercise of jurisdiction by the ICC in relation to alleged crimes committed on its territory from 20 February 2014 onwards, with no end date.

  9. 02 June 2016

    Parliament of Ukraine adopted an amendment to article 124 of the Constitution of Ukraine which stated that the ICC jurisdiction may be recognized by Ukraine and introduced a special clause – included by the President- which delayed the possibility of the ratification to be considered by the Parliament for 3 years.

  10. 12-14 July 2016

    Roundtable (co-organised by PGA and NGOS, Human Rights Agenda) to promote Legislative/draft law to implement the RS, prepared by international experts and, with the input of PGA, and supported by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The draft law has been introduced to the Parliament and submitted to the consultations at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  11. 1 September 2017

    EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (signed in 2014) entered into force. Article 8 states: “The Parties shall cooperate in promoting peace and international justice by ratifying and implementing the RS of the ICC of 1998 and its related instruments”.

  12. 20 December 2018

    The draft law was registered as bill 9438 after having been endorsed by the Cabinet on 18 December 2018.

  13. 27 February 2019

    The draft bill 9438 was considered by the Legislative Committee which approved the text for further consideration in plenary.

  14. 31 March/ 21 April 2019

    Presidential elections- overwhelming victory of Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyi (Servant of the People party)- obtained 73.22% of the votes in the second round.

  15. 6 June 2019

    the draft bill 9438 was adopted in first reading, a few weeks before the Parliamentary elections, subsequently registered as n°0892.

  16. 30 June 2019

    Constitutional transition period provisions amendment to article 124 expired. No more obstacles to joining the ICC, path to ratification has opened.

  17. 21 July 2019

    Snap legislative elections (originally scheduled to be held at the end of October) marked a majority victory by Servant of the People party which scored the first ever parliamentary majority in the history of independent Ukraine. 80% of MPs have been newcomers.

  18. August 2019

    Then Deputy Head of President Zelenskyi’s Office, and former Prosecutor General, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, announced that one of the President’s priorities would be to ratify the ICC Rome Statute.

  19. September / October 2019

    A new draft law implementing International humanitarian law (IHL) and International criminal law (ICL) was presented by the new Government, replacing the previous Bill 0892 (that had already passed the first reading under the previous legislature).

  20. 21 October 2019

    The Prosecutor General set up a specialized "Department for Supervision in Criminal Proceedings of the Crimes Committed in Armed Conflict" in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

  21. 27 December 2019

    Bill 2689 (The Bill on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Implementation of the International Criminal and Humanitarian Law), registered in the Parliament (with the incorporated amendments submitted by PGA, following the Roundtable and bilateral meetings organized by PGA and CCL, under the aegis of the Committee on Foreign Policy of the Verkhovna Rada on 28 November 2019).

  22. 5 February 2020

    The Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement of the Verkhovna Rada, chaired by Mr. Denys Monastyrskyi (PGA member), resolutely approved Bill no. 2689. This was followed by a high-level roundtable in the Verkhovna Rada organised by CCL and the Law Enforcement Committee on 7 February to support the adoption of the Bill 2689, attended by 120+ participants. PGA Secretariat was one of the panellists to present its position.

  23. 18 September 2020

    The Parliament of Ukraine passed in its first reading the Bill implementing international criminal and humanitarian law into the domestic legislation of Ukraine.

  24. 11 December 2020

    Conclusion of the ICC preliminary examination (investigation not launched yet)

  25. 21 May 2021

    The Verkhovna Rada adopted the Bill no. 2689 “On amendments to certain legislative acts on the Enforcement of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law”, with 248 votes in favour out of 363 Members present. The law (now registered as Law No. 1164-IX) has yet to be signed and promulgated by the President.


PGA’s involvement

  1. 17 July 2014

    A delegation of Ukrainian PGA members visited The Hague to meet the Dutch Parliamentarians and the ICC officials.

  2. 28 September 2015

    PGA organised a mission of Ukrainian Parliamentarians to the Hague to meet with ICC officials in the Hague to discuss urgent protection from sexual and gender based violence in light of the on- going armed conflict in Ukraine.

  3. 20 – 22 April 2015

    A delegation from PGA’s Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC conducted a field mission in Kyiv, meeting with newly elected parliamentarians and key stakeholders in order to familiarize them with PGA’s goals and activities with respect to Rome Statute.

  4. 18- 19 June 2015

    PGA hosts a Parliamentary round-table working session on “ICC Ratification: Increasing the Opportunities for Justice in Ukraine”, in which Parliamentarians were informed about the technical aspects and procedural issues in ratifying the Rome Statute. See the outcome document.

  5. 15 September 2015

    PGA published an op-ed: Why Ukraine has nothing to lose from ratifying the Rome Statute of the ICC, but everything to gain” to counter the misinformation of Ukrainian decision-makers.

  6. 14-16 December 2015

    Parliamentary Seminar on ICC in Ukraine, under high patronage of Chairman of Verkhovna Rada and fraction meetings.

  7. 12-14 July 2016

    Parliamentary Roundtable organised by PGA and NGO Human Rights Agenda with the support of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. It introduced a draft law to implement the RS into the criminal code of Ukraine, prepared by experts, with PGA's input. The draft law was submitted to the consultations at the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  8. 23 December 2016

    Chair of PGA Ukraine National Group hosts Roundtable on Rome Statute Implementation

  9. 05 October 2017

    Chairman of the Human Rights Committee Hryhoriy Nemyria held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Parliamentarians for Global Action

  10. 06 October 2017

    PGA Mission to Kyiv reinforces Ukrainian MPs commitment to prevent and address atrocities

  11. 20 February 2017

    Chair of PGA Ukraine Group Demands that his Country Urgently Joins the ICC

  12. 12 March 2018

    The Chairman of the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee met with the President and Secretary General of PGA

  13. 21 March 2018

    PGA President met with Speaker of the Rada of Ukraine and key Legislators in Kyiv.

  14. 09 May 2018

    PGA and Centre for Civil Liberties co- organised a Roundtable at Ukrainian Parliament: Ensuring harmonization of the criminal legislation with provisions of the international law in the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv.

  15. 17 - 18 November 2018

    10th CAP-ICC and 40th Annual Forum of PGA organised in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv.

  16. 23 September 2019:

    A letter sent by NGOs, incl. PGA, to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, asking his government to immediately ratify to and ensure the implementation of the RS.

  17. 07 October 2019

    Dr. Cattin, PGA’s Secretary General, writes an op-ed in response to “The Rome Statute is a trap for Ukraine” written by Deputy Minister of the Interior Oleksandr Chebanenko.

  18. 28 November 2019

    Roundtable to support the RS ratification and the IHL/ICL implementing legislation process, organized by PGA and CCL, under the aegis of the Committee on Foreign Policy of the Verkhovna Rada. As a result, PGA, has been asked to make submissions on the new Bill which were incorporated in the final version of the Bill: 12 and 19 December 2019.

  19. 03 December 2019

    PGA Member Hon. Hryhoriy Nemyria, MP (Ukraine) addressed the 18th Assembly of States Parties, committing Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute.

  20. 07 February 2020

    PGA addressed a high-level roundtable in the Verkhovna Rada to support the Bill 2689 implementing provisions of international criminal and humanitarian law into the Criminal Code of Ukraine, attended by 120+ participants (organised by the CCL and the Law Enforcement Committee of the Rada). PGA and CCL drafted a resolution calling on Parliamentarians to support the Bill 2689.

  21. 17 July 2020

    PGA co-organised a web-seminar with its partner, Centre for Civil Liberties, and experts in Ukraine.

  22. 16 September 2020

    Joint NGO Letter to Members of the Rada on Aligning Domestic Legislation with International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law

  23. 11 November 2020

    PGA participates in a meeting with the authors of the bill № 2689.

  24. 12 December 2020

    PGA comments for the second reading of the Bill no. 2689 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on the Enforcement of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law”.

  25. 15 March 2021

    PGA sends letter to the Ukrainian President and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada in support of the adoption of the Bill no. 2689.

  26. 9 March 2021

    PGA submits a commentary to the selected provisions of the latest version of the Bill no. 2689.

  27. May 2021

    PGA sends letters to the Ukrainian President and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada urging the signature of the Law No. 1164-IX (Bill no. 2689 prior to its adoption).

  28. 19 and 21 July 2021

    PGA addresses two panels on the (i) misconception about the ratification of the Rome Statute and (ii) Cooperation between Ukraine and the International Criminal Court: will the reality of expectations be met? (organised on the occasion of the Week of International Criminal Justice by Centre of Civil Liberties).

  29. 30 September 2021

    Joint letter, co-signed by PGA, to the Ukrainian President to sign the Law No. 1164-IX