
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

la renovación democrática y los derechos humanos

133 artículos:

Championing  Human Rights, Democracy and The Rule of Law - International Day of Parliamentarism 2024

We invite parliamentarians to learn more about our toolkits and resources on democracy, the environment, gender equality, international justice, peace and security and the inclusion of marginalized populations.

Parliamentarians Must Tackle Hate Speech to Protect Inclusive Democracy

In a 2021 resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on “promoting inter-religious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech”.

Roundtable Conversation on Promoting Safe and Inclusive Political Environments for Women Parliamentarians:

PGA is committed to promoting safe and inclusive political environments for women parliamentarians

Champions for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Equality: A Conversation with Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Uganda

PGA seeks to protect and promote liberties and freedoms for all individuals against a vision of curtailment that employs a rhetoric based on ‘traditional values and norms’ to discriminate and divide.

Este Día Internacional de la Mujer, conviértete en un Defensor de la Igualdad de la Mujer y de la Participación Igualitaria en la Vida Pública

Para construir sociedades pacíficas, justas, integradoras y sostenibles, es esencial que las mujeres participen en pie de igualdad y ejerzan el liderazgo en la vida política y pública.

Maldives’ Government must respect democratic values ahead of elections

PGA’s Board Member and Chair of the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT) was verbally and physically assaulted while on her way to the People’s Majlis (Maldivian Parliament).

Una nueva mancha en el camino de Guatemala hacia la democracia

Los recientes acontecimientos han suscitado una profunda preocupación por la situación en Guatemala y exigen atención inmediata y una acción decisiva.

Caja de Herramientas Parlamentarias para la Defensa de la Democracia

In a world where democratic values are facing unprecedented challenges, the role of parliamentarians in defending and upholding these principles has never been more critical.


An intersectional approach is fundamental to building peaceful, inclusive, and just societies.

9. Indicators to support evidence-based legislation and policy-making

Evidence-based legislation refers to using the best available scientific evidence and systematically collected data to formulate and draft laws.

8. International relations: Geopolitical reshuffle in the face of global threats

The peoples of the world are witnessing, in the 21st century, a significant geopolitical shift, with the rise of new powers and the decline of the traditional liberal Western-led order.

7. Technology and governance for democracy

Despite the challenges, E-government and E-governance are essential for building more efficient, effective, and transparent governments in the 21st century.

6. State capture

State capture describes a form of corruption in which businesses and politicians conspire to influence a country's decision-making process to advance their own interests.

5. Attacks on traditional guardrails

Because elections are essential for the health of liberal democracies, all relevant stakeholders must tackle threats to them, ranging from fraud on Election Day to manipulation by the media and regulatory impediments during political campaigns.

4. Leadership style of backsliding

Democratic backsliding refers to the progressive erosion of democratic institutions and norms with the view of consolidating power.

3. The participation of women in politics

Women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life are essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

2. Disinformation vs. misinformation: The issue of dangerous speech

Misinformation is false or inaccurate information (e.g., rumors, insults, and pranks). Disinformation is a subset of propaganda, and incorrect information is deliberately spread to deceive people, often sparking fear.

1. Erosion of democratic principles

During emergencies, power tends to concentrate in the executive branch of the state. Authoritarian governments exploit crises to subvert human rights and undermine democratic institutions.

Introduction: Democracy in Crisis

Democracy is both an ideal and a practical form of government. Its institutions allow individuals to work toward peace, the rule of law, justice, sustainable development, inclusion, respect for human rights, and prosperity.


A list of keywords, along with an explanation of how they are defined and used in this toolbox.

Resumen Ejecutivo

En una era caracterizada por crecientes desafíos a los valores e instituciones democráticas, la Caja de Herramientas Parlamentarias para la Defensa de la Democracia es un recurso vital para empoderar a los parlamentarios y defensores de la democracia en todo el mundo.


In a world where democratic values are facing unprecedented challenges, the role of parliamentarians in defending and upholding these principles has never been more critical.


PGA would like to extend its sincere thanks to the member-parliamentarians of our international network, partners in parliamentary bodies, civil society, experts, and practitioners who have generously provided invaluable insights and support.

Llamado mundial para la creación de un Relator Especial de la ONU sobre Democracia

Este llamamiento conjunto se lanza en vísperas del 75 aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, que tendrá lugar el 10 de diciembre de 2023.

Unidos en la acción en el Día Internacional de la Democracia

Los ataques recurrentes contra las instituciones democráticas en las dos últimas décadas son un duro recordatorio de la fragilidad de nuestros sistemas.

“I Oppose the Mandatory Hijab” Campaign

This campaign is a resounding call for women’s right to decide what to wear, transcending borders, cultures, and religions to address a significant symbol that has been used to oppress and punish Iranian women for decades.

No Space for Hate Speech in Parliaments

Hate speech feeds cycles of violence that may trigger the commission of atrocity crimes. It poses a grave threat to democratic principles, tolerance, and respect for human rights, and its pervasive presence in parliamentary debates and interactions undermines the integrity of democratic institutions, hampering the collective ability to address pressing issues.

“Bras de Fer” entre el Ejecutivo y la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador: Destrucción mutua

El Presidente Lasso puede ahora gobernar hasta seis meses por decreto en cuestiones económicas y administrativas bajo la supervisión del Tribunal Constitucional.

PGA condemns Russia’s politically motivated conviction of Mr. Vladimir Kara-Murza

PGA expresses its profound solidarity and support to Mr. Kara-Murza, his wife, and his children and strongly condemns the politically motivated conviction based on fabricated charges as well as the unjust sentence imposed for his criticism of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

Re: Threats to Terminate the Mandate of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

Following Human Rights Watch’s initiative, PGA joins over 60 other organizations around the world to call to members and observers of the UN Human Rights Council to block Ethiopia’s efforts to terminate the mandate of the ICHREE.

PGA’s Parliamentary Rapid Response Team Strongly Condemns the killing of Former MP Ms. Mursal Nabizada

The Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT) publicly condemns the vile assassination of former Afghan Member of Parliament, Ms. Mursal Nabiada, by the Taliban regime.

Iran: No more Killings. No more room for Impunity. Action must be taken now!

Despite international calls for the Iranian government to respect its international obligations under international law, and to stop using the law of force to stay in power at all costs, the crackdown continues to escalate, while the revolt persists.

Apoyo a las mujeres parlamentarias que sufren violencia en todo el mundo

As we approach the end of 2022, the world continues to witness with great concern the attacks, harassment, sexism, sexual and other forms of violence against women parliamentarians.

PGA expresses its firm support for the human rights to life and freedom for all in Iran

PGA calls for an immediate cessation of all policies and practices of the Iranian regime aimed at repressing the peaceful protests characterized by the slogan “women, life, freedom.”

Afghanistan, Humanitarian Challenge: The Defense of Human Rights and Humanitarian Missions

A meeting organized by the School of Government of the Austral University and the Circle of Legislators of Argentina aimed at rescuing women, children and adolescents from the risk of violation of their human rights by the ruling Taliban regime.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 6: Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, a country with over 21 million people and Asia’s oldest democracy, is facing one of its worse economic, political, and social crises in decades.

 MPs condemn the recent politically motivated executions by the Myanmar military junta

Parliamentarians condemn politically motivated executions by the military junta of Myanmar and urge all States and International Organizations to take immediate countermeasures against the dictatorship.

Impacto del COVID-19 en la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos: Recursos para Parlamentarios

La crisis sanitaria mundial actual a la que nos enfrentamos requiere de una respuesta global inmediata. Los parlamentarios tienen un rol fundamental a desempeñar durante la pandemia.

Ecuador debe garantizar la verdad, justicia y reparación a las víctimas de violaciones de los derechos humanos ocurridas durante el paro nacional iniciado el 13 de junio de 2022

En un contexto de profunda crisis económica y social, la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) y otras organizaciones sociales exigieron al Ejecutivo reformas sociales y económicas urgentes.

PGA Marks International Day for Countering Hate Speech

International Day for Countering Hate Speech, celebrated on the 18th June, is an initiative which aims to educate people on hate speech and discrimination and recognise how it affects society. PGA members speak out on this disturbing trend.

Equipo Parlamentario de Respuesta Rápida

De acuerdo con el creciente consenso actual de los últimos años, la democracia se encuentra en un declive importante a nivel mundial.

Third Roundtable: Supporting Afghan Nationals on the Ground and in Exile

To avoid Afghanistan becoming a safe haven for perpetrators of egregious crimes, the international community must continue securing support and resources for the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Democracy, Human Rights, and Accountability at Grave Stake in the Philippines

The recent presidential elections in the Philippines were marked by a fully-fledged campaign of disinformation, misinformation, and a false portrayal of the Marcos dynasty as a “golden age” for the Philippines, as reported by international media.

Artificial Intelligence and the spread of Hate Speech and Propaganda

PGA is co-organizating a panel discussion on “AI and the spread of hate speech & propaganda: Challenges and possibilities in the use of AI and its legislative regulation.”

Código Parlamentario Global de Conducta Democrática

Firme el Código Parlamentario Global de Conducta Democrática de PGA. Vea el nuevo vídeo para saber más.

Las autoridades de Burkina Faso deben respetar los derechos humanos de los ciudadanos y restaurar el gobierno civil

PGA pide a las autoridades militares de Burkina Faso que liberen al ex presidente Kaboré, respeten los derechos humanos fundamentales de los ciudadanos y vuelvan a un orden constitucional dirigido por civiles.

Afghanistan: Ambassadors and legislators discuss strengthening accountability mechanisms while addressing the humanitarian crisis

This meeting provided an opportunity for an open and fruitful exchange on how Members of Parliaments can act to contribute to the prevention of atrocity-crimes and to improve the safety and security of Afghan civilians.

El intento de golpe de Estado en Guinea Bissau señala la necesidad de un nuevo enfoque global en apoyo a la democracia y al Estado de Derecho

Parliamentarians for Global Action condena enérgicamente el fallido golpe de Estado en Bissau y expresa sus más sentidas condolencias a las familias de los defensores de la democracia que dieron su vida resistiendo a los violentos atacantes.

Military Authorities in Burkina Faso must respect the Constitutional Order

This coup d’état takes place in a context of profound discontent over the security crisis fueled by the government's inability to prevent and tackle abuses by so-called jihadist groups in the country since 2015.

Women Parliamentarians Oppose Racism, Hate Speech & Discrimination

Experts, civil society representatives, Members of Parliament, and other key stakeholders, gathered to discuss the prevention of disinformation which have notably contributed to the increase of hate speech, incitement and the commission of egregious crime

Covid-19 Recursos 2021

La crisis sanitaria mundial actual a la que nos enfrentamos requiere de una respuesta global inmediata. Los parlamentarios tienen un rol fundamental a desempeñar durante la pandemia.

“S.T.O.P.” a la violencia contra las mujeres parlamentarias

La existencia y prevalencia del sexismo, la misoginia, el retroceso democrático y el autoritarismo han creado un terreno fértil para la institucionalización de la violencia contra las mujeres en la política y las defensoras de derechos humanos.

Trinidad and Tobago Must Continue Safeguarding Democracy and its Institutions

In recent months, Trinidad and Tobago has been facing political turmoil exacerbated by the impact posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Coup d’état in Sudan: an unfortunate setback delaying the democracy-building process and justice for victims

The recent events that took place during the evening of Monday 25 October 2021 in Khartoum, Sudan, are yet more evidence of the worrying trend of democratic backsliding worldwide.

International Day of Democracy: An Opportunity to Reaffirm our Commitment to Democratic Renewal

Today, as the world continues grappling with the devastating effects of a global pandemic and a severe decline of democracy and human rights Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins efforts to echo and commemorate the International Day of Democracy.

Tunisian authorities must respect democratic institutions

PGA urges Tunisian authorities to respect democratic principles and restore the democratic order. Respect for judicial independence, human rights and civil and political rights, and the separation of powers, are fundamental to the Rule of Law.

Malaysian Government Must Respect Constitutional Rights of Opposition Legislators

PGA urges the Malaysian government to respect its constitutional order, fundamental democratic principles such as the separation of power, and the civil and political rights of parliamentarians.

Joint Statement of Concern on the Rise in Anti-Bahá’í  Propaganda

A recent report by the Bahá'í Community of Canada found that “Iran’s state-sponsored campaign of hatred against the Bahá'í Faith has been on the rise across all media platforms, including the web, social media, radio, newspapers, and television.”

Parlamentarios para la Acción Global condena el encarcelamiento del Diputado Freddy Guevara

El 12 de julio de 2021, el opositor venezolano y expresidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, Freddy Guevara, fue víctima de desaparición forzada tras estar más de 55 horas detenido arbitrariamente por el Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN).

PGA calls for the universal access to safe, effective, and affordable vaccines against the COVID-19

PGA expresses concerns about the unsatisfactory fulfilment of the right to access safe, effective, and affordable vaccines.

Ecuadorian Legislators Engage on Sustainable Oceans, Human Rights, and Democracy

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce PGA’s Programs and Campaigns to newly elected members of the National Assembly, and to elect a Secretary for the National Group

Increased support for Zimbabwean MPs expelled from Parliament

Written Question To HR/VP Borrell On The Political Situation In Zimbabwe And The Case Of Expulsion Of Democratically Elected Parliamentarians Of The MDC-Alliance

PGA’s global membership condemns the terrorist attacks against President Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of People’s Majlis, Maldives

PGA expresses heartfelt solidarity with the Speaker of the Republic of the Maldives, Hon. Mohamed Nasheed MP, former President of the Maldives and a member of PGA, members of security forces, and civilians who were victims of a barbaric bombing yesterday

Violación Del Principio De Separación De Poderes En El Salvador:  El Poder Judicial Debilitado

Nuevas Ideas, el partido político del presidente Nayib Bukele que tiene una mayoría parlamentaria absoluta, casi el 80% de la Asamblea Legislativa de 84 miembros, debe garantizar la representación de todos los sectores de la sociedad y defender los derechos humanos y la participación inclusiva en lugar de llevar a su país hacia el autoritarismo

PGA & the RWCHR denounce the incarceration and persecution of former Burundi MP Fabien Banciryanino

We denounce the accusations against Mr. Banciryanino for condemning human rights abuses in his country and urge authorities to immediately and unconditionally release him.

New Zealand MPs committed to supporting Nasrin Sotoudeh & Human Rights Defenders

The New Zealand Parliament and PGA, co-organized a critical event to support and advocate for the immediate and unconditional release of Iranian human rights defender, Nasrin Sotoudeh

PGA Strongly Condemns Death Threats From Saudi Official Against Outgoing UN Special Rapporteur On Extrajudicial, Summary Or Arbitrary Killings, Dr. Agnès Callamard

Threats follow Dr. Agnès Callamard's investigation of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi committed in 2018 at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 5: Etiopía

Las Autoridades En Ethiopia Deben Parar Las Detenciones Arbitrarias, La Persecución Política Y Los Asesinatos En Masa

In Support of Senator Leila De Lima: Anita Vandenbeld Addresses Canadian Parliament

Anita Vandenbeld addresses Canadian Parliament to mark 4 years of Senator Leila De Lima Imprisonment.

Panel Discussion: How Parliamentarians Can Support At-Risk Human Rights Defenders

Parliamentarians for Global Action and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights co-hosted a panel discussion on the documentary film NASRIN and how legislators can support at-risk human rights defenders.

Global parliamentarians stand in solidarity with Myanmar colleagues

As organizations of current and former lawmakers from across the world, we stand in solidarity with the elected representatives of Myanmar's Parliament and call on the military to respect democracy...

In Memoriam – Hon. Meherzia Labidi, a voice for justice and human rights in Tunisia

It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Honorable Meherzia Labidi, on 22 January 2021, at the age of 57 years old

Parlamentarios para la Acción Global condena el golpe de Estado en Myanmar

Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA) condena enérgicamente el golpe de Estado que tuvo lugar hoy en Birmania

PGA expresses solidarity with Members of the US Congress attacked on January 6, 2021 and calls for accountability for the acts of violence that led to the deaths of four people

Members of PGA, the largest network of individual legislators from all regions of the world committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law, deplore the unprecedented attacks on the US Congress that took place in Washington DC on January 6, 2021

Covid-19 Recursos 2020

La crisis sanitaria mundial actual a la que nos enfrentamos requiere de una respuesta global inmediata. Los parlamentarios tienen un rol fundamental a desempeñar durante la pandemia.

Egyptian Authorities Should Immediately and Unconditionally Release Human Rights Activists

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) condemns the recent imprisonment of three leaders of a prominent Egyptian civil society organization, who have been held in pre-trial detention on baseless charges...

The Expulsion of Pro-Democracy Lawmakers from the Legislative Council in Hong Kong is a Violation of the Domestic and International Rule of Law

On 11 November 2020, China’s National People's Congress passed a resolution allowing Hong Kong authorities to expel members of the domestic legislature.

Iranian Authorities should Immediately Release Human Rights Defender Nasrin Sotoudeh

Ms. Sotoudeh was arrested and imprisoned based on politically motivated charges.

Magnitsky-Type Sanctions: A Tool for Parliamentarians in Addressing Human Rights Abuses

To commemorate the Int'l Day of Democracy, PGA, and the RWCHR are organizing a Panel Discussion on Magnitsky-type “sanctions” and how legislators can contribute to preventing and fighting impunity for the violation of human rights.

El régimen de Maduro intimida a un miembro destacado de PGA en Venezuela

El Gobierno de Maduro refleja un accionar que recoge los elementos típicos de una persecución política.

Zimbabwe debe poner fin a los abusos contra los derechos humanos y defender los principios democráticos y el Estado de Derecho

Recent crackdowns in Zimbabwe have left the country with several people killed, injured and arrested.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 4: Brasil

La Grave Negligencia Contra La Población Indígena De Brasil Durante La Pandemia Del Covid-19 Puede Constituir Un Genocidio

El Grupo Nacional de PGA en Argentina apoya la Campaña por una Gobernanza Democrática Global

La Diputada Carla Piccolomini, Presidenta del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Argentina, expresó el apoyo del grupo hacia la Campaña por una Gobernanza Global Democrática promovida por La Democracia Global.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 3: Venezuela

En los últimos años, se ha incrementado el número de casos de parlamentarios que están siendo atacados por el mal accionar de su gobierno y que se encuentran en prisión.

PGA Decries the Passage of National Security Legislation and Attacks on Hong Kong Democracy

Today, 1 July 2020, marks the 23rd anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong from British administration. However, this day might be remembered in future both for the end of Hong Kong’s colonial rule and demise of its democracy...

Member Op-Ed: Parliamentarians Must Face the Democratic Impacts of Covid-19 Together

by Mr. Anders Österberg, MP (Sweden), and Hon. Dorcas Sibanda, MP (Zimbabwe)

PGA Joins Pro-Democracy Institutions, World Leaders, and Nobel Laureates  in “A Call to Defend Democracy”

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) is honored to join more than 500 political, civil leaders, Nobel Laureates and pro-democracy institutions who have signed an open letter to defend democracy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) can S.T.A.N.D. with Hong Kong

PGA Members worldwide have asked how they can act in support of democracy. In response, PGA has compiled an acrostic with five concrete ways you can S.T.A.N.D. with Hong Kong.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 2: El Salvador

Durante más de 20 años, el bipartidismo político liderado por el partido Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) y el Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) ha generado importantes frustraciones en El Salvador...

Declaración de PGA sobre la degradación del Estado de Derecho en los Estados Unidos: El papel de los parlamentarios como custodios de la democracia, los derechos humanos, la justicia y la paz

PGA adds its voice to those of respected domestic and international human rights organisations in condemning all forms of racial discrimination and expressing profound concern over recent events in the United States.

PGA Calls for Respect of International Law and Human Rights in Hong Kong

A new National Security Law in China may have devastating consequences for human rights in Hong Kong and represents a profound assault on Hong Kong’s autonomy and an unacceptable breach of international law.

Alerta de Acción Urgente 1: Malasia

The health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded against a background of political turmoil... As one expert puts it, Malaysia now faces a triple crisis of coronavirus, economy, and politics.

Webinar organizado por PGA y la OEA sobre la Acción político-parlamentaria en tiempos del COVID-19

In the framework of a memorandum of understanding between the Organization of American States (OAS) and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), signed on 24 February, both organizations have organized...

Parlamentarios para la Acción Global celebra el lanzamiento del Equipo Parlamentario de Respuesta Rápida (EPRR)

De acuerdo con el creciente consenso actual de los últimos años, la democracia se encuentra en un declive importante a nivel mundial.

Parliamentarians Worldwide Demand That Philippines Senator Leila De Lima Be Allowed to Participate in Legislative Proceedings

Senator Leila De Lima’s voice is needed more than ever to defend democracy in The Philippines. Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins allies worldwide in demanding that she be allowed to participate in legislative proceedings.

Dip. Gloria Reyes de la República Dominicana y miembro de PGA llama al Poder Ejecutivo a pronunciarse a favor de la propuesta de Costa Rica a la OMS para facilitar el acceso y uso de tecnologías útiles para combatir el coronavirus

En su resolución dirigida al Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados, la Diputada Reyes convoca a que el Ministro de Salud Pública se pronuncie formalmente ante la OMS...

Asambleísta Soledad Buendía comparte testimonio sobre  su persecución política en Ecuador

La represión política de los legisladores de la oposición en Ecuador se ve agravada por la crisis del COVID-19

Mensaje en Relación a Las Medidas Adoptadas por Nuestra Organización en Respuesta al Covid-19

La pandemia del nuevo Coronavirus, o COVID-19, ha impactado cada uno de los rincones del mundo poniendo de manifiesto las desigualdades a las que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad.

5th Anniversary of Boris Nemtsov’s Assassination: PGA Members Call for Justice and an End to Violence Against Politicians

PGA solemnly marks the fifth anniversary of the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, an opposition politician, human rights advocate, and champion for democracy in Russia.

Legisladores de América Latina discuten en la OEA su papel como defensores de la democracia en la era digital

El 24 de febrero de 2020, la OEA y PGA firmaron un Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE) y co-organizaron un diálogo institucional sobre el papel de los parlamentarios como defensores de la democracia en la era digital.

PGA Statement on the situation in El Salvador

PGA condemns the assault of the armed and security forces on the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador on 9 February 2020..

PGA Members in the U.S. Congress and Worldwide Support Incarcerated Philippines Senator Leila de Lima following her 1,000th Day of Unlawful Detention

Sen. de Lima’s case underscores a troubling trend, not only for the rule of law in The Philippines, but for the rights of parliamentarians worldwide, who increasingly experience intimidation, attacks, and personal reprisals.

¿Por qué protesta la gente en Ecuador? Análisis de la Asambleísta Esther Cuesta

Durante los 11 días que duró el Paro Nacional y las protestas del movimiento indígena del Ecuador, la Defensoría del Pueblo registró un total de 11 personas fallecidas

Chile Uprising: Diputado Tucapel Jiménez Offers On-The-Ground Perspective

Dip. Tucapel Jimenez, longstanding and prominent PGA Board Member, provides a critical look at the situation in the country, its causes, the ways towards a lasting solution and the role of parliamentarians in this process.

Las autoridades nacionales de Ecuador deben respetar a los derechos fundamentales de todos los legisladores

En un momento crítico para la democracia ecuatoriana, Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA, por su sigla en inglés) hace un llamado a las autoridades nacionales ecuatorianas...

PGA Members Take Decisive Action in Support of Prisoner of Conscience and PGA Member Senator Leila de Lima (The Philippines)

There have been 563 documented violations of the human rights of members of parliament (MPs) - a more than 20 percent increase in two years.

Miembros de PGA conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Democracia

Las historias de los defensores de la democracia parlamentaria en asociación con el proyecto Declinación y Renovación Democrática (Democracy Decay & Renewal, DEM-DEC).

PGA Mourns the Passing of Tongan Prime Minister ’Akilisi Pohiva, former PGA member and lifelong pro-democracy advocate

Pohiva served as the first prime minister of the South Pacific island nation elected by parliament rather than appointed by the monarch.

Hong Kong: PGA Members Call for the Hong Kong Government to Respect its Obligations to Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins numerous representatives of governments, civil society, and the international community to express grave concern regarding the ongoing situation in Hong Kong.campaign for democratic renewal

PGA condena ataque sistemático a la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela

PGA condena ataque sistemático a la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela y respalda la ruta política para superar la tragedia que vivimos los venezolanos y poner fin a la dictadura, persecución a la disidencia y violación de los derechos humanos en Venezuela.

Red de Parlamentarios exige poner fin a la persecución política de los diputados electos de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela por el régimen de Nicolas Maduro

Sr. Edgar Zambrano, vicepresidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, fue detenido arbitrariamente el miércoles 8 de mayo de 2019 por agentes del Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN) en Caracas.

PGA President Margareta Cederfelt Appointed OSCE Rapporteur on the Nemtsov case

In February 2019, PGA’s President and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Vice-president Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden), was appointed Rapporteur of the OSCE Commission of Enquiry on the assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.

PGA welcomes the adoption of European Parliament resolution on Cameroon and calls for the immediate release of opposition leader Prof. Maurice Kamto and all political prisoners

The global PGA network calls all relevant bodies of the International Community to take action to restore democracy and human rights under the Rule of Law in Cameroon.

PGA expresa serias preocupaciones por la detención continua de dos años de su miembro, la Senadora Filipina Leila de Lima

Senators De Lima and Trillanes IV called for the unconstitutionality of The Philippines’ withdrawal from the Rome Statute of the ICC, which may take effect on 17 March.

Forced Exile of Chair of PGA Brazil National Group

Dep. Jean Wyllys, Chair of the PGA National Group in Brazil and a leading Parliamentarian from the opposition has announced his decision to retire from Parliament following death-threats and other virulent, inhumane attacks.

Philippine Senator Leila de Lima thanks PGA for supporting her freedom

De Lima, the most prominent political prisoner under the Duterte administration, said she is grateful for the continued support she is getting from the international community.

UN WGAD Opinion calling for the immediate release of Sen. Leila M. de Lima (Philippines), PGA Member

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has issued an opinion on the case of the politically motivated detention of Senator Leila De Lima (Philippines), PGA Member.

The global PGA network supports the “Parliamentary Call for Global Democratic Renewal” on International Human Rights Day

London/New York-The Hague: Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action in 140 countries of all regions of the world celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights today, 10 December 2018.

PGA condena la violación de los derechos civiles y políticos del legislador Juan Requesens

PGA hace un llamamiento al Gobierno de Venezuela para que ponga en libertad de forma inmediata al diputado Juan Requesens, quien el 7 de agosto de 2018 fue detenido a la fuerza por el Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN).

Grupo Nacional de PGA en Venezuela respalda el informe del Alto Comisionado de la ONU

El informe sobre las violaciones sistemáticas de los derechos humanos en Venezuela: “Un espiral descendente que no parece tener fin”

European Parliament adopts Resolution condemning the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines

PGA Board Member Barbara Lochbihler introduced a comprehensive draft that contributed to the final text supported by all political groups.

PGA condemns the prolonged detention in Maldives of Hon. Ahmed Mahloof, MP, under the state of emergency law

Persistent and repeated violations of the fundamental human rights of MPs are being committed by the authorities of The Maldives.

PGA Statement on The Situation in Guinea Bissau

PGA is deeply concerned over the continuous political and institutional crisis in Guinea Bissau.

PGA Concerned about Repeated Violations to Human Rights  and the Rule of Law in the Maldives

Repeated violations of the principle of separation of powers not only seriously undermines democratic processes but also the effectiveness and independence of the Judiciary.

The Constitutional Rights of Parliamentarians in the Maldives Must Be Respected

The global membership of PGA reiterates its call to Maldivian authorities to respect the rights of every individual including parliamentarians, in accordance with national, as well as international, legal and democratic norms and obligations.

PGA Expresses Deep Concerns Over Violations of the Democratic Process and Human Rights of Parliamentarians in the Maldives

PGA is deeply concerned at reports of severe political repression in the Maldives, including serious violations of the constitutional and democratic processes and the arrest of several opposition Members of Parliament.

PGA Calls for the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Senator Leila de Lima of the Philippines

Senator Leila de Lima was arrested on charges claiming she had received money from drug dealers inside the country’s prisons. She is now in custody.

Open Letter from Parliamentarians in support of Burundian human rights defenders and journalists

Burundi: stop the violence and the attacks against human rights defenders and journalists

PGA Statement concerning the restrictions of personal liberty against Mr. Ahmed Mahloof, MP (Maldives), PGA Member

PGA expresses its undiminished solidarity with Mr. Mahloof for his prolonged detention without formal charges being presented to him before an independent judge.

PGA Calls for Peaceful Presidential Elections in Nigeria

PGA urges Nigerians to restrain from using violence during the presidential elections to be held on the 28 March 2015 and calls for peaceful elections.

Carta Abierta dirigida al Gobierno Nacional de Colombia

PGA expresa su profunda preocupación y condena las amenazas de muerte que el Sen. Ivan Cepeda Castro y su Asesor, Agustín Jiménez han recibido.

PGA Statement on the Situation in Thailand

PGA wishes to express its deep concern at the military coup that has occurred in Thailand.In this regard, PGA urges maximum restraint be used and an abstention from violence or any kind by any party during these difficult times.

PGA Condemns the Military Coup in Mali

PGA condemns the military coup in Mali.Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins the Council on Peace and Security of the African Union, the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council, the European Union and many others that have firmly condemne