29 artículos:
Antigua y Barbuda depositó su instrumento de ratificación del Estatuto de Roma el 18 de junio de 2001.
Como miembro de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), Argentina ha apoyado la promoción de la Corte Penal Internacional mediante la adopción de una resolución anual por la Asamblea General de la OEA y la celebración de una reunión anual de trabajo de alto nivel en el seno de la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Jurídicos de la misma.
Barbados signed the Rome Statute on 8 September 2000, and ratified on 10 December 2002.
Belice firmó y ratificó el Estatuto de Roma el 5 de abril de 2000.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
Brazil signed the Rome Statute on 7 February 2000 and deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 20 June 2002.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
PGA se enorgullece especialmente de su continuo apoyo a las iniciativas tomadas por sus Miembros en Colombia y los felicita por adoptar leyes progresistas que contribuyen a crear un orden internacional reglamentado para un mundo más equitativo, seguro y democrático.
Costa Rica deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 7 June 2001.
Dominica acceded to the Rome Statute on 12 February 2001, becoming the 29th State Party.
PGA has a long and solid partnership history with the Dominican Republic, a state party to the Rome Statute, of promoting the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern.
Tras la ratificación del Estatuto, la prioridad de PGA en Ecuador ha sido la adopción de una legislación nacional completa que contenga los crímenes y principios básicos incluidos en el Estatuto de Roma, así como disposiciones para establecer un mecanismo nacional que cumpla la obligación de cooperación con la CPI.
Since 2002, Parliamentarians for Global Action has been working on El Salvador’s accession to the Rome Statute. El Salvador became the 124 State Party to the International Criminal Court on 3 March 2016..
The government of Grenada deposited its instrument of accession to the Rome Statute on 19 May 2011.
Guatemala after 36 years of civil war, from 1960 to 1996, became the 121st State Party of Rome Statue.
El 11 de junio de 2012, los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR), Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay y Venezuela, exhortaron a todos los Estados Partes a ratificar las enmiendas aprobadas en Kampala.
Honduras signed the Rome Statute on 7 October 1998, and ratified it on 1st July 2002, becoming the 76th State Party
México firmó el Estatuto de Roma el 7 de septiembre de 2000 y lo ratificó el 28 de octubre de 2005, convirtiéndose en el Estado Parte número 100.
Panama signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998, and ratified on 21 March 2002, becoming the 56th State Party.
Paraguay signed the Rome Statute on 7 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 14 May 2001.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
On 22 August 2006, Saint Kitts and Nevis deposited its instrument of accession to the Rome Statute.
Saint Lucia signed the Rome Statute on 27 August 1999 and ratified on 18 August 2010.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Rome Statute on 3 December 2002.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
Trinidad and Tobago signed the Rome Statute on 23 March 1999 and ratified on 6 April 1999, becoming the 2nd State Party.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
On 11 June 2012, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) called upon all States Parties to ratify the amendments adopted in Kampala.
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