- Acerca de Nosotros
- Strategic Plan 2025-2027: Toward A Greater Flourishing
- Quiénes somos
- Balances Financieros
- Cómo trabajamos
- Colaboraciones y Asociaciones
- Patrocinadores
- Nuestra historia y logros
- Contáctenos
- Empleos y pasantías
- Programas y Campañas
- Programa de Democracia, Género e Inclusión
- Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Women, Girls and LGBTI Persons: Policy Recommendations for Parliamentarians
- Campaña para acabar con el matrimonio infantil, precoz y forzado (CEFM)
- Countries where PGA’s Global Parliamentary Declaration to End Child Marriage has been endorsed
- Declaración Global Parlamentaria para Eliminar el Matrimonio Infantil, Temprano y Forzado
- Campaña para la Renovación Democrática y los Derechos Humanos
- Impacto del COVID-19 en la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos: Recursos para Parlamentarios
- Equipo Parlamentario de Respuesta Rápida
- Covid-19 Recursos 2021
- Covid-19 Recursos 2020
- Caja de Herramientas Parlamentarias para la Defensa de la Democracia
- Conclusion
- 9. Indicators to support evidence-based legislation and policy-making
- 8. International relations: Geopolitical reshuffle in the face of global threats
- 7. Technology and governance for democracy
- 6. State capture
- 5. Attacks on traditional guardrails
- 4. Leadership style of backsliding
- 3. The participation of women in politics
- 2. Disinformation vs. misinformation: The issue of dangerous speech
- 1. Erosion of democratic principles
- Introduction: Democracy in Crisis
- Glossary
- Resumen Ejecutivo
- Foreword
- Acknowledgment
- Campaña contra la discriminación basada en la orientación sexual y la identidad de género (SOGI)
- Programa de Derechos Humanos y Medioambiente
- Movilizar a los parlamentarios por el clima
- #InsightsByLawmakers
- Episode 15: Hon. Valerie Woods, MP (Belize) on the value of PGA's Oceans Campaign for her work on Human Rights and the Environment
- Episode 16: Hon. Angela Brown-Burke, MP (Jamaica) on PGA's Oceans Campaign
- Episode 17: Dip. Ramón Barrios (Honduras) on the importance of the historic High Seas Treaty for human rights
- Episode 18: Ms. Petra Bayr (Austria) on the Oceans Campaign
- Episode 19: Hon. Patrick Kensenhuis, MP (Suriname) on Human Rights and the Environment
- Episode 11: Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua, MP (Fiji), on the #GenderClimateChallenge
- Episode 12: Hon. Magele Sekati Fiaui, MP (Samoa) on the #GenderClimateChallenge
- Episode 13 Special Feature: PGA Secretary-General, Ms. Mónica Adame on a Moratorium on Deep Seabed Mining
- Episode 14: Sen. Emilio Icaza (Mexico) on the importance of the High Seas Treaty for Human Rights and Democracy
- Episode 1: Dep. António Niquice (Mozambique) on Small-Scale Fisheries
- Episode 2: Hon. Angela Brown Burke (Jamaica) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 3: Dip. Juan Dionicio Rodríguez Restituyo (Dominican Republic) on Marine Protected Area
- Episode 4: Ms. Petra Bayr (Austria) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 5: Sen. Emílio Icaza (Mexico) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 6: Dip. Graciela Camaño (Argentina) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 7: Hon. Moustapha Saya (Cameroon) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 8: Hon. Rozaina Adam (Maldives) on Marine Protected Areas
- Episode 9: Hon. Naveed Qamar (Pakistan) on the #GenderClimateChallenge
- Episode 10: Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) on the #GenderClimateChallenge
- Campaña para la Protección de los Océanos e Implementación del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 14
- Conserving 30 Percent of the Ocean by 2030 - Implementation of SDG 14.2 and 14.5
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the Oceans (CAP-Oceans)
- Proyecto para poner fin a la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (INDNR) y la implementación de los ODS 14.4 y 14.6
- Declaración Parlamentaria Mundial para Aplicar una Moratoria sobre la Explotación Minera de los Fondos Marinos
- Proyecto sobre el aumento de la sostenibilidad de la pesca en pequeña escala (PPE) e Implementación del ODS 14.b
- Protección del alta mar - Implementación del ODS 14.c
- Parliamentary questions posed by PGA members on the Protection of the oceans
- Noticias y Actividades: La Protección de los Océanos
- Programa de Derecho Internacional y Derechos Humanos
- Campaña para la universalidad y eficacia del sistema del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- Estatus del Sistema del Estatuto de Roma
- Estados Partes del Estatuto de Roma
- Signatarios que no han ratificado el estatuto de roma
- Ucrania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Declaración Parlamentaria Global en Apoyo a la Corte Penal Internacional
- Afganistán y el Estatuto de Roma
- Albania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Argelia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Andorra y el Estatuto de Roma
- Angola y el Estatuto de Roma
- Antigua y Barbuda y el Estatuto de Roma
- Armenia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Austria y el Estatuto de Roma
- República de Argentina y el Estatuto de Roma
- Australia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bahamas y el Estatuto de Roma
- Baréin y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bangladés y el Estatuto de Roma
- Barbados y el Estatuto de Roma
- Belice y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bolivia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Brasil y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bosnia-Herzegovina y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bélgica y el Estatuto de Roma
- Benín y el Estatuto de Roma
- Botsuana y el Estatuto de Roma
- Burkina Faso y el Estatuto de Roma
- Burundi y el Estatuto de Roma
- Bulgaria y el Estatuto de Roma
- Camboya y el Estatuto de Roma
- Camerún y el Estatuto de Roma
- Cabo Verde y el Estatuto de Roma
- Canadá y el Estatuto de Roma
- Chile y el Estatuto de Roma
- República Centroafricana y el Estatuto de Roma
- Chad y el Estatuto de Roma
- Comoras y el Estatuto de Roma
- República del Congo y el Estatuto de Roma
- Colombia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Costa de Marfil y el Estatuto de Roma
- Costa Rica y el Estatuto de Roma
- Islas Cook y el Estatuto de Roma
- Croacia y el Estatuto de Roma
- República Checa y el Estatuto de Roma
- República Democrática del Congo y el Estatuto de Roma
- Chipre y el Estatuto de Roma
- Dinamarca y el Estatuto de Roma
- Yibuti y el Estatuto de Roma
- Dominica y el Estatuto de Roma
- República Dominicana y el Estatuto de Roma
- República del Ecuador y el Estatuto de Roma
- Egipto y el Estatuto de Roma
- El Salvador y el Estatuto de Roma
- Estonia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Fiyi y el Estatuto de Roma
- Finlandia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Francia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Gabón y el Estatuto de Roma
- Gambia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Ghana y el Estatuto de Roma
- Georgia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Alemania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Grecia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Granada y el Estatuto de Roma
- Guinea y el Estatuto de Roma
- Guatemala y el Estatuto de Roma
- Guinea-Bisáu y el Estatuto de Roma
- Guyana y el Estatuto de Roma
- Haití y el Estatuto de Roma
- Hungría y el Estatuto de Roma
- República de Honduras y el Estatuto de Roma
- Islandia y el Estatuto de Roma
- India y el Estatuto de Roma
- Indonesia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Irak y el Estatuto de Roma
- Irlanda y el Estatuto de Roma
- Italia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Jamaica y el Estatuto de Roma
- Japón y el Estatuto de Roma
- Jordania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Kenia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Kiribati y el Estatuto de Roma
- Kirguistán y el Estatuto de Roma
- Letonia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Líbano y el Estatuto de Roma
- Liberia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Lituania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Lesoto y el Estatuto de Roma
- Liechtenstein y el Estatuto de Roma
- Luxemburgo y el Estatuto de Roma
- Madagascar y el Estatuto de Roma
- Malaui y el Estatuto de Roma
- Malasia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Maldivas y el Estatuto de Roma
- Malí y el Estatuto de Roma
- Malta y el Estatuto de Roma
- Islas Marshall y el Estatuto de Roma
- Mauricio y el Estatuto de Roma
- México y el Estatuto de Roma
- Micronesia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Moldavia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Mongolia y el Estatuto de RomaI
- Montenegro y el Estatuto de Roma
- Marruecos y el Estatuto de Roma
- Mozambique y el Estatuto de Roma
- Namibia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Níger y el Estatuto de Roma
- Nigeria y el Estatuto de Roma
- Nepal y el Estatuto de Roma
- Nauru y el Estatuto de Roma
- Nueva Zelanda y el Estatuto de Roma
- República de Macedonia del Norte y el Estatuto de Roma
- Países Bajos y el Estatuto de Roma
- Noruega y el Estatuto de Roma
- Niue y el Estatuto de Roma
- Palaos y el Estatuto de Roma
- Palestina y el Estatuto de Roma
- Panamá y el Estatuto de Roma
- Papúa Nueva Guinea y el Estatuto de Roma
- Paraguay y el Estatuto de Roma
- Perú y el Estatuto de Roma
- Filipinas y el Estatuto de Roma
- Polonia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Portugal y el Estatuto de Roma
- Rumania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Sao Tomé y Príncipe y el Estatuto de Roma
- San Cristóbal y Nieves y el Estatuto de Roma
- San Marino y el Estatuto de Roma
- Santa Lucía y el Estatuto de Roma
- Samoa y el Estatuto de Roma
- Serbia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Eslovaquia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Islas Salomón y el Estatuto de Roma
- Sudán y el Estatuto de Roma
- Senegal y el Estatuto de Roma
- Seychelles y el Estatuto de Roma
- Sierra Leona y el Estatuto de Roma
- Sudáfrica y el Estatuto de Roma
- San Vicente y las Granadinas y el Estatuto de Roma
- Eslovenia y el Estatuto de Roma
- España y el Estatuto de Roma
- Suecia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Suiza y el Estatuto de Roma
- Somalia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Corea del Sur y el Estatuto de Roma
- Surinam y el Estatuto de Roma
- Tayikistán y el Estatuto de Roma
- Túnez y el Estatuto de Roma
- Tanzania y el Estatuto de Roma
- Togo y el Estatuto de Roma
- Trinidad y Tobago y el Estatuto de Roma
- Tonga y el Estatuto de Roma
- Tuvalu y el Estatuto de Roma
- Turquía y el Estatuto de Roma
- Timor Oriental y el Estatuto de Roma
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos y el Estatuto de Roma
- Reino Unido y el Estatuto de Roma
- Uganda y el Estatuto de Roma
- Estados Unidos y el Estatuto de Roma
- Uruguay y el Estatuto de Roma
- Vanuatu y el Estatuto de Roma
- Venezuela y el Estatuto de Roma
- Yemen y el Estatuto de Roma
- Zambia y el Estatuto de Roma
- Zimbabue y el Estatuto de Roma
- Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios sobre la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho (ACP-CPI)
- The United States and International Criminal Justice: A complex and challenging relationship
- Parlamento panafricano
- Grupo de Trabajo de la Región del MOAN
- Implementación
- Grupo de Trabajo de Asia y el Pacífico
- Grupo de Trabajo de Asia y el Pacífico
- Integridad e Independencia
- Universalidad del Estatuto de Roma
- Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa
- Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria entre los Estados de África, el Caribe y el Pacífico y la Unión Europea
- Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas
- Organización de los Estados Americanos
- Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas
- Asamblea de Estados Partes de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Cooperación
- Grupo de Trabajo sobre Derecho Internacional Público del Consejo de la Unión Europea
- Complementariedad
- Parlamento Europeo
- Enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma
- Actualizaciones de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Diciembre 2024 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Principales novedades judiciales y de otro tipo de la CPI Enero 2024 - Junio 2024
- Principales novedades judiciales y de otro tipo de la CPI Enero 2024 - Junio 2024
- Junio 2024 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Principales novedades judiciales y de otro tipo de la CPI Julio 2023 - Diciembre 2023
- Diciembre 2023 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Principales novedades judiciales y de otro tipo de la CPI Enero 2023 - Junio 2023
- Junio 2023 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI Julio 2022 - Diciembre 2022
- Diciembre 2022 Actualización De La Campaña Para El Estatuto De Roma De La Cpi
- Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (enero 2022 – junio 2022)
- Junio 2022 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (julio 2021 – dic. 2021)
- Diciembre 2021 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Junio 2021 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (enero - junio de 2021)
- Diciembre 2020 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (mayo - diciembre de 2020)
- Mayo 2020 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Acontecimientos Clave en la CPI (enero - mayo de 2020)
- Actualización Final De La Campaña Del Estatuto Roma De Pga 2019
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – sep - oct de 2017
- Iniciativa global contra la impunidad por crímenes internacionales y graves violaciones de los derechos humanos: Haciendo que la justicia funcione
- Download: What is the Global Initiative Against Impunity?
- Video: Iniciativa Global contra la Impunidad
- Campaña para la abolición de la pena de muerte (APM)
- Filipinas y la pena de muerte
- Ghana y la pena de muerte
- Malasia y la pena de muerte
- Estados Unidos y la pena de muerte
- Sri Lanka y la pena de muerte
- Kenia y la pena de muerte
- Japón y la pena de muerte
- Palestina y la pena de muerte
- Zimbabue y la pena de muerte
- Papua New Guinea y la pena de muerte
- Nepal y la pena de muerte
- Ecuador y la pena de muerte
- Reino Unido y la pena de muerte
- Uganda y la pena de muerte
- Togo y la pena de muerte
- Tanzania y la pena de muerte
- Suiza y la pena de muerte
- Surinam y la pena de muerte
- Corea del Sur y la pena de muerte
- Sierra Leona y la pena de muerte
- Paquistán y la pena de muerte
- Noruega y la pena de muerte
- Níger y la pena de muerte
- Marruecos y la pena de muerte
- Malí y la pena de muerte
- Maldivas y la pena de muerte
- Australia y la pena de muerte
- Líbano y la pena de muerte
- Jordania y la pena de muerte
- Irak y la pena de muerte
- Indonesia y la pena de muerte
- India y la pena de muerte
- Guinea y la pena de muerte
- República Democrática del Congo y la pena de muerte
- Costa de Marfil y la pena de muerte
- Chad y la pena de muerte
- República Centroafricana y la pena de muerte
- Camerún y la pena de muerte
- Burkina Faso y la pena de muerte
- Reportes Trimestrales Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Reporte Trimestral de la Campaña sobre la Abolición de la Pena de Muerte – abril-junio 2023
- Reporte Trimestral de la Campaña sobre la Abolición de la Pena de Muerte – Enero-marzo 2023
- Diciembre de 2022: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Septiembre de 2022: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Septiembre 2020: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Mayo de 2020: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Diciembre de 2019: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Septiembre de 2019: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- junio de 2019: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- marzo de 2019: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- diciembre de 2018: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- septiembre de 2018: Reporte Trimestral Campaña Sobre la Abolicion de la Pena de Muerte
- Programa de Paz y Seguridad Internacionales
- Campaña Mundial Contra Crímenes Cibernéticos
- Campaña para la Bioseguridad y la Salud
- Parliamentary Universal Engagement Bio Legislative Observatory (PUEBLO)
- Campaña de Seguridad Nuclear y Radiológica
- Centro de Noticias
- PGA launches Global Parliamentary Initiative on Responsible Artificial Intelligence
- «Más allá de la retórica: el papel de la UE en la defensa de la justicia internacional» - Participación de PGA en el Congreso EUmans
- Justicia en acción: el expresidente de Filipinas Duterte detenido tras la orden de arresto de la CPI
- Los parlamentarios: actores de la igualdad de mujeres y niñas
- Sharing Our Deep Disappointment Around Funding Cuts to PGA and Other Global Human Rights and Humanitarian Efforts
- Tres años de guerra a gran escala en Ucrania, tres años de intensos esfuerzos para que Ucrania rinda cuentas
- PGA’s Secretary General meets with Members of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal
- Escalada de violencia en la República Democrática del Congo: PGA pide que se rindan cuentas
- Constitutional Reform in the Caribbean: An opportunity for greater inclusion
- Primer Congreso Mundial sobre Desaparición Forzada: PGA se posiciona contra la impunidad
- Declaración Parlamentaria Mundial para la Protección de la Alta Mar
- PGA 2024 Year in Review and Looking Ahead to 2025
- Parliamentary Rapid Response Team raises alarm on violations of Human Rights of Members of Parliament in Bangladesh
- PGA acoge con satisfacción el Proyecto de Resolución sobre la Prevención y el Castigo de los Crímenes contra la Humanidad
- Parliamentarians in Trinidad and Tobago Develop Recommendations to Strengthen Environmental Governance and Secure the Human Rights of Environmental Defenders
- Parliamentary Delegation Participates in the Equal Rights Coalition Conference
- PGA co-organizes the Global Equality Summit, Cape Town (South Africa)
- Growing Momentum for the Abolition of the Death Penalty – Adoption of the 2024 UN General Assembly Biennial Resolution on a Moratorium on the Use of the Death Penalty
- Historic vote: Zimbabwe Parliament adopts the Death Penalty Abolition Bill
- In Memoriam: Hon. Jim Leach, former US Representative from Iowa and former President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (1991-1993)
- PGA promotes the Rome Statute system at the 23rd Session of the Assembly of States Parties
- Nicaraguan Authorities Must Release Indigenous Leaders Brooklyn Rivera and Nancy Henríquez
- Republic of Seychelles Deposits its Instrument of Ratification to ICSANT With the United Nations
- Belize Raises Legal Age for Marriage to 18 Years
- Vanuatu - Parliamentary approval of Accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- 45ᵗʰ Annual Forum and 13ᵗʰ Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC) in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Election of New Board Members at the 45th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action
- PGA welcomes the Nomination of a Point of Contact by The Gambia to the United Nations Security Council 1540 Committee
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global otorga el Premio al Defensor de la Democracia 2024 a la Sra. Hina Jilani y a la Sra. Fawzia Koofi
- PGA Congratulates National Assembly of Seychelles on Authorization of ICSANT Ratification
- PGA Gathers Parliamentarians to Address the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- Somalia, The Gambia and Guinea encouraged to comply with reporting requirements under UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)
- PGA National Parliamentary Session on Nuclear and Radiological Security, Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Malawi, Kenya and Papua New Guinea invited to accede to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- Girls’ vision for the future
- Seychelles Requests Invitation to Accede to Budapest Convention
- PGA Signs Open Letter to Protect Women's Rights
- The Death Penalty Protects No One – PGA Commemorates the 2024 World Day Against the Death Penalty
- Statement by former PGA Member Hon. Kindness Paradza on the domestication of the Biological Weapons Convention in Zimbabwe
- Parlamentarios: Actores fundamentales para hacer frente a las amenazas de la IA a la democracia y aprovechar su potencial
- PGA Celebrates the Verkhovna Rada’s Historic Adoption of the Law Ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and its Amendments
- Legisladores denuncian la violencia política contra la oposición en Venezuela en medio de los controvertidos resultados electorales
- PGA Celebrates the Release of Mr. Vladimir Kara-Murza
- Ghanaian MPs Engage in High-Level Discussions on ICC Draft Implementing Legislation Bill
- Seychelles Approves Ratification of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT)
- PGA participates in Human Rights Activists Forum
- PGA Member Hon. Dr. Ephraim Kayembe MP welcomes ratification of Arms Trade Treaty by the Government of Malawi
- Strengthening the Abolitionist Movement: Launch of the Global Consortium for Death Penalty Abolition
- Championing Human Rights, Democracy and The Rule of Law - International Day of Parliamentarism 2024
- PGA National Parliamentary Session on Nuclear and Radiological Security Dodoma, Tanzania
- Parliamentarians Must Tackle Hate Speech to Protect Inclusive Democracy
- Somalia Paves the Way for Justice & Accountability
- Haciendo que la justicia funcione: la sociedad civil se une en la lucha global contra la impunidad
- Parliamentarians from Suriname Strengthen ties with International Organizations to Champion International Cooperation
- Legislators and Representatives of the Diplomatic Community discuss Democracy and Human Rights
- PGA Welcomes Unanimous Parliamentary approval in Fiji for Accession to Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- Roundtable Conversation on Promoting Safe and Inclusive Political Environments for Women Parliamentarians:
- Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee and PGA Executive Committee
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA) Celebra la Aprobación de la Ley de Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) por parte de Ecuador
- Parliamentarians from the Pacific participate in the Region’s 3rd Human Rights Conference on Inclusion of Persons of Diverse SOGIESC
- Legislators are key allies in achieving the goal of “No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all”
- Empowering Action on the Escazú Agreement: A Parliamentarians and Civil Society Dialogue
- Promoting Accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in the Pacific
- PGA reestablishes National Group in Mexico
- Champions for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Equality: A Conversation with Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Uganda
- PGA Congratulates Grenada on becoming the 72nd State Party to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- PGA Congratulates Sierra Leone on becoming the 71st State Party to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- Champions for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Equality: A Conversation with Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Uganda
- Let’s Avoid the Trap of Discrimination and Intolerance
- Voices of African Parliamentarians on Ghana's Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill
- National Parliamentary Session on Promoting Nuclear and Radiological Security in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Democratic Republic of the Congo: High Risk of Resumption of the Death Penalty
- Este Día Internacional de la Mujer, conviértete en un Defensor de la Igualdad de la Mujer y de la Participación Igualitaria en la Vida Pública
- Ghana Parliament Approves Anti-LGBTQ Bill with Potentially Devastating Impact on Human Rights, Democracy and Economic Development
- Board Member introduces bill to set a gender quota in the Parliament of Maldives
- Two Years of Aggression: A Call for Accountability for Ukraine Amid Repression of Political Dissent in the Russian Federation
- PGA National Parliamentary Session on Nuclear and Radiological Security - Harare, Zimbabwe
- Ukrainian Parliamentarians visit the ICC to Intensify Efforts for the Ratification of the Rome Statute
- Maldives’ Government must respect democratic values ahead of elections
- Armenia becomes the 124th State Party to the ICC
- Una nueva mancha en el camino de Guatemala hacia la democracia
- PGA participates in the 22nd session of the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC
- Cameroon Deposits Instrument of Accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- 44º Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Global
- Parliamentarians from Sub-Saharan Africa discuss Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minorities
- Llamado mundial para la creación de un Relator Especial de la ONU sobre Democracia
- PGA’s Rome Statute Campaign attends the ICC High-Level Asia-Pacific Seminar in Seoul
- National Parliamentary Session in Cameroon on Nuclear and Radiological Security
- PGA congratulates Armenia on ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- 44º Foro Anual (Agenda)
- Iranian authorities must cease persecution of Nasrin Sotoudeh and immediately release her
- National Parliamentary Session in Suriname on Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Armenia ratifies international treaties aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
- 21ˢᵗ World Day Against the Death Penalty
- Zimbabwe Accession to ICSANT and the Amendment to the CPPNM
- Parliamentarians Develop Recommendations on their Role in the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters
- Parliamentary Delegation from Sub-Saharan Africa Participates in EuroPride Valletta 2023
- Unidos en la acción en el Día Internacional de la Democracia
- OP-ED: Jamaican Senator Sophia Frazer-Binns on Environmental governance – A case for acceding to the Escazú Agreement
- Ghana abolishes the death penalty for ordinary crimes
- “I Oppose the Mandatory Hijab” Campaign
- Delegación Parlamentaria de Honduras participa en la VI Conferencia de Líderes Políticos LGBTI de las Américas y el Caribe
- PGA expresses sincere condolences on the passing of its extraordinary former member, Prof. Vittorio Prodi
- National Parliamentary Session in The Gambia on Nuclear and Radiological Security
- OP-ED: Against deep-sea mining, the international movement must grow!
- PGA National Parliamentary Session in Seychelles on Encouraging Female and Male Parliamentarians to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA) y ParlAmericas organizan conjuntamente una sesión multiactoral sobre gobernanza medioambiental eficaz
- Un cuarto de siglo desde la creación de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Declaración del Grupo de PGA en el Parlamento Europeo con motivo del 25 aniversario de la adopción del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- National Parliamentary Session in Trinidad and Tobago on Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Caribbean Regional Workshop on the Universalization of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocols
- PGA gathers parliamentarians from the ACP-EU to discuss the International Criminal Court
- Fighting against Torture is Fighting Against the Death Penalty
- Towards a Digital Rights Bill in Cameroon
- No Space for Hate Speech in Parliaments
- Parliamentarians in Mozambique Assess Increasing Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries
- PGA applauds the adoption of the Mutual Legal Assistance Convention
- “Bras de Fer” entre el Ejecutivo y la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador: Destrucción mutua
- Legisladores “Juntos siempre: unidos en la diversidad” para apoyar a las personas LGBTI+
- Building Resilience in Small-Scale Fishing Communities in South Africa: 3rd and 4th Roundtable Discussions
- Caribbean and Latin American Legislators Exchange Experiences on Escazú Agreement During COP2 Side Event
- PGA condemns Russia’s politically motivated conviction of Mr. Vladimir Kara-Murza
- Cook Islands Parliament Decriminalizes Homosexuality
- African Regional Workshop on the Universalization of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocols
- Legislators from Guyana Engage with PGA in Introductory Meeting
- Parlamentarios y Parlamentarias de todo el mundo piden al presidente Museveni que no apruebe el Proyecto de Ley contra la Homosexualidad 2023
- Parliament of Uganda adopts Law Criminalizing LGBTI+ Persons for Existing
- Condenamos la Aprobación de la Nueva Norma Que Penaliza la Identificación de las Personas LGBTIQ+ en Uganda
- Regional Plan of Action - Promoting Female Parliamentary Engagement in Support of the Silencing The Guns in Africa Initiative
- Uruguay completa el proceso de ratificación de todas las enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Belize becomes the 14th State Party to the Escazú Agreement
- Pacific Parliamentary Delegation Participates in Sydney WordPride 2023
- The High Seas Treaty: Historic Agreement to Protect the Ocean
- Panama Becomes First Country in Latin America to Achieve Over 50% Ocean Protection
- Re: Threats to Terminate the Mandate of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia
- One year of aggression against Ukraine
- The Escazú Agreement as Belize's Opportunity for Regional Leadership
- Propuesta para enmendar las enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma relativas al Crimen de Agresión
- South Sudan becomes the 185th State Party to the Biological Weapons Convention
- UN Ambassadors and Officials gather for the Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee
- Costa Rican parliamentarians discuss the Escazú Agreement
- Parliamentarians highlight the importance of the Escazú Agreement at COP27
- Increasing the Legitimacy of International Law and the democratization of International Law-Making
- In Memoriam: Remembering Mr. Denys Monastyrskyi, MP, Ukraine (1980-2023)
- PGA’s Parliamentary Rapid Response Team Strongly Condemns the killing of Former MP Ms. Mursal Nabizada
- Mónica Adame elected PGA’s Secretary-General for 2023-2025
- President of South Sudan has assented to accession by South Sudan to the Biological Weapons Convention
- Iran: No more Killings. No more room for Impunity. Action must be taken now!
- Democracy, the Rule of Law, and Fundamental Human Rights in Haiti are in Peril
- PGA’s engagement at the 21st session of the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC
- Apoyo a las mujeres parlamentarias que sufren violencia en todo el mundo
- South Sudan – The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) has approved the Biological Weapons Convention
- ASP 21 Side Event: The Universality of the International Criminal Court - On the importance of ratifying the Rome Statute and its Amendments
- PGA Participates in the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
- ASP 21 Side Event: Challenges For The Rome Statute System And The Fight Against Impunity
- Parliamentarians highlight the importance of the Escazú Agreement at the First Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters in Latin America & the Caribbean
- PGA welcomes the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2663 (2022) on November 30th, 2022
- Parliamentarians gather to discuss the protection of the Oceans
- Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty
- Former MPs Call for New Zealand to Make Aggression a Leadership Crime
- PGA expresses its firm support for the human rights to life and freedom for all in Iran
- 12° Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios sobre la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho (ACP-CPI)
- The Gambia commits to commence preparation and submission of its First National Report on Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540
- PGA concede en Buenos Aires los Premios al Defensor de la Democracia 2022 a tres destacados defensores de los derechos humanos y la democracia
- PGA/UNDP’s Parliamentary Roundtable at the Caribbean Regional Dialogue on LGBTQI+ D.A.T.A.
- 20th International Day against the Death Penalty
- PGA congratulates the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) for its Nobel Peace Prize
- Regional Caribbean Workshop to address the illicit trade in SALW in Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and Trinidad and Tobago
- PGA congratulates the Government of Gabon on the occasion of its Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Towards a just Peace – Affirming the rights of victims of the Crime of Aggression
- Implementing Accountability in Ukraine
- Afghanistan, Humanitarian Challenge: The Defense of Human Rights and Humanitarian Missions
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 6: Sri Lanka
- One year after the return of the Taliban’s dictatorial regime: No More Empty Words, Afghanistan Needs Action Now!
- African Parliamentary Forum on Sexual and Gender Minorities
- MPs condemn the recent politically motivated executions by the Myanmar military junta
- Central African Republic abolishes the Death Penalty
- Advocating for justice in Ukraine: PGA members from the Verkhovna Rada visit The Hague
- World Day for International Justice
- PGA welcomes the repeal of anti-LGBTQ laws in Antigua and Barbuda
- South African Legislators Assess Resilience of Small-Scale Fisheries
- Ecuador debe garantizar la verdad, justicia y reparación a las víctimas de violaciones de los derechos humanos ocurridas durante el paro nacional iniciado el 13 de junio de 2022
- PGA participates in the presentation of the Hemispheric Report on Child, Early and Forced Marriages and Unions
- International Day of Parliamentarism 2022: Defending the Human Rights of Parliamentarians
- Global Parliamentarians Call for a Moratorium on Deep Seabed Mining
- PGA Marks International Day for Countering Hate Speech
- Impulso renovado a la universalidad y la cooperación de cara al 20º aniversario de la CPI
- Malaysia’s Government pledges to abolish the death penalty
- Parliamentarians and UN Representatives agree on urgent need to protect the deep seabed
- Statement of the Ecocide Alliance On Environmental Crimes in Ukraine
- Taller regional africano de PGA para promover la seguridad biológica
- Third Roundtable: Supporting Afghan Nationals on the Ground and in Exile
- The Republic of Namibia has submitted its instrument of accession to the Biological Weapon Convention
- El Estado de Honduras reconoce responsabilidad en la muerte de Vicky Hernández, activista transgénero
- PGA calls for halting the execution of Dr. Ahmad Reza Djalali in Iran
- PGA Welcomes Cooperation at the First Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement
- Democracy, Human Rights, and Accountability at Grave Stake in the Philippines
- Ukraine: PGA calls for the ratification of the Rome Statute and welcomes the adoption of the Law on Cooperation with the ICC by the Verkhovna Rada
- PGA condemns the execution of Mr. Nagaenthran Dharmalingam
- Un paso de gigante hacia la justicia y la rendición de cuentas en Colombia
- Asian Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project Overview of Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM
- PGA participates in Workshop on Leadership for Good Governance and Social Transformation in the Caribbean
- PGA urges the authorities of Singapore to halt the execution of a mentally disabled person
- ICC President met with officials and PGA members in Guinea Bissau to advance the Rome Statute ratification
- Guerra en Ucrania
- Artificial Intelligence and the spread of Hate Speech and Propaganda
- PGA Statement on Atrocity-Crimes Committed in the Context of the Aggression Against Ukraine
- PGA Members Affirm Commitment to Gender Equality as a Pillar for Climate Action and Sustainability
- PGA congratulates the Philippines on the occasion of its ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- For a moratorium on the exploitation of the seabed!
- Caribbean Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project and Discussion on Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM
- Zimbabwe outlaws child and early marriage
- PGA calls on States to increase support for the ICC investigation in Ukraine
- Regional Parliamentary Webinar for Latin America and Caribbean to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- The Congress of Guatemala has approved ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
- Foreign Affairs Committees call on the creation of an international criminal tribunal into Putin's crimes
- Las autoridades de Burkina Faso deben respetar los derechos humanos de los ciudadanos y restaurar el gobierno civil
- African Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project
- Modernizing the International Criminal Court: Crimes against the Environment, Human Trafficking, Hybrid Justice and Corporate Accountability
- Expanding the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: A Project in Cooperation with Harvard Law School
- PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine
- PGA condemns Russian Federation’s blatant violation of International law and the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine
- Discusión estratégica en Ecuador sobre acciones para erradicar el matrimonio infantil, precoz y forzado
- Hon. Kasthuri Patto, MP (Malaysia) on Ending Child Marriage and Early Unions
- Afghanistan: Ambassadors and legislators discuss strengthening accountability mechanisms while addressing the humanitarian crisis
- El intento de golpe de Estado en Guinea Bissau señala la necesidad de un nuevo enfoque global en apoyo a la democracia y al Estado de Derecho
- Military Authorities in Burkina Faso must respect the Constitutional Order
- Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes
- PGA Congratulates Plenary of Senate of Philippines on Its Concurrence to Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- Letter to President Zelenskyi of Ukraine Urging Decisive Action on the Rome Statute of the ICC
- PGA Statement on the Recent Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami in Tonga
- PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine
- Parliamentarians for Global Action's Members remember the legacy of European Parliament President David Sassoli
- Women Parliamentarians Oppose Racism, Hate Speech & Discrimination
- “S.T.O.P.” a la violencia contra las mujeres parlamentarias
- Second Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the Oceans (CAP-Oceans)
- 42° Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA)
- Mozambique - PGA Member Hon. Ivone Soares has welcomed the publication of Mozambique's First National Report to the United Nations Security Council 1540 Committee
- Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates: From the Independent Experts Review report to action by the Assembly of States Parties
- PGA Parliamentary Webinar Promoting Universality and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocols in the Asia Pacific Region
- The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC
- Chile adopts Marriage Equality Law
- Working Group on Afghanistan: Legislators Must Continue to Put Pressure on Their Government
- PGA members urge the international community to protect the rights of girls and women in Afghanistan against all forms of violence and discrimination
- Trinidad and Tobago Must Continue Safeguarding Democracy and its Institutions
- UK reaffirms commitment to abolish death penalty globally in Question Time triggered by Mr. Mark Pritchard, MP
- PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia
- Senado de México aprueba la Ratificación de Enmiendas al Artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Italian Parliament authorises the Government to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes
- Coup d’état in Sudan: an unfortunate setback delaying the democracy-building process and justice for victims
- PGA Regional Asia Parliamentary Webinar to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Online Event: How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- PGA Board Member Addresses Regional IMO Seminar on The Ratification and Implementation of the 2012 Cape Town Agreement in Asia
- Parliamentarians from the Republic of Ghana and Uganda reinforced their commitment to international justice and human rights during their visit to the Hague
- PGA Webinar Promoting Universality and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol/s in the Caribbean Region
- Zimbabwe Accedes to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM)
- PGA congratulates the Government of Chile on the occasion of its ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
- PGA Welcomes the Refusal of Uganda's President to Promulgate the Sexual Offences Bill
- Successful participation of PGA members at the Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly celebrated during WorldPride Copenhagen 2021
- International Day of Democracy: An Opportunity to Reaffirm our Commitment to Democratic Renewal
- Roundtable on Afghanistan: Learning From Our Past Mistakes to Move Ahead to Try to Prevent New Atrocities
- Philippines Senate Ratifies Arms Trade Treaty
- Grupo Nacional de Argentina trabaja para ratificar el Acuerdo de Cabo
- PGA Regional Caribbean Parliamentary Webinar to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Civil Society Urges Sudanese Government to Transfer Former President Al-Bashir and Others to the International Criminal Court
- Afghanistan: Taliban must immediately halt human rights violations, especially those perpetrated against women and children
- Tunisian authorities must respect democratic institutions
- Malaysian Government Must Respect Constitutional Rights of Opposition Legislators
- Sudan: One step closer to ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Joint Statement of Concern on the Rise in Anti-Bahá’í Propaganda
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global condena el encarcelamiento del Diputado Freddy Guevara
- Unidos en Apoyo a la Justicia Internacional
- Inaugural PGA African Webinar Promoting Universality and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol/s
- An Open Letter to President Biden: Your Vow to End the Federal Death Penalty
- PGA President Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden) elected President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
- PGA calls for the universal access to safe, effective, and affordable vaccines against the COVID-19
- International Day of Parliamentarism 2021
- La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declara al Estado de Honduras responsable por la muerte de Vicky Hernández, una activista transgénero
- Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee
- Engaging Female and Male Parliamentarians in Promoting Nuclear and Radiological Security
- Reunión del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Honduras sobre el Proyecto de Ley de Igualdad y Equidad
- Ecuadorian Legislators Engage on Sustainable Oceans, Human Rights, and Democracy
- Estados Miembros de la OEA se reúnen con Funcionarios de la CPI y Representantes de la Sociedad Civil para hablar de Justicia Internacional y Cooperación
- Join PGA in virtual attendance of the UN High-Level Debate on the Ocean
- Croatia ratifies four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes
- Enabling Women Parliamentarians in Asia - Preventing, Combating and Eradicating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Seminario Parlamentario: La Implementación de estándares internacionales para la lucha contra la Impunidad por la Comisión de Crímenes Atroces
- Parliament of Ukraine Adopts Bill to Implement International Criminal and Humanitarian Law
- Increased support for Zimbabwean MPs expelled from Parliament
- The Role of Parliamentarians in Atrocity Prevention
- PGA condemns the adoption of the Sexual Offences Bill by the Parliament of Uganda
- PGA’s global membership condemns the terrorist attacks against President Mohamed Nasheed, Speaker of People’s Majlis, Maldives
- Dominican Republic and Ecuador Take Important Steps to Decriminalize Abortion
- Violación Del Principio De Separación De Poderes En El Salvador: El Poder Judicial Debilitado
- Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal declares the Death Penalty Unconstitutional
- Silencing the Guns Initiative
- Handbook on Disarmament Launched in Swedish Parliament
- UNDP’s ‘Being LGBTI in the Caribbean’ Regional Dialogue
- The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing Forced Marriage as a Crime Against Humanity into Domestic Law
- PGA & the RWCHR denounce the incarceration and persecution of former Burundi MP Fabien Banciryanino
- West African MPs Renew Their Commitment to the Fight Against Impunity
- PGA National Group in Suriname Will Meet with Civil Society to Promote the Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People
- New Zealand MPs committed to supporting Nasrin Sotoudeh & Human Rights Defenders
- Disarmament in A Time of Pandemic – The Role of Parliamentarians
- Legislators from Iraq, Jordan, Palestine and Yemen discuss the fight against impunity in the MENA region
- PGA Strongly Condemns Death Threats From Saudi Official Against Outgoing UN Special Rapporteur On Extrajudicial, Summary Or Arbitrary Killings, Dr. Agnès Callamard
- Armenia Ratifies International Treaty Aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- Virginia Abolishes the Death Penalty
- CSW65 Side Event: Women Leaders as Advocates for Equality and Inclusion of LGBTI+ Persons
- Women Leaders Speak Up for LGBTI+ Inclusion at CSW 2021
- PGA International Council elects new Board Members and discusses attacks on democracy and media-freedom during the global Pandemic
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 5: Etiopía
- In Support of Senator Leila De Lima: Anita Vandenbeld Addresses Canadian Parliament
- Jamaica should repeal homophobic laws, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights rules
- Panel Discussion: How Parliamentarians Can Support At-Risk Human Rights Defenders
- Meeting of Kenyan MPs and members of Girls Not Brides National Partnership in Kenya
- Global parliamentarians stand in solidarity with Myanmar colleagues
- In Memoriam – Hon. Meherzia Labidi, a voice for justice and human rights in Tunisia
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global condena el golpe de Estado en Myanmar
- PGA expresses solidarity with the victims of the armed conflict in Central African Republic
- PGA expresses solidarity with Members of the US Congress attacked on January 6, 2021 and calls for accountability for the acts of violence that led to the deaths of four people
- Improving the system for the nomination and elections of Judges: Can the “ICC system” learn from the European Court of Human Rights?
- Strategic Dialogue among parliamentarians and civil society on Ending Child, Early and Forced Marriage and other harmful practices in Kenya
- ACTUALIZACIÓN - El Senado de la República Dominicana ratifica proyecto de ley para prohibir el matrimonio infantil
- In Memoriam - Asambleísta Bairon Valle, Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador
- El Consejo de la Unión Europea adopta un nuevo mecanismo para abordar las graves violaciones de derechos humanos
- Lawmakers in Ecuador Discuss Impact of COVID-19 on Small-Scale Fisheries
- Egyptian Authorities Should Immediately and Unconditionally Release Human Rights Activists
- Italy’s Chamber of Deputies approves anti-discrimination bill that protects women and LGBTI people
- 11ª Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios sobre la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho (CAP-ICC)
- Senate of the Philippines passes bill that abolishes child marriage
- The Expulsion of Pro-Democracy Lawmakers from the Legislative Council in Hong Kong is a Violation of the Domestic and International Rule of Law
- PGA joins 5 other International Organizations in Launching Parliamentary Handbook on Disarmament
- Miembros de PGA en la República Dominicana toman importante iniciativa en favor de la igualdad y la no discriminación
- Introducing PGA’s One-on-One Interview Series
- Parlamentarios de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador se reúnen para discutir la Pena de Muerte en las Américas
- Philippines: PGA supports the legislative initiative of Sen. Leila de Lima to prevent and counter extrajudicial killings
- International Day of the Girl 2020
- Maldives’ High Court Recognizes Marital Rape for the First Time, PGA Executive Board Member, Rozaina Adam, MP (Maldives) reacted to the news
- PGA Marks 18th World Day Against the Death Penalty - ‘Access to counsel: a matter of life or death’ – What can parliamentarians do?
- Virtual Workshop with Malaysian and Indonesian Parliamentarians to address challenges of COVID-19 through Implementation of Existing International Biosecurity and Biosafety Frameworks
- Iranian Authorities should Immediately Release Human Rights Defender Nasrin Sotoudeh
- The Parliament of Ukraine passed in its first reading the Bill implementing international criminal and humanitarian law
- Magnitsky-Type Sanctions: A Tool for Parliamentarians in Addressing Human Rights Abuses
- El régimen de Maduro intimida a un miembro destacado de PGA en Venezuela
- Participation of Hon. Amina Maelainine in a Panel Discussion on Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes
- Parliamentarians in Maldives take action on Human Rights
- Regional Caribbean Consultation: The Role of Parliamentarians in Building More Inclusive Societies
- Zimbabwe debe poner fin a los abusos contra los derechos humanos y defender los principios democráticos y el Estado de Derecho
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 4: Brasil
- Parliament of Barbados adopts workplace protections for individuals of diverse sexual orientation
- Niue Accedes to the Arms Trade Treaty
- Afghanistan Accedes to the Arms Trade Treaty
- São Tomé and Príncipe Ratifies the Arms Trade Treaty
- El Grupo Nacional de PGA en Argentina apoya la Campaña por una Gobernanza Democrática Global
- Legislators from Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia discuss the fight against impunity
- PGA commemorates International Justice Day, emphasizing the importance of states’ efforts in reinforcing international and domestic justice systems
- As environmental damages and crimes amass, the interconnection between protection of human rights and nature becomes more prevalent
- Former PGA President Minou Tavárez Mirabal commits to supporting victims of international crimes as new Board Member of the Trust Fund for Victims at the ICC
- Central African Republic adopts law on the General Regime of Conventional Weapons, Their Parts, Components and Munitions
- Chile passes implementing legislation for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)
- Parliamentarians in Gabon decriminalize homosexuality
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 3: Venezuela
- PGA Decries the Passage of National Security Legislation and Attacks on Hong Kong Democracy
- Member Op-Ed: Parliamentarians Must Face the Democratic Impacts of Covid-19 Together
- PGA Joins Pro-Democracy Institutions, World Leaders, and Nobel Laureates in “A Call to Defend Democracy”
- How Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) can S.T.A.N.D. with Hong Kong
- Racismo, machismo, LGBTIfobia y coronavirus: ¿Qué va a matarme primero?
- The Central African Republic transfers Ali Kushayb to the International Criminal Court
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 2: El Salvador
- World Oceans Day: Parliamentarians are Vital to Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean
- Declaración de PGA sobre la degradación del Estado de Derecho en los Estados Unidos: El papel de los parlamentarios como custodios de la democracia, los derechos humanos, la justicia y la paz
- Members of the European Parliament express strong support for the ICC in an exchange with the ICC Prosecutor
- PGA Calls for Respect of International Law and Human Rights in Hong Kong
- Legislators in Ecuador discuss small-scale fisheries and the role they can play to ensure their sustainable management
- Alerta de Acción Urgente 1: Malasia
- Webinar organizado por PGA y la OEA sobre la Acción político-parlamentaria en tiempos del COVID-19
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global celebra el lanzamiento del Equipo Parlamentario de Respuesta Rápida (EPRR)
- Rompamos el silencio sobre las personas LGBTI en los tiempos del coronavirus
- Declaración Parlamentaria Global en Apoyo a la Negociación de un Tratado sobre la Prohibición de Armas Totalmente Autónomas
- Parliamentarians Worldwide Demand That Philippines Senator Leila De Lima Be Allowed to Participate in Legislative Proceedings
- PGA Members in DRC condemn recent acts of violence in Ituri and call for justice
- PGA Congratulates Government of Namibia on its Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Chad’s National Assembly abolishes the death penalty for all crimes
- In Memoriam de Felipe Michelini - Un líder inolvidable en la lucha por la justicia, la verdad y los derechos humanos
- Dip. Gloria Reyes de la República Dominicana y miembro de PGA llama al Poder Ejecutivo a pronunciarse a favor de la propuesta de Costa Rica a la OMS para facilitar el acceso y uso de tecnologías útiles para combatir el coronavirus
- Asambleísta Soledad Buendía comparte testimonio sobre su persecución política en Ecuador
- Acciones Que Nosotros, Como Parlamentarios Y Parlamentarias, Podemos Tomar Para Mitigar El Impacto De La Covid-19 En Niñas Y Mujeres Y Personas LGBTI
- Dorcas Sibanda: Death Penalty Should be Abolished Completely
- PGA Launches Global Parliamentary Campaign in Support of the Negotiation of a Treaty on the Prohibition of Fully Autonomous Weapons
- Mensaje en Relación a Las Medidas Adoptadas por Nuestra Organización en Respuesta al Covid-19
- COVID-19: UN chief calls for global ceasefire to focus on ‘the true fight of our lives’
- PGA Conducted A Field Mission To Advocate For Reversing The Withdrawal Of South Africa From The Rome Statute System
- Zimbabwean Legislators Renew Commitment to the International Criminal Court During Visit to The Hague
- Briefing on the need to fight IUU Fishing and promote Sustainable Small Scale-Fisheries
- Europe should show solidarity with Greece in coping with migration emergency, says OSCE PA’s Pritchard in Athens
- Miembros del Parlamento de Marruecos reiteran su compromiso con la Justicia Internacional
- PGA condemns deadly attacks against civilians in Delhi and calls for an independent investigation and prosecution of perpetrators
- 5th Anniversary of Boris Nemtsov’s Assassination: PGA Members Call for Justice and an End to Violence Against Politicians
- PGA Nigerian National Group formally inaugurated and recognized in the Nigerian National Assembly
- Legisladores de América Latina discuten en la OEA su papel como defensores de la democracia en la era digital
- Parliamentary meeting on Securing our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament
- UN Ambassadors and Leaders Discuss Synergies for a More Efficient National Implementation of SDGs
- PGA Statement on the situation in El Salvador
- The announcement of former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s surrender to the ICC is a contribution to peace in Darfur
- Convocatoria Urgente A La Acción: Exhortamos A Los Parlamentarios A Que Apoyen La Integridad De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI Y Luchen Para Que El Proceso De Elección De Jueces Sea Meritocrático
- Ukraine: Closer to Accountability for International Crimes
- PGA Regional South and South East Asia Workshop on Promoting Engagement of Women Parliamentarians in Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Los deseos de PGA por lograr la igualdad en 2020
- Mutual Legal Assistance Convention: PGA Advocating For Inter-State Cooperation On International Crimes
- PGA and Partners Take a Critical Step in the Fight Against Impunity in Ukraine
- PGA Members in the U.S. Congress and Worldwide Support Incarcerated Philippines Senator Leila de Lima following her 1,000th Day of Unlawful Detention
- Un acuerdo, una nueva oportunidad
- Kiribati Accedes to Rome Statute
- 24° Premio al Defensor de la Democracia
- 41° Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA)
- First Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the Oceans (CAP-Oceans)
- 16 Días de Activismo Contra la Violencia de Género: Acciones Parlamentarios y Parlamentarias Pueden Tomar
- PGA applauds the opening of an ICC investigation into atrocities committed against Rohingya population in Bangladesh/ Myanmar
- ¿Por qué protesta la gente en Ecuador? Análisis de la Asambleísta Esther Cuesta
- Regional Caribbean Workshop to Promote Engagement by Women Parliamentarians in Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Regional Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Implementation of International Biological Security Frameworks
- Chile Uprising: Diputado Tucapel Jiménez Offers On-The-Ground Perspective
- Renewed Global Parliamentary Support for the Protection of the Ocean
- Las autoridades nacionales de Ecuador deben respetar a los derechos fundamentales de todos los legisladores
- Pacific Youth and Parliamentarians Regional Dialogue
- Celebrando El Día Internacional De La Niña Como Parlamentaria/ Parlamentario
- Día Internacional de la Niña: miembros de PGA defienden firmemente los derechos de las niñas
- PGA Commemorates World Day Against the Death Penalty
- Hon. Kasthuri Patto: “There Is No Place in A New Malaysia for the Death Penalty”
- PGA Members Take Decisive Action in Support of Prisoner of Conscience and PGA Member Senator Leila de Lima (The Philippines)
- PGA Convenes Members of the European Parliament to take Action to Confront “New Frontiers in the Fight Against Impunity”
- PGA Members at the European Parliament at the vanguard of efforts to bring justice to the Rohingya people
- Miembros de PGA conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Democracia
- PGA Mourns the Passing of Tongan Prime Minister ’Akilisi Pohiva, former PGA member and lifelong pro-democracy advocate
- PGA Board member Hon. Levy Nazaré stands for the rights of LGBTI people in São Tomé and Príncipe
- Government of Maldives to accede to the Arms Trade Treaty
- United Republic of Tanzania Ratifies Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
- Hong Kong: PGA Members Call for the Hong Kong Government to Respect its Obligations to Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law
- La decisión del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos de reanudar las ejecuciones es una ofensa a los derechos humanos
- Sudan: PGA Members Demand the Arrest and Surrender of Omar al-Bashir and Accomplices to the International Criminal Court
- Mozambican Parliamentarians Say No to Child Marriage
- On International Justice Day, PGA Recognizes Parliamentarians at the Forefront of the Fight Against Impunity and Calls upon Legislators Worldwide to Join Them
- Dialogue between PGA’s Board Members and the UN LGBTI Core Group
- Parlamentarios africanos se reúnen en Banjul para discutir la rendición de cuentas por violaciones graves de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales
- The Crimes and Violence Committed in Ituri Province Will Not Go Unpunished
- PGA Member Dip. Lia Quartapelle (Italy) calls on government to suspend arms exports to all countries directly involved in the conflict in Yemen
- Brazil Takes Action to Criminalize Homophobic Acts
- Comunicado oficial de la Asambleísta Soledad Buendía (Presidenta, PGA Ecuador) sobre el matrimonio igualitario en su país
- Sudan: Peace and Stabilization Demand Accountability
- World Oceans Day – Malaysian Lawmakers Discuss Future of Our Oceans
- PGA Congratulates Council of Ministers of Government of South Sudan on its Decision to Accede to Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
- Comunicado de PGA sobre la Diputada Sandra Morán de Guatemala
- Estados de las Islas del Pacífico se comprometen a defender la justicia penal internacional
- New Hampshire becomes 21st US state to abolish the death penalty
- Regional Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop to promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)
- Regional Africa Workshop on Promoting the Role of Women Parliamentarians in Africa in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- LGBTI Blog: Parliamentarians should protect the rights of all Belizeans
- La experiencia en inclusión LGBTI de Argentina en el contexto de las Américas
- Parlamentarios Latinoamericanos se reúnen en Montevideo para promover la Justicia Internacional
- LGBTI Blog: Avanzando en garantías para las personas LGBTI en República Dominicana
- PGA condena ataque sistemático a la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
- Red de Parlamentarios exige poner fin a la persecución política de los diputados electos de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela por el régimen de Nicolas Maduro
- PGA President Margareta Cederfelt Appointed OSCE Rapporteur on the Nemtsov case
- Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador aprueba Enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma sobre Crimen de Agresión
- Palestine’s Accession to Treaty on the Abolition of the Death Penalty: Encouraging Sign for the Region
- PGA welcomes the adoption of European Parliament resolution on Cameroon and calls for the immediate release of opposition leader Prof. Maurice Kamto and all political prisoners
- PGA member, Rep. Jim McGovern, requests information on the Trump Administration’s decision to restrict visas of International Criminal Court staff
- Parliamentarians around the world welcome the arrest of ICC fugitive, Sudanese President al-Bashir
- Argentina Congress Issues Declaration of Interest giving visibility to the Campaign Against Sexism, Harassment and Violence Against Women in Parliaments #NotInMyParliament
- PGA participation at the ILGA World Conference in Wellington and event on LGBTI inclusion in the New Zealand Parliament
- PGA calls for an informed parliamentary debate on domestic implementation of the Rome Statute into Malaysian Law and for a reversal or, at least, a suspension of the decision to exit from the ICC
- Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador avanza con paso firme hacia la ratificación de las Enmiendas sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- PGA expresses its support for California Governor’s decision to enact moratorium on the death penalty in the state of California
- Parliamentarians express profound regret over the withdrawal of the Philippines from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- PGA takes part in the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty
- PGA applauds Malaysia’s decision to join the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- PGA expresa serias preocupaciones por la detención continua de dos años de su miembro, la Senadora Filipina Leila de Lima
- Biannual Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee – February 2019
- Parliamentarians have an important role in Implementing and Monitoring the National Action Plan to Eradicate Child Marriage in Zimbabwe
- Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador trabaja para prevenir el genocidio
- Angola becomes the latest country to decriminalize same-sex conduct
- Forced Exile of Chair of PGA Brazil National Group
- Pakistan - PGA Member Senator Mian Raza Rabbani introduces bill on ’Ratification of Foreign Agreements by Parliament’
- The Ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a priority for the Parliament of Ecuador
- Philippine Senator Leila de Lima thanks PGA for supporting her freedom
- UN WGAD Opinion calling for the immediate release of Sen. Leila M. de Lima (Philippines), PGA Member
- Cámara de Diputados de Paraguay aprueba las enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma
- PGA Member Jim McGovern statement on the situation in Yemen
- PGA Congratulates Government of Mozambique on becoming 100th State Party to the Arms Trade Treaty
- Parliament in Canada passes Royal Assent of An Act to amend the Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code
- 17th Assembly of States Parties of the ICC
- The global PGA network supports the “Parliamentary Call for Global Democratic Renewal” on International Human Rights Day
- Parliamentary Roundtable on Best Practices and Lessons Learned to Advance Equality and Non-Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Ukraine
- “Haciéndole frente a la pena de muerte en Asia”: los parlamentarios se reúnen en Kuala Lumpur para compartir y armar una estrategia
- PGA Members in the Central-African National Assembly call on the international community to ensure peace-keeping efforts are strengthened and reformed
- 23° Premio al Defensor de la Democracia
- Minister: Malaysia to ratify Rome Statute of International Criminal Court soon
- 10° CAP-ICC y 40° Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA)
- 18th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights
- Movement to abolish death penalty in Malaysia will receive opposition support: PGA Board Member Kula Segaran
- Lusophone Parliamentary Workshop on Mobilizing Parliamentarians to Advocate for Improved Compliance with the UN Program of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Lusophone Parliamentary Seminar to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)
- PGA Congratulates Government of Guinea Bissau on its Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Congratulates Suriname on its Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- Strengthening of the framework for fighting impunity in Central-African Republic: parliamentarians reaffirm their commitment
- Seminario parlamentario subregional sobre la universalidad y la implementación del Estatuto de Roma: una herramienta fundamental para fortalecer el Estado de derecho y el desarrollo sostenible en sociedades inclusivas y pacíficas
- Chile BWC/CWC Update - National Defence Committee approves Draft Bill to Implement the Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention
- PGA Members celebrate World Day against the Death Penalty, as Malaysian Government announces abolition bill
- LGBTI Blog: Los gays también son ciudadanos
- Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Universality and Implementation of The BTWC and Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1540 (2004)
- Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop on Improving Compliance with the UN Program of Action Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Government of The Central African Republic becomes the 182nd State Party to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
- PGA expresses serious concerns over the arrest of its member, Philippine Senator Antonio Trillanes IV
- Guinea-Bissau submits First Report to UN Security Council Committee 1540 (2004)
- Asambleísta Buendía habla en contra de la reinstalación de la pena de muerte en América Latina
- El Grupo Nacional de PGA en Argentina apoya la Creación de una Corte Penal Latinoamericana y del Caribe contra el Crimen Transnacional Organizado (COPLA)
- Chile avanza en la inclusión de las personas trans con la aprobación de la ley de identidad de género
- Senator Leila M. de Lima calls for Urgent Action on the Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines
- Historic milestone: India decriminalizes consensual same-sex relations
- XX Aniversario del Estatuto de Roma: desafíos en la protección de los derechos humanos
- Suriname Moves Closer to Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- Brazil Deposits Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty becoming the 97th State Party to the ATT
- PGA condena la violación de los derechos civiles y políticos del legislador Juan Requesens
- La violencia de Género en la praxis política del siglo XXI
- Pakistán, liderando el camino de los derechos de las personas transgénero
- Conference on the Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Statute of the International Criminal Court
- 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute: the need for universality and activation of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the crime of aggression
- Cámara de Diputados de la República Dominicana aprueba en segunda lectura el Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación y Relación con la CPI
- National Assembly of Central African Republic has Ratified the Biological Weapons Convention
- National Assembly of Republic of Guinea Bissau has ratified the Arms Trade Treaty
- Groups call for law reforms to put an end to child marriage in Malaysia
- Grupo Nacional de PGA en Venezuela respalda el informe del Alto Comisionado de la ONU
- Strategic Roundtable Discussion on IUU Fishing and the Cape Town Agreement (CTA)
- In Memoriam: Diputada Bertha Sanseverino, Cámara de Representantes del Uruguay
- Statement by PGA Member Dr. Azis Syamsuddin MP, Member of Committee III (Law and Security) of Parliament of Indonesia
- PGA Calls for the Respect of the Fundamental Human Rights of Mr. Domingos Simoes Pereira, MP
- Singapore Summit Meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea Leader, Kim Jong-un
- PGA’s Board - UN LGBTI Core Group Meeting
- Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty
- The Role of Parliamentarians as Advocates for Human Rights, Equality, Justice and Atrocity Prevention
- The Indonesian Judicial System, Penalties and Human Rights in the Reformed Draft Criminal Code
- Seminario para Parlamentarios/as e Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos sobre igualdad y no discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual e identidad de género (OSIG) en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
- National Assembly of Mozambique approves the Ratification of the ATT
- United Republic of Tanzania - BTWC Status Update
- PGA Executive Board Member M Kulasegaran Appointed Minister of Human Resources
- European Parliament adopts Resolution condemning the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines
- Roundtable at Ukrainian Parliament: Ensuring harmonization of the criminal legislation with provisions of the international law
- PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on Improving Compliance with the UN Program of Action Addressing The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Promoting Greater and More Effective Participation by Women MPs in Parliamentary Defence, Security
- Pakistan’s National Assembly passes the Transgender Persons Bill 2018 championed by PGA Member Hon. Syed Naveed Qamar, MP
- PGA participates in Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions: Panel discussion on LGBTI inclusion with parliamentarians
- Uganda: The fundamental human rights of Parliamentarians in Uganda must be respected
- Republica de Chile - Dip. Tucapel Jimenez pide al Gobierno de Chile que presente al Parlamento, el Proyecto de Ley sobre la Implementación de la Convención sobre Armas Biológicas y Toxínicas
- Trinidad’s “Buggery Laws” are Struck Down
- PGA Congratulates The Senate of Chile for its Unanimous Support for Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Legisladores chilenos piden que el Gobierno envíe el Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional al Congreso
- PGA felicita a la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica por la aprobación final del Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación con la CPI
- Parliamentary Consultation on Addressing Inequalities of the Criminal Justice System
- PGA promueve la universalidad del Estatuto de Roma en la Sesión Especial de la OEA sobre la CPI
- PGA condemns the prolonged detention in Maldives of Hon. Ahmed Mahloof, MP, under the state of emergency law
- PGA felicita a la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica por la aprobación en primer debate de la Ley de Cooperación con la CPI
- PGA promotes Biological Weapons Convention in Haiti
- PGA calls on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the international community to guarantee the human rights of all in the DRC
- PGA President meets with Speaker of the Rada of Ukraine and key Legislators in Kyiv
- The Chairman of the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee met with the President and Secretary General of PGA
- Llevar al ISIL / ISIS ante la justicia por genocidio y otros crímenes atroces
- PGA Statement on The Situation in Guinea Bissau
- Logro histórico de la República Argentina: primer país en el mundo que firma los cuatro acuerdos de cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional
- Pakistan - PGA Member Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani voices grave concern on decision by Government of Pakistan to send troops to Saudi Arabia, in the context of the ongoing military campaign in Yemen
- PGA Members Call on the International Criminal Court to Bring the Ntaganda Case to Ituri
- Miembro de PGA en Paraguay se reunió con el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores para discutir sobre los Acuerdos de Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- PGA Concerned about Repeated Violations to Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Maldives
- Malaysian Death Penalty statement - No reason to delay commencement of Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act 2017
- Brazilian Senate approves the Ratification of the ATT
- Hon. Jessie Majome, MP, Chair of PGA Zimbabwe Group Hailed by Constituents and Colleagues as "Vibrant, Committed MP"
- PGA Board Member Barbara Lochbihler, MEP (Germany), calls for referral of the Rohingya massacres to the ICC
- Central African Republic: "Civil society trapped by the crisis" according to Dep. Emilie Béatrice Epaye, President of the ROSCA-GD and Chairperson of PGA’s National Group in CAR
- Los Principios de Yogyakarta diez años después
- La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos nos exhorta a garantizar los derechos a la identidad de género y al matrimonio igualitario
- Meeting of PGA Delegation with the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations
- Federative Republic of Brazil - Arms Trade Treaty Status Update
- PGA’s Delegation and Activities at the 16th Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- PGA Welcomes the Activation of the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – oct-nov de 2017
- PGA’s new President, Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP, Sweden, takes office
- 22° Premio al Defensor de la Democracia
- Moving Away from Capital Punishment in Asia: a side-event to PGA’s 39th Annual Forum
- 39o Foro Anual de PGA
- PGA Participates in ILGALAC’s Regional Conference in Guatemala City
- US - PGA Member Rep. Jim McGovern co-sponsors Resolution in House Declaring U.S. Military Role in Yemen’s Civil War Unauthorized
- Seminario Parlamentario Sub-regional: La justicia internacional: herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo sostenible en las sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas
- PGA Member Farhatullah Babar, MP (Pakistan): "Over 80% of those hanged are ordinary criminals, not terrorists"
- PGA Roundtable on Strengthening the Rule of Law, with a Special Focus on the Abolition of the Death Penalty, in Jordan
- UN Women Interviews PGA Member Dip. Gloria Reyes (Dominican Republic) on Women’s Political Participation in her country
- Roundtable Discussion on Effective Anti-Discrimination Measures based on SOGI in South America & the Caribbean, Paramaribo Suriname
- La lucha por los derechos de las personas LGBT en Brasil
- Roundtable on Strengthening the Implementation of the Rome Statute and the Fight against Impunity in Niger
- Central African Republic (CAR) - Dep. Béatrice Epaye urges Government of CAR to proceed to ratification of the Biological & Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)
- PGA Welcomes the Strong Opposition of the Senate of the Philippines to the Reintroduction of the Death Penalty
- High-Level Luncheon and Strategic Discussion on the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court, European Parliament
- El Salvador: Dip. Mario Tenorio urges the Government of El Salvador to ensure full compliance with the BTWC
- PGA Marks 15th World Day against the Death Penalty and Publishes a Parliamentary Factsheet on Poverty and the Death Penalty
- PGA Mission to Kyiv reinforces Ukrainian MPs commitment to prevent and address atrocities
- EUROLAT: Miembra del Comité Ejecutivo de PGA, Dip. Karina Sosa (El Salvador) y miembro de PGA, Dip. Pablo González (Uruguay), se suman a la votación unánime adoptando una Resolución sobre el Comercio Ilícito de APAL
- Chairman of the Human Rights Committee Hryhoriy Nemyria held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Parliamentarians for Global Action
- PGA Congratulates the House of Representatives of the Philippines on the Approval of the SOGIE Equality Bill
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – Mayo – Agosto de 2017
- Cambodia - PGA Member Hon. Son Chhay: ’Without Justice, There Can’t Be Peace in Cambodia’
- PGA pays tribute to Prof. Cherif Bassiouni, a founding father of the International Criminal Court
- High-Level Luncheon and Strategic Discussion on the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court, European Parliament
- Zimbabwe - Hon. Jasmine Toffa MP underscores helpfulness of her PGA Membership in promoting more effective participation by Women MPs in Parliament
- Brazil - Arms Trade Treaty Status Update
- PGA Congratulates Government of Samoa on its Accession to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
- PGA Statement on Situation in Cambodia
- Parlamentarixs dominicanxs promovemos la inclusión política de líderes LGBTI
- Guinea Bissau - Inspired by Training on Political Participation, Women from Bafatá Region Promise not to Vote in Political Parties Without Women on the Lists
- Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador Prohíbe el Matrimonio Infantil
- PGA felicita a la Cámara de Diputados de Paraguay por la aprobación final de la Ley de Implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- The Constitutional Rights of Parliamentarians in the Maldives Must Be Respected
- PGA welcomes the Malaysian Cabinet’s approval of a bill on the mandatory death penalty for drug-related crimes
- PGA Expresses Deep Concerns Over Violations of the Democratic Process and Human Rights of Parliamentarians in the Maldives
- Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Malaysia and in Asia
- PGA Celebrates International Justice Day, Nineteenth Anniversary of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Misión de campo en Haití para promover la ratificación del Tratado de Comercio de Armas (TCA), la Convención sobre Armas Biológicas y Toxínicas (CABT) y el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- In Memoriam - Hon. Yusuf Zyia Irbec MP, Turkey
- Foro Legislativo
- PGA Secretary-General meets with the new Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of The Gambia
- PGA refrenda su apoyo al Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
- La diversidad es inspiradora
- Roundtable on Strategies to Strengthen the United Nations by Increasing Democratic Representation
- Strategic Roundtable of the PGA UN Advisory Committee and PGA Executive Committee
- Delegación de PGA se reúne con el Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores y Ministro de Justicia de Chile para discutir la implementación completa del Estatuto de Roma, la cooperación con la CPI y la implementación de la Convención sobre Armas Biológicas
- The Role of Parliamentarians in Protecting the Oceans and Implementing SDG14
- Taller Parlamentario Regional para Promover la Ratificación y la Implementación de la Convención sobre Armas Biológicas y Toxínicas (Santiago, Chile)
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – enero-abril de 2017
- PGA Member Kasthuri Patto, MP (Malaysia) Speaks Out Against Recent Execution of Prisoner
- Amar a todas las familias
- PGA’s leading Euro-Parliamentarians participate in Exchange of Views on the fight against impunity
- PGA remite una opinión consultiva en relación a la identidad de género y los derechos de las parejas del mismo sexo a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
- PGA acoge favorablemente la inclusión del crimen de agresión en el nuevo Código Penal de Honduras
- Seminario sobre cooperación con la CPI para parlamentarios, jueces y fiscales
- PGA Exhorta al Congreso del Perú a Defender las Protecciones Legales en Materia de Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género contenidas en el Decreto Legislativo N° 1323
- Misión de la Presidenta de la CPI a Malasia para reunirse con el Presidente del Parlamento, la Ministra de Justicia, el Grupo Nacional de PGA y Altos Funcionarios
- La Presidenta de PGA, la Diputada Margarita Stolbizer, se opone al uso de la pena de muerte en los Estados Unidos
- Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Ratification and Implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (Sierra Leone)
- PGA interviene ante la Comisión de Justicia de la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador acerca de la plena implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal
- Declaración de PGA sobre la situación actual en Venezuela
- La Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica se compromete a impulsar los procesos parlamentarios de los proyectos de ley de implementación del Estatuto de Roma y de cooperación con la CPI
- Seminario “Compartiendo experiencias e historias entre parlamentarios para avanzar la igualdad y no discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual e identidad de género en América Latina y el Caribe”
- PGA celebra la decisión de Sudáfrica de parar el proceso de retirada del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- Parliamentarians in Malawi ban child marriage. What can you do this International Women’s Day to promote the rights of women and girls?
- PGA Condena los Homicidios de Yasuri Orellana, Daniela Rodríguez y Elisa N., Mujeres Trans en El Salvador
- PGA Calls for the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Senator Leila de Lima of the Philippines
- Chair of PGA Ukraine Group Demands that his Country Urgently Joins the ICC
- Parlamentares para a Acção Global apela ao respeito dos direitos humanos fundamentais e do quadro constitucional democrático na Guiné-Bissau
- Biannual Strategic Meeting of the PGA UN Advisory Committee
- PGA Board Member Mark Pritchard briefs UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on the PGA work to promote and protect human rights worldwide
- El nuevo Presidente de Gambia tiene previsto retirar la retirada del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- PGA Members Welcome the Peaceful Transition in the Gambia and Call on their Colleagues to Now Take Action for Human Rights
- La cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional, una prioridad para Costa Rica: La Comisión parlamentaria de Seguridad y Narcotráfico aprueba el proyecto de ley sobre cooperación
- Comisión Constitucional Parlamentaria de Honduras aprueba Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación con la CPI
- El Presidente del Grupo Nacional de PGA en República Dominicana presenta un Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación con la CPI
- La Presidenta del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Ecuador presenta un Proyecto de Ley de Cooperación con la CPI
- El miembro de la Junta Directiva de PGA, Dip. Ronny Monge, presenta un Proyecto de Ley que implementa el Estatuto de Roma en Costa Rica
- Exchange of views on the fight against impunity and non-state actors’ accountability for human rights violations
- PGA Members Express Solidarity after Deadly Attacks on Parliament of Afghanistan
- High-Level Seminar for Fostering Cooperation with the Court in the Caribbean Community region
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – noviembre-diciembre de 2016
- PGA Members Attended a Workshop on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Africa in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- El Presidente del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Ucrania organiza una mesa redonda sobre la implementación del Estatuto de Roma
- Funcionarios argentinos de alto nivel se reúnen para discutir e intercambiar conocimientos sobre el rol de la CPI en la lucha contra la impunidad
- Argentina muestra su apoyo a la CPI con una reunión de alto nivel para abordar cuestiones de cooperación judicial
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Parliamentary Workshop on the Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Parlamentarios discuten sobre la Justicia Internacional en el Día de los Derechos Humanos
- 9º Asamblea Consultativa de Parlamentariospor la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho (CAP-ICC)
- 21° edición de los Premios Anuales de PGA al Defensor de la Democracia
- Séptima sesión del Grupo de trabajo sobre la región del Medio Oriente y Africa del Norte
- Segunda reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre la lucha contra la impunidad en África francófona
- Participación de la Delegación de PGA de alto nivel de Argentina y Paraguay en la Asamblea de Estados Partes del Estatuto de Roma
- Presidenta de PGA contribuye a la firma de acuerdo de protección de testigos entre Argentina y la CPI
- Field Mission to follow up on Project of General Law on Equality and Non-Discrimination, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Parliamentary Delegation to Belize on Human Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination
- Statement on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) by Hon. Su’a William Sio, MP at Pacific Parliamentary Forum Meeting
- Declaración del Honorable Emery Okundji, Miembro de PGA, a la Asamblea de los Estados Partes del Estatuto de Roma
- Un paso más hacia la plena implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI en Paraguay
- Desafíos a la universalidad y amenazas contra la integridad del sistema del Estatuto de Roma: el papel de los parlamentarios
- PGA Delegation Visit to Timor Leste to Promote Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty - November 9-11, 2016
- PGA organiza la segunda reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre la lucha contra la impunidad en África francófona en Lomé, Togo
- El miembro del Comité ejecutivo de PGA, Honorable Kula Segaran, Diputado, insta a Malasia a adherirse al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- La Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica confirma su compromiso de implementar de manera plena y eficaz el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
- Nepal and Liberia deposit Instruments of Ratification of Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
- Parlamentarios Celebran la Aprobación por el Senado de Argentina de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el Crimen de Agresión
- Nepal Signs Instrument of Ratification of BWC
- Update on Accession of Samoa to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)
- PGA receives Certificate of Appreciation from H.E. Jorge Santos, Speaker of the National Assembly of Cape Verde
- Questions asked by Servaes (PvdA) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the withdrawal of African countries from the International Criminal Court
- Miembros de PGA en Bolivia están impulsando la plena implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Miembros de PGA llaman a los parlamentarios sudafricanos a oponerse a la impunidad en reacción a la decisión del gobierno de Sudáfrica de retirarse del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Launch of the Parliamentary Factsheet on Death Penalty & Terrorism-related Offences
- One Step Closer to Ending Child Marriage in Zimbabwe: PGA’s National Group presents Bill of Amendments to Laws addressing child marriage
- Últimas Noticias de la Campaña para la CPI – Agosto - Octubre de 2016
- PGA members in Dominican Republic meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the Ratification of the Kampala Amendments
- Liberia - Statement by PGA Member Senator Stephen J. H. Zargo, Chairman of Defence and Security Committee of Senate of Liberia, addressed to PGA, in connection with the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
- Miembros de PGA en Paraguay se reunieron con el Ministro de Justicia para discutir sobre los Acuerdos de Cooperación Voluntaria
- Miembros de PGA comparten una profunda preocupación por el abrumador voto del Parlamento de Burundi a favor de la retirada del Estatuto de Roma
- Parlamentarios dan la bienvenida a la adopción de la Resolución de Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional por parte de la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa
- PGA publishes Parliamentary Factsheet highlighting why the Death Penalty for Terrorism-related Offences is Ineffective, Counter-productive and Violates Human Rights
- PGA Executive Committee Member Hon. M. Kula Segaran MP Urges Government of Malaysia to Ratify ATT Without Further Delay
- Canada - Motion by PGA Member Hon. Hélène Laverdière MP to establish a Parliamentary Committee to Examine Arms Exports
- Peace & Democracy Program Update: May - Sep. 2016
- Statement by PGA on the Death of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago
- Legisladores de America Latina reafirmaron su compromiso con el Nunca Más
- PGA Congratulates Cape Verde on its Deposit of its Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Apoyo a la investigación de delitos transnacionales
- Seminario Parlamentario: Apoyo a la Corte Penal Internacional: dile No a la impunidad de los crímenes internacionales y Sí a la reparación para las víctimas
- PGA comparte las preocupaciones de la Fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional acerca de la violencia en la República Democrática del Congo
- El juicio de Al Mahdi por la Corte Penal Internacional abre el camino en la lucha contra los grupos extremistas violentos dentro del Estado de Derecho
- Parlamentarios dan la bienvenida a la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala por Chile y el Reino de los Países Bajos
- PGA Welcomes Dominican Republic’s Accession to the Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR (Abolition of Death Penalty)
- PGA Welcomes Togo’s Accession to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
- PGA’s partner, Girls Not Brides, launches newly revised toolkit on “The Role of Parliamentarians in Ending Child Marriage”
- La Dip. Margarita Stolbizer informó al Secretariado de PGA que el Poder Ejecutivo en Argentina introdujo un proyecto de ley sobre las Enmiendas de Kampala del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Inspiring Parliamentarians: Case Studies to Advance Policy and Legislation to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM)
- PGA Board Member M. Kulasegaran, MP highlights why the death penalty does not deter crime and disregards basic tenets of humanity at a forum organized by Amnesty international
- PGA US Members Join Bipartisan Effort Urging President Obama to Postpone Plan to Supply Arms to Saudi Arabia
- Dip. Margarita Stolbizer, Argentina, se convierte en la Presidenta Interina de PGA
- PGA Member Senator Valerie Woods Applauds Section 53 Decision As “Significant Victory”
- PGA Member, Rep. Jim McGovern decries sale of arms by the United States of America to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Switzerland - Interview with PGA Member Hon. Carlo Sommaruga MP on ending the sale of Swiss arms to conflict zones
- Declaración de PGA frente a las amenazas de muerte contra defensores de derechos humanos en La Haya
- A Triumph for Human Rights of LGBTI people in Belize and the Caribbean: Section 53 of the Criminal Code in Belize is ruled Unconstitutional
- Hon. Naveed Qamar, MP (Pakistan) plays key role in securing formal review of possibility of ATT accession in National Assembly
- PGA felicita al Senado de Paraguay por la aprobación del proyecto de la Ley de implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- Seminario de PGA sobre Igualdad y No Discriminación en razón de la Orientación Sexual y la Identidad de Género para Parlamentarios de América Latina y el Caribe
- PGA Condemns Restrictions to Civil and Political Rights of Opposition Leader in the Maldives
- PGA Lusophone States Workshop to Promote Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
- The Role of Parliamentarians in the Battle against the Death Penalty: PGA side event to World Congress against the Death Penalty
- Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de PGA, Dip. Margarita Stolbizer, se reúne con el Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos para discutir la ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala y los acuerdos voluntarios con la CPI
- Parlamentarios de América Latina y el Caribe lanzan la publicación “Avanzando los Derechos Humanos y la Inclusión de Personas LGBTI: Un Manual para Parlamentarios” en el marco de la Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos
- Misión de PGA de Kyiv y mesa redonda parlamentaria sobre la ratificación e implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- PGA Celebrates International Day of Justice, Eighteenth Anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute
- Canada - Statement by PGA Member Hélène Laverdière MP on Recent Decision of Government of Canada to move forward with process of Accession to Arms Trade Treaty
- Guatemala - Former PGA Member Edgar Ernesto Herrera welcomes ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by Guatemala
- Legisladores Paraguayos se comprometen a la plena implementación del Estatuto de Roma y la ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala
- Declaración del Dip. Juan Félix Bogado Tatter sobre la importancia de la Implementación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI en Paraguay
- Consultations on the Implementation of the Rome Statute and Support for the International Criminal Court in Paraguay
- PGA delegation meets with Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay to discuss ratification of the Kampala Amendments and voluntary agreements with the ICC
- PGA Member Hon. Tharchen Nil receives response from Foreign Ministry of Bhutan on prospects for Accession to Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA congratula al Parlamento de Guinea por la adopción de una ley de abolición de la pena de muerte e implementación del Estatuto de Roma
- PGA Stands Ready to Work with the Independent Expert on Protection Against Violence and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Global Equality Fund Annual Report 2015
- Parliamentary Delegation on Equality and Non-Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)
- Declaración de PGA sobre el Acuerdo de Alto el Fuego de Colombia con las FARC
- PGA UN Committee Member Mr. Adama Dieng, Spec. Adv. on Genocide, on the situation in the Kingdom of Bahrain
- Parlamentarios celebran la ratificación por parte de Islandia de las enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión
- Declaración de la Senadora boliviana María Lourdes Landivar, miembro de PGA, sobre la promulgación de la Ley de Identidad de Género en Bolivia
- PGA Statement of Condemnation of the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida
- Segunda Mesa Estratégica de Debate Bianual del Comité ONU de PGA
- Ceremonia de Bienvenida en ocasión de la accesión de El Salvador al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- PGA Member, Wilby Lucas, MP, comments on the decriminalization of homosexuality in the Republic of Seychelles
- Seminario Parlamentario de PGA sobre la Promoción de la Justicia de Género y el Estado de Derecho a través de Mecanismos Nacionales
- Miembro de PGA Dip. Tucapel Jimenez se reúne con el Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores para discutir el estatus de implementación de la Convención de Armas Biológicas y el Estatuto de Roma como también la ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala
- PGA Secretary General meets with Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) to discuss future partnership on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
- PGA’s participation in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment
- PGA members from Colombia send parliamentary question to MFA inquiring about the status of Implementation of the BWC
- Brazil Quadruples Penalties for Biological Weapons Development
- PGA pide la detención y la entrega a la CPI del Sr. Al-Bashir – El presidente de Sudán, llegó hoy en Kampala, Uganda
- Chile – Proyecto de Resolución Parlamentaria sobre las Enmiendas de Kampala
- PGA Member Dip. Víctor Bisonó Authors Legislation to Penalize the Manufacture of prohibited Biological, Chemical & Nuclear WMDs in the Dominican Republic
- Ms. Margareta Cederfelt: ‘Addressing the refugee crisis requires a comprehensive approach to security’
- Parlamentarios de Uganda visitan CPI para participar en la 14ª reunión del Consejo de Dirección del Fondo Fiduciario en beneficio de las víctimas y mejorar la cooperación con la CPI
- Peru’s Minister of Foreign Affairs responds to inquiry from PGA member Dip. Yohny Lescano on the status of National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
- Parlamentarios de Uganda visitan CPI para participar en la 14ª reunión del Consejo de Dirección del Fondo Fiduciario en beneficio de las víctimas y mejorar la cooperación con la CPI
- Dip. Berta Sanseverino (Uruguay) sends parliamentary question to MFA inquiring about the status of Implementation of the BWC
- Inauguración Oficial de la Sede Permanente de la CPI
- PGA Members in Costa Rica send parliamentary question to MFA inquiring about the status of Implementation of the BWC
- Argentinean National Group present a draft parliamentary Resolution inquiring about the status of implementing legislation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
- Open Letter to President of Afghanistan on fighting impunity for ICC crimes
- Comunicado de prensa’: Misión de PGA a El Salvador para participaren una sesión de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores sobre la cooperación con la CPI
- PGA Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop on Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Misión de PGA a El Salvador para asistir a una audiencia de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores sobre la cooperación con la CPI
- The Abolition of the Death Penalty in Uganda
- Despite Highest Level of Executions in 25 Years, Parliamentary Action Offers Ray of Hope Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty
- How PGA is Mobilising Parliamentarians to End Child Marriage Worldwide
- La Cámara de Diputados de Chile adoptó por unanimidad una resolución sobre cooperación con la CPI
- PGA’s National Group in Zimbabwe leads efforts in Parliament to end Child Marriage
- PGA members speak out on the secretive executions of three men in Malaysia
- Statement Regarding the Arrest of PGA Member Hon. Ahmed Mahloof
- Parliamentary Roundtable on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Ghana
- Ad Hoc Mission to Kyiv as part of the efforts towards Universal Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute
- Roundtable and Consultations on the abolition of the death penalty in Indonesia
- Parliamentarians from Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe reaffirm their Commitment to End Child Marriage as the International Community Celebrates International Women’s Day 2016
- Capacity Building Seminar for African Parliamentarians on Addressing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage
- El Salvador se adhiere al Estatuto de Roma: Acción Mundial de Parlamentarios celebra el 124º Estado Parte de la CPI
- Chair of PGA’s UK National Group, Mr. Mark Pritchard MP calls on Foreign and Commonwealth Office to press Belarusian Government on the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- Biannual Strategic Meeting of the PGA UN Committee – 17 February 2016
- 2016 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- US Congressional Briefing on “Justice for ISIS Atrocities? How US Policy on the International Criminal Court Can Help Promote Accountability in Iraq and Syria
- PGA Regional Asia Parliamentary Round Table Meeting on Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Arms Control a priority for the Pacific
- PGA Congratulates Zimbabwe on Outlawing Child Marriage
- Iraqi MP: abducted Yazidi women must return
- Chair of PGA’s UK National Group, Mr. Mark Pritchard MP calls on Countries to Ratify Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Congratulates Hon. Ramesh Lekhak for his Crucial Advocacy Leading to Decision by Cabinet of Government of Nepal to Refer The Biological Weapons Convention to Constituent Assembly for Approval
- PGA welcomes the enactment of the implementing legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC by the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Parliamentary Seminar on ICC in Ukraine, under high patronage of Chairman of Verkhovna Rada, received multi-party support for RS ratification
- British Parliamentarians call for accountability of ISIS / Daesh for the crime of genocide
- PGA congratulates its Member Hon. Dep. Jean Wyllys for making significant progress in moving forward the ATT ratification process in Brazil
- Election of Nine Board Members and the Treasurer of PGA in San Salvador
- Open Letter from Parliamentarians in support of Burundian human rights defenders and journalists
- PGA Congratulates the Congress of the Republic of Peru on its approval in plenary of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Parliament of The Netherlands adopts government bill on ratification of the Kampala Amendments of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- 20° Premio al Defensor de la Democracia
- 37o Foro Anual de Parlamentarios Para la Acción Global (PGA) el Rol de los Parlamentarios en Apoyo a la Paz y la Seguridad
- Strategy Session on the Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting Non-Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
- La Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador aprueba la accesión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) – PGA acoge con beneplácito este paso histórico
- PGA Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- PGA Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty in Malaysia
- PGA Congratulates the Senate of the DRC on the Adoption of the Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC
- Mesa redonda: El Rol de Australia en la realización de una Corte Penal Internacional eficaz (ICC)
- Lanzamiento del Código de Conducta para la actuación del Consejo de Seguridad en relación al genocidio, los crímenes de lesa humanidad, y crímenes de guerra
- Margareta Cederfelt (MP, Sweden) to Lead OSCE Election Observer Mission in Turkey
- PGA entrega los compromisos de más de 700 Legisladores alrededor del mundo al Sr. Mogens Lykketoft, Presidente de la Septuagésima Sesión de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas
- Over 100 Parliamentarians from New Zealand Endorse PGA’s Global Parliamentary Declaration to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage
- Encuentro subregional sobre el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional: Un compromiso con el Estado de Derecho en América Latina
- Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Uganda
- PGA Member Hon. Koffi Jean Joel Kissi, MP, Chairman of Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Committee of National Assembly of Togo, Welcomes Ratification of ATT by Togo
- Central African Republic (CAR) - PGA Member Hon. Laurent Ngon-Baba MP (former Minister for Justice and Attorney General) welcomes Accession to Arms Trade Treaty by Government of CAR
- Visit to PGA Headquarters by High Level Delegation from The Kingdom of Tonga, led by H.E. The Prime Minister of Tonga, Honorable Samiuela ’Akilisi Pohiva
- Visita de delegación parlamentaria de El Salvador a la CPI, el Parlamento del Reino de los Países Bajos y organizaciones internacionales de la Haya
- Visita de delegación parlamentaria de El Salvador a la CPI, el Parlamento del Reino de los Países Bajos y organizaciones internacionales de la Haya
- PGA Member, Ramesh Lekhak, MP, comments on the adoption of the Constitution of Nepal 2015 which protects sexual and gender minorities from discrimination
- PGA Mauritania Welcomes Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty by Government of Mauritania
- Legisladores de Ucrania visitaron a PGA y la CPI exigiendo una protección contra la violencia sexual y de género
- PGA se félicite des développements historiques dans le processus de paix en Colombie
- Alain Destexhe, Convenor of the International Law and Human Rights Program visits Iraqi Kurdistan and calls for the ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC
- Why Ukraine has nothing to lose from ratifying the Rome Statute of the ICC, but everything to gain
- Legisladores Salvadoreños, Miembros de PGA, Logran Exitosamente Reformar el Código Penal Incrementando las Sanciones a los Crímenes por Odio, Incluyendo por Motivos de Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género
- PGA Regional Asia Parliamentary Workshop to Address The Illicit Trade In Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mitigate Armed Violence
- Hon. Moustapha Niasse, Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Senegal, miembro de PGA
- El rol de los Parlamentos en la criminalización de guerras agresivas e ilícitas
- Los miembros Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA) solicitaron la entrada del Plan Estratégico a la Oficina de la Fiscalía de la CPI 2016 – 2018
- Seminario Parlamentario Subregional de PGA en el Sudeste Asiático sobre el Estado de Derecho Internacional y la Protección de los Civiles
- PGA Welcomes the Adoption of a law authorizing Togo to ratify the Second Optional Protocol on the abolition of the death penalty
- Reunión Estratégica sobre la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI por el Líbano e Iraq: “el Estatuto de Roma es una herramienta de prevención contra los crímenes cometidos por ISIS”
- Observación del Juicio en la “Operación Cóndor” Juicio sobre crímenes en contra la Humanidad
- PGA Member in Chad Plays Direct Role in the National Assembly’s Ratification of an Ordinance Recognizing 18 as the Minimum Legal Age of Marriage
- Parlamentarios africanos apoyan el Sistema de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) como la último amparo contra la impunida
- Dip. Tucapel Jimenez makes parliamentary declaration requesting the Government of Chile send the Bill on Cooperation with the ICC to Parliament
- Sesión Especial sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma
- PGA Member, Hon. Antonio Niquice, MP, Plays Direct Role in the Drafting and Adoption of the New Penal Code of Mozambique Decriminalizing Homosexuality
- Parliamentary Delegation on Equality and Non-Discrimination to San Salvador
- PGA Board Members (MEPs) condemn 1904/08 Herero and Nama Genocide
- PGA felicita a la Magistratura Italiana por el juicio histórico de ciertos dirigentes de la
- United Nations Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage during its 29th session
- PGA Member, Hon. James Selfe, MP (South Africa) questions People’s Assembly on the neglect of arresting Omar Al-Bashir
- PGA High-Level Roundtable Discussion and Strategy Meeting on the 1 for 7 Billion Campaign
- Capacity Building Session on Child, Early and Forced Marriage for Tanzanian Parliamentarians - Segment One
- ICC Ratification: Increasing the Opportunities for Justice in Ukraine
- Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty and the Fight Against Impunity
- Parliamentary Expert & Peer-Exchange Roundtable Discussions on the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- In Memoriam of Prof. Otto Triffterer (1931-2015), a giant of International Criminal Law
- PGA Member Senator David Musila calls on Kenyan Goverment to Accede to Arms Trade Treaty
- Interview with PGA Member Mr. Harry van Bommel, MP, The Netherlands
- PNG Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Hon. Rimbink Pato MP assures PNG Deputy Speaker of Parliament and PGA Member, Hon. Aide Ganasi MP of the Government’s commitment to ratify the ATT following completion of review process
- PGA Condena el Asesinato de Francela Méndez, Activista Transgénero y Defensora de los Derechos Humanos de El Salvador
- Chair of PGA’ s New Zealand National Group, Hon. Su’ a William Sio MP calls on Fijian Parliamentarians to push for ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Congratulates the Unanimous Vote for the Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in DRC
- ISIS: Abducting Girls and Women to Finance their Activities
- Taller Parlamentario sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma y las Enmiendas de Kampala en la República Dominicana
- Margareta Cederfelt appointed Rapporteur of the OSCE PA’s General Committee on Political Affairs and Security
- Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Tanzania
- Field Mission of PGA in Kyiv bolsters support for the ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Ukraine
- Angola - PGA congratulates PGA Member Dip. Palmira Bernardo for her actions contributing to parliamentary ratification of BTWC and CWC
- Parliament of the Central African Republic adopts the law establishing a Special Criminal Court
- PGA welcomes the adoption by the Central African Parliament of the law establishing a Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic
- PGA National Group in Liberia Welcomes Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- Czech Republic and Switzerland approve Kampala Amendments
- PGA Condemns the Brutal Assassination of Ugandan leading State-Prosecutor Ms. Joan Kagezi
- PGA Statement concerning the restrictions of personal liberty against Mr. Ahmed Mahloof, MP (Maldives), PGA Member
- PGA congratulates Chad on ratifying the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Calls for Peaceful Presidential Elections in Nigeria
- Pakistan - Chair of PGA National Group in Pakistan endorsed by Prime Minister of Pakistan to be President of Senate
- Parlamentarios para la Acción Global (PGA) exige que se lleve a los autores de los ataques en Túnez ante la justicia
- Parliamentary Mission to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute - 12, 13 March 2015
- Field Missions on Non-Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname
- Día Internacional De La Mujer 2015
- PGA Welcomes the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Suriname
- Pakistan - PGA Co-Covenor of Peace & Democracy Program, Naveed Qamar MP (Pakistan) organizes 2nd Roundtable Meeting on ATT in National Assembly of Pakistan
- ICC Prosecutor Bensouda met with PGA National Group in Parliament of Uganda
- PGA congratulates Côte d’Ivoire on ratifying the Arms Trade Treaty
- Hon. Bernadette Lahai MP participates in Parliamentary Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons Reguations
- The Fight against Impunity for the most serious crimes under International Law is an imperative for the International Community as a whole
- PGA Regional Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Mesa Redonda Técnica Sobre la Aplicación Plena del Estatuto de Roma y la Ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala por Ecuador
- PGA Supports the Creation of a Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic
- La Junta Directiva de PGA reafirma su compromiso a prevenir y combatir la trata de personas
- Los parlamentarios ecuatorianos se comprometen a discutir la implementación de los mecanismos internos para cooperar con la Corte Penal Internacional y la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala
- Carta Abierta dirigida al Gobierno Nacional de Colombia
- Statement by PGA Members on Palestine, the ICC and the request by Israel’s MFA to Stop Funding-Support for the ICC
- PGA acoge con beneplácito la transferencia a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de Dominic Ongwen
- Pakistan - PGA Co-Covenor of Peace & Democracy Program, Naveed Qamar MP (Pakistan) organizes 2nd Roundtable Meeting on ATT in National Assembly of Pakistan
- PGA Member and 2013 Defender of Democracy Awardee, Akilisi Pohiva, elected Prime Minister of Tonga
- Bahrain: PGA and NPWJ Joint Appeal Calling for the Immediate Release of Sheikh Ali Salman
- PGA Statement of condemnation of the recent terrorist attack in Paris, France
- Arrest of Dominic Ongwen, LRA 'Commander' Wanted by the ICC
- PGA President Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal (Dominican Republic) Welcomes Entry Into Force of Arms Trade Treaty
- High-Level Roundtable on “The European Court of Human Rights: Anti-Democratic or a Guardian of Fundamental Values?”
- PGA Congratulates Zimbabwe on Signing the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Congratulates Liechtenstein on its ratification of the ATT
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 8th session
- Llamado de los Parlamentarios del Mundo a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Solicitando Tome Acciones Enérgicas para Poner Fin a la Impunidad por Atrocidades Masivas
- PGA Congratulates Cameroon on Signing the Arms Trade Treaty
- Côte d’Ivoire - PGA Member Dep. Paul Dehe welcomes approval of Bill in National Assembly of Côte d’Ivoire allowing for ratification of Arms Trade Treaty
- UN Highlights contribution of Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) to Disarmament
- Former PGA President dies in India
- PGA Statement on handing down of death penalty in case of former Sunni MP in Iraq
- Roundtable Discussion on Arms Trade Treaty, Pakistan
- PGA Member Hon. M. Kula Segaran speaks out again on long overdue need for Accession by Malaysia to Rome Statute of ICC
- 19th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- Seminar on Equality and Non-Discrimination for Latin American Parliamentarians
- Seminar on Equality and Non-Discrimination for Latin American and Caribbean Parliamentarians
- Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica Aprueba las Enmiendas de Kampala
- Chad - Statement by PGA National Group in Chad on Parliamentary Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
- PGA Member Carolyn Maloney announces draft of Nazi Benefits Termination Act
- 6th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and North Africa
- Kurdish-Iraq Authorities look at Rome Statute/ICC for restoring trust
- Parliament of Jordan - MPs from MENA Region discuss the ICC and fight against impunity for international crimes
- Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Cameroon
- PGA celebrates International Day of the Girl Child 2014
- Sierra Leone - PGA Member Dr. Bernadette Lahai MP (Minority Leader) distributes food supplies to peripheral health units in the frontline of the Ebola fight
- PGA Welcomes adoption of Resolution on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity by UN Human Rights Council
- PGA Celebrates the Ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Spain, Latvia and Poland
- PGA Welcomes Activation of Entry Into Force Provisions of Arms Trade Treaty - Reaffirms Commitment to Working for Universal Application of Treaty
- PGA Welcomes the Opening of a Second Investigation in CAR by the Prosecution of the ICC
- Ukraine/EU Association Agreement contains important ICC provisions
- PGA Member Dr. Bernadette Lahai, MP (Sierra Leone) Embarks on Ebola Education
- Members of the Parliament of Ukraine visit the International Criminal Court
- Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Iraq from PGA on the ratification of the Rome Statute
- PGA President Ross Robertson MP among Delegation appointed by Government of New Zealand to observe Elections in Fiji
- Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas
- PGA Urgent Call for Action on the Ebola Virus Outbreak in Africa
- IRAK: PGA Pide a Iraq que Ratifique el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- PGA Welcomes Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty by the Governments of Dominican Republic and Sierra Leone
- Girls Summit 2014
- Kinshasa Workshop on the obstacles to the fight against impunity complementarity project
- Gaza: PGA Calls for a Lasting Cessation of Violence
- ICC Signs Agreement with the MERCOSUR Parliament
- Rule of Law prevails over discrimination in Uganda as Constitutional Court nullifies “Anti-Gay Law”
- PGA Concerned by the Surge of Violence Following the Cease Fire Agreement in Central African Republic
- PGA Chair of International Council, Dip. Minou Tavárez, urges States to ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls
- PGA Convenes DRC, Ugandan and UK MPs for Resolution to Fight Impunity for International Crimes
- European Parliament Adopts Resolution Calling On States To Ratify The Kampala Amendments
- Parliamentary Conference to Give Full Effect to the Principle of Complementarity in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Regional Asia Pacific Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Signature and Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Members in Sweden Support Universal Jurisdiction and Global Justice
- Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Togo 26-27 June, Lomé, Togo
- Experts Sessions on the Rome Statute in El Salvador
- PGA Member Mogens Lykketoft, MP (Speaker of the Parliament of Denmark) visits the UN and meets PGA senior staff
- PGA Executive Committee member Mark Pritchard, MP (UK) calls for ICC to investigate war crimes in the Central African Republic and ensure people responsible are brought to justice
- Open Letter to President of Nigeria from PGA on Ending Impunity for Boko Haram through ICC
- PGA Statement on the Situation in Thailand
- Miembros de PGA piden al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que remita la situación en Siria al Fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional
- PGA Roundtable on Ending Impunity for International Crimes through Multilateral Interstate Cooperation
- Miembros de PGA Presentan Estrategia de Cooperacion Entre el Parlamento del Mercosur y la Corte Penal Internacional
- Parliamentarians Around the World Celebrate Slovakia’s Ratification of the Kampala Amendments
- 6th International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action (IPCI/ICPD)
- Taller Parlamentario Regional de PGA para la Promoción de la Ratificación e Implementación del Tratado de Comercio de Armas
- First Annual High-Level Meeting of the “Group of Friends of the ICC”
- PGA Mourns the Passing of Hon. A.N.R. Robinson, Founder of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program
- El Papa Francisco Recibió A Margarita Stolbizer en Audiencia Privada
- PGA Statement on the First Anniversary of the Adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co.
- PGA Members Condemn Visit of President al-Bashir to the DRC and call the Congolese authorities to arrest him
- Members of PGA Commend Ad Hoc Acceptance of ICC Jurisdiction pertaining to recent events in Ukraine
- Dr. Bernadette Lahai Keynote Address at West Africa/ECOWAS ATT Training Workshop
- Working Breakfast / Strategy Meeting on EU Support to the ICC at the European Parliament
- Urgent Parliamentary Action to Stop Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide in Central African Republic
- Constitución mexicana reformada para permitir una cooperación más eficiente con la CPI
- Conference: Russia and The Ukraine Crisis: The Efficacy of International Law in Mitigate Aggression
- Meeting of the Working Group on the Fight against Impunity in Francophone Africa
- PGA Deplores Death Threat Against Colombian MP and Human Rights Defender
- PGA Tribute to Mrs. Dede Mirabal
- The Chair of PGA’s European Parliament National Group, Mr. Helmut Scholz, MEP (Germany) takes charge in EU on ATT
- Parliamentary Seminar on Combating Early and Forced Marriage
- PGA Board Member Attends Regional Conference on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Visit to the ICC by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica, Arnaldo Brown MP
- Statement by President of PGA on the Situation in South Sudan
- Shazia Rafi Steps Down as Secretary-General, Hands Over to Dr Donat-Cattin of Italy
- Parliamentarians Celebrate Croatia ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Crime of Aggression
- 35° Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Global
- PGA Statement on Death of Nelson Mandela
- 18th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- Parliamentarians Celebrate Belgium’s Ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Crime of Aggression
- The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression: A promise for the end of illegal use of force in international relations
- Deteriorating Situation in the Central African Republic
- Grupo de trabajo subregional sobre los desafíos para la eficacia del sistema del Estatuto de Roma en las Américas
- PGA Announces New Secretary-General
- Pan-African Parliament Joint Committee Session on the Arms Trade Treaty with Parliamentarians for Global Action
- Update on PGA’s Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- PGA and APPG on the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- Parliamentary Seminar on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Statement by PGA Board Member Ruth Wijdenbosch for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- PGA Launches a Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- PGA Delegation to the 129th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly
- Consultations on the fight against impunity and the implementation of the principle of complementarity in the DRC
- PGA Welcomes Additional Signatures and Ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty by Large Number of UN Member States
- Parliamentary Meeting on Challenges for Domestic Prosecutions and Programs to fulfill the Rights of Victims; Kampala, Uganda
- PGA Urges Immediate Release of Khalil Al Marzooq held as prisoner of conscience in Bahrain
- PGA Deeply Dismayed at Assassination of Leading Opposition Member of Parliament in Tunisia
- PGA Restates its Deep Concern at Ongoing Human Rights Violations Against Parliamentarians and Representatives From Civil Society in Chad
- PGA Secretary-General and Pakistan National Group Meet with the Hon. Speaker
- Strategic Meeting of PGA Executive Committee on UN Agenda on Peace & Justice and Role of Parliamentarians
- Austrian PGA Member Questions Government regarding the ratification of the Kampala Amendments
- Regional Conferences on Population and Development
- Seminar for Legislators on measures to implement the principle of complementarity between domestic jurisdiction and the ICC
- Senate of Uruguay approves the ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute
- DRC issues letter to G8 Ministers welcoming Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence
- PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on the Arms Trade Treaty
- Alemania y Botsuana ratifican las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
- Making the Right Choices, remembering our friend Chris Hall
- PGA Expresses Deep Concern at Recent Wave of Arrests of Parliamentarians and Civil Society Representatives in Chad
- Nimal Siripala de Silva Honoured for 30 years in Politics
- Reps Maloney and Waxman join House Dems in urging AG Holder on contraception decision
- Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay unanimously approves the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute
- 2013 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- Arms Trade Treaty Is Agreed at UNHQ
- PGA Condemns Coup D’état in the Central African Republic: Calls for Upholding of Libreville Agreement of 11 January 2013
- PGA Delegation to the Arms Trade Treaty Conference in 2013
- PGA National Group in Dominican Republic sends letter to Foreign Minister of Dominican Republic urging support for Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Delegation to the 57th commission on the status of women
- Members of PGA’s Ugandan National Group renew their call for the arrest of LRA leader Joseph Kony
- Addressing Illegal Trade in SALW Namibia Workshop 2013
- Côte d’Ivoire ratifies the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Parliamentarians for Global Action welcome the 122nd State Party to the ICC
- Leading MPs call upon Chad to arrest and surrender al-Bashir to the ICC
- Roundtable on the Sensitization and Mobilization of MPs for Domestic Prosecutions and Access to Justice for Victims in the DRC, Kinshasa
- Statement of Dep. Diarra regarding the opening of an investigation by Prosecutor of the ICC
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 7th session
- 17th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- Statement by PGA on the death of Ms. Savita Halappanavar
- Education is a Right for All Worldwide
- Statement by PGA on the Assassination of Mr. Mustafa Haji Maalim MP in Somalia
- PGA Members from Malawi call on their Government to implement the Rome Statute of the ICC in domestic law
- PGA Delegation to the Second Review Conference on the UN
- Seminar on the 10th Anniversary of the Rome Statute - House of Representatives of Uruguay, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and PGA
- Letter from PGA President Ross Robertson on the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA President Ross Robertson Hands Over Control Arms Parliamentarian Declaration to UNSG Ban Ki-moon
- PGA Side Event to the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty
- Legislators Demand Strong Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA President meets Indian Minister of State and participates in ATT Workshop
- Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD POA
- PGA Political Consultations on the International Criminal Court and the Arms Trade Treaty in Jamaica
- Rabat 2012 - Universality of the Rome Statute in the Middle East and Mediterranean
- PGA President Ross Robertson MP (New Zealand) meets with Minister of State of Ministry of External Affairs of India
- Liechtenstein Aggression
- 1,000 signatures for the Control Arms Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty
- Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities
- Guatemala Becomes 121st State Party to the Rome Statute
- PGA Condemns the Military Coup in Mali
- High-Level Meeting of Experts and Parliamentarians on the Relationship Between UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court
- PGA Delegation to the 56th commission on the status of women
- PGA Member Sen. Richard Durbin (United States) Joins Congressional Colleagues Call for End to U.S. Relationship with Russian Firm Arming Assad
- Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in member countries of the OIC
- Consultations on the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the national order of Brazil
- Gender Perspectives in the Use of Technology against the Impact of Climate Change and for Access to Clean Water and Energy
- Opportunities and Challenges in Improving Rural Women’s Access to Clean Water and Renewable Energy
- President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies receives a PGA Delegation
- PGA Sends Delegation of Prominent Legislators to the 4th ATT PrepCom
- PGA Statement on the Situation in Senegal
- Cantero: “Es un avance para la Democracia a nivel mundial, por la cual seguiremos luchando”
- Control Arms Global Parliamentary Declaration on Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA Executive Committee Member speaks out in support of draft Gender Equality Bill in Sierra Leone
- United Nations Secretary-General appoints PGA Secretary-General to UNDEF Advisory Board for 2012 -2013
- 30 Members of Parliament in New Zealand sign the Control Arms Global Parliamentary Declaration on the ATT
- Pakistan National Assembly Passes Landmark “Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill 2011”
- Meeting of Delegation of Members of Parliament from Suriname
- 33rd Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action
- 16th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- PGA Delegation Fact-Finding Field Excursion to Northern Sri Lanka
- Parliamentary Consultations on the Rule of Law & Justice in the Central African Republic
- Visit by Delegation of 3 Members of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal to The Hague
- The Philippines becomes 117th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC
- PGA Workshop - “Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) - A Vital Role”
- PGA Delegation to the Third PrepCom Meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty
- Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court and the European Union
- Roundtable on the Fight Against Impunity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations
- PGA’s Side Meeting to the 19th Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
- Reunión de PGA sobre Justicia e Igualdad de Género
- 2011 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- Second PGA Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Briefing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Judge Song, President of the ICC
- PGA’s Delegation to the 55th Commission on the Status of Women
- PGA Delegation to the Second PrepCom Meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
- Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC
- Strategic Consultations on Cooperation of States with the International Criminal Court
- PGA Member Theresa Tagoe dies after long illness
- 32nd Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
- 15th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- PGA Strategy Meeting with UNFPA: Open Forum Discussion on Future Program Activities with OIC Countries
- Roundtable: The fight against impunity in the Central African region and the challenges of effective cooperation with the International Criminal Court
- Delegation of Parliamentarians from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the ICC
- Mission of Parliamentarians from El Salvador to the ICC
- The Republic of Seychelles joins the International Criminal Court as its 112th State Party
- Side Event to the First Preparatory Commission of the Arms Trade Treaty
- PGA and Parliamentary Forum Workshop on Halting the Trafficking in Arms, Drugs & Human Beings - The Role of Parliamentarians
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 6th session
- PGA Strategy Meeting on the Contribution of Parliamentarians to the Process of Negotiations of an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
- PGA members usher in historic health-care reform package
- PGA Delegation to The 54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women - CSW
- Conference on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in African Indian Ocean Countries
- 2010 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes Region
- PGA Roundtable Meeting on the International Criminal Court
- Briefing by Mr. Stephen Rapp, US Ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues to PGA board & International councill
- 31st Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
- 14th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
- Cooperation of the European Parliament with the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- PGA consultations on the Rome statute of the ICC in El Salvador
- Technical Assistance on Rome Statute Implementing Legislation in Venezuela
- Parliamentary Action Post-ICAAP 8: The Way Forward
- PGA Bilateral Dialogue - Aceh (Indonesia) and Balochistan (Pakistan)
- Czech Republic Becomes 110th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC
- Chile becomes 109th State Party to Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- The Politics of International Justice - Strategy Meeting
- PGA Roundtable Briefing on the Crime of Aggression
- PGA Workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons: Continuing Challenges for Parliamentarians
- PGA’s Strategy Session Role of Parliamentarians in addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Consultations in Nicaragua on the International Criminal Court National Assembly, Central American Parliament, Supreme Court of Justice and Central American Court
- Report on PGA Regional East African Workshop on Implementation of the Rome Statute
- PGA Seminar on ICC Implementing Legislation in the DRC
- PGA Consultations on the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED)
- International HIV & AIDS Seminar: National Policies to Support National Frameworks
- Working Meeting on ICC in Parliament of Indonesia
- 2008 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 5th Session
- 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Adoption of the Rome Statute of the ICC Assembly of States Parties
- Intervention of PGA Board Member Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch MP (Suriname) in the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Adoption of the Rome Statute of the ICC Assembly of States Parties
- PGA Parliamentary Workshop on The UN Program of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Paramaribo Parliamentary Seminar on International Justice and Security
- PGA Japan Strategy Meeting on the ICC and the Responsibility to Protect
- The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
- PGA Workshop on Enhancing Good Governance and the Rule of Law in the Pacific Islands
- PGA Delegation to 15th Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly
- PGA Regional Roundtable Discussion on the Implementation of The Rome Statute
- 29th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
- Mission of Surinamese Parliamentarians to the ICC and connected institutions
- Mission of Chilean Parliamentarians to the ICC and other institutions
- Roundtable Discussion on the ICC and the Rule of Law
- Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and Mediterranean Countries
- 2007 Working Session on the ICC convened by the Permanent Council of the OAS
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 4th Session
- Asian Parliamentarians Consultation on the Universality of the ICC
- Visit by Delegation of Turkish Parliamentarians to the ICC
- 27th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
- PGA session on the ICC on the occasion of the VI General Assembly of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas (COPA)
- Islamabad Declaration of Action
- Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV and AIDS
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 3rd session
- Iberoamerican-Lusophone Parliamentary Conference on the International Criminal Court
- Resolution by members of PGA Deploring the violence in Haiti
- PGA Laying the Foundations of Rapprochement: Greece-Turkey, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Armenia-Turkey [2001-2004]
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 2nd session
- Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 1st session
- Portugal’s Ratification Paves The Way For Other Lusophone Countries
- Portugal Joins The International Criminal Court (ICC): 51st Ratification Paves The Way For Other Lusophone Countries
- Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries
- Workshop for parliamentarians and NGO leaders from Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali Guinea to discuss the Sexual and Reproductive Health Model Law
- East African Conference on ICC Ratification
- 3rd Annual Conference of PGA’s West Africa Program on Population & Sustainable Development Conference Agenda
- The 2nd Annual Conference of PGA’s West Africa Program on Population & Sustainable Development
- 20º Foro Anual de Parlamentarios para la Acción Mundial (PGA)
- Calendarios de Actividades
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2024
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2024
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2023
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2022
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2021
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2020
- 2020 Calendar of Events and Strategic Actions: Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2019
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2018
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2017
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2016
- Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2015
- Noticias de Seguridad Biológica (actualizaciones semanales)
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - March 2023
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - February 2023
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - January 2023
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - December 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - November 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - October 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - September 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - August 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - July 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - June 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - May 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - April 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - March 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - January 2022
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - December 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - November 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - October 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - September 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - August 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021
- Biological Security - Weekly Update - June 2021
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualizaciones semanales)
- Cybercrime - Weekly Update - January 2025
- Cybercrime - Weekly Update - December 2024
- Cybercrime - Weekly Update - November 2024
- Cybercrime - Weekly Update - October 2024
- Cybercrime - Weekly Update - September 2024
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - mai 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - enero 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - enero 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - enero 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - enero 2023
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - diciembre 2022
- Crímenes Cibernéticos (actualización semanal) - noviembre 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - October 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - September 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - August 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - July 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - May 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - April 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - March 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - February 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - January 2022
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - December 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - November 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - October 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - September 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - August 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - July 2021
- Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional (actualizaciones semanales)
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Marzo 2025
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Febrero 2025
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Enero 2025
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Julio 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Febrero 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Febrero 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Noviembre 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - septembre 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Julio 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Julio 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Junio 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Mayo 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Abril 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Febrero 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Febrero 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Enero 2023
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Diciembre 2022
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Agosto 2022
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Agosto 2022
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Julio 2022
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Mayo 2022
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Noviembre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Noviembre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Noviembre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - Noviembre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - octubre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - septiembre 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - agosto 2021
- Noticias sobre Justicia Internacional - julio 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - junio 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - mayo 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - abril 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - marzo 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - febrero 2021
- Noticias de Justicia Internacional - enero 2021
- Seguridad nuclear y radiológica (actualizaciones semanales)
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - January 2025
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - December 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - November 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - October 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - September 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - August 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - June 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - May 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - April 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - March 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - February 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - January 2024
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - December 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - November 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - October 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - September 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - August 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - June 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - May 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - April 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - March 2023
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - December 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - November 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - October 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - September 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - August 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - June 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - May 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - April 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - March 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - January 2022
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - December 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - November 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - October 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - September 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - August 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021
- Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - June 2021
- APAL/ TCA (actualizaciones semanales)
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - January 2024
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - December 2023
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - May 2023
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - April 2023
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - February 2023
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - January 2023
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - December 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - November 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - October 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - September 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - August 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - June 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - May 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - April 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - March 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - February 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - January 2022
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - December 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - November 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - October 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - September 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - August 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2021
- SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - June 2021
- DGI Program: Latest News
- HRE Program: Latest News
- ILHR Program: Latest News
- IPS Program: Latest News
- Membresía de PGA
- Nuestros miembros
- Unáse a la red de PGA
- Criterios de elegibilidad
- Formación de un Grupo Nacional de PGA
- Materiales para parlamentarios
- Recomendaciones Clave sobre el Papel de los Parlamentarios en la Protección de los Defensores de los Derechos Humanos en Asuntos Medioambientales.
- Reporte Anual 2023
- Informe de la Delegación Parlamentaria Canadiense sobre su participación en la 10ª Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios sobre la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho
- Caja de Herramientas Parlamentarias para la Defensa de la Democracia
- Plan De Acción De Victoria
- Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional
- Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
- Hoja Informativa Para Parlamentarios: El Tratado De Alta Mar: Un Acuerdo Histórico Para Proteger El Océano
- Reporte Anual 2022
- Descargar Nuestro Folleto
- Modernizando la Corte Penal Internacional: Crímenes contra el Medio Ambiente, Trata de Seres Humanos, Justicia Híbrida y Responsabilidad de las Empresas
- Nota explicativa sobre la importancia de la aplicación efectiva y plena del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Papel de los parlamentarios en el fortalecimiento de la integridad de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Hoja informativa para parlamentarios: El Acuerdo de Escazú, un tratado sobre medio ambiente y derechos humanos
- Código Parlamentario Global de Conducta Democrática
- Reporte Anual 2021
- Promoviendo los derechos humanos y la inclusión de las personas LGBTI: un manual para los parlamentarios y las parlamentarias
- Hoja informativa para parlamentarios: Gestión Sostenible de Áreas Marinas Protegidas y Cambio Climático
- Hoja informativa para Parlamentarios: Cronograma para la Protección de los Fondos Marinos
- Guía de Herramientas Parlamentarias para abordar los abusos de los Derechos Humanos en la Industria Pesquera
- Abordando la dimensión de género de la pena de muerte: Coacción entre parlamentarios y sociedad civil
- Cómo Trabajar con Parlamentarios para Abolir la Pena de Muerte
- The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing Forced Marriage as a Crime against Humanity in their Domestic Legislation
- Protecting Fishers During a Global Pandemic
- Reporte Anual 2020
- Ficha Informativa para los Parlamentarios sobre el derecho a una representación legal efectiva
- Ha llegado el Momento de Adoptar un Tratado sobre la Prohibición de las Armas Totalmente Autónomas
- Reporte Anual 2019
- Defender Nuestro Futuro Común
- Manual Parlamentario sobre el papel de las mujeres parlamentarias en la prevención de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva
- Hoja informativa para parlamentarios: Pesca en pequeña escala, desarrollo sostenible y seguridad alimentaria
- Protegiendo los Fondos Marinos: Hoja Informativa para los Parlamentarios
- Hoja informativa para parlamentarios: La alta mar - no regulada y bajo ataque
- Hoja informativa para parlamentarios: Los tres tratados para abordar la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada
- Conjunto de instrumentos jurídicos y de gobernanza para la pesca sostenible a pequeña escala: Mejores prácticas reglamentarias
- Reporte Anual 2018
- Manual para Promover Marcos Legislativos Internacionales que Aborden las Amenazas Planteadas por las Armas de Destrucción Masiva y la Promoción de las Mejores Prácticas de Gestión de los Riesgos Biológicos
- Manual para Prevenir el Extremismo Violento y las Atrocidades Masivas
- Reporte Anual 2017
- Descargue nuestro paquete de recursos para redes sociales sobre inclusión LGBTI
- El rol de los parlamentarios en garantizar el derecho a la identidad de género
- Ficha Informativa para los Parlamentarios sobre la Pena de Muerte y Pobreza
- Sitio de Inclusión LGBTI
- Reporte Anual 2016
- Mitos Frente A Realidades: Tendiendo Puentes Para Mostrar La Realidad De Las Personas Lgbti Frente A Los Mitos
- Ficha Parlamentaria sobre la Pena de Muerte y los Delitos Relacionados con el Terrorismo
- Toolkit: The Role of Parliamentarians in Ending Child Marriage
- Reporte Anual 2015
- Guía Parlamentaria sobre la Abolición de la Pena de Muerte
- Manual Parlamentario para Promover la Firma, Ratificación e Implementación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas
- Caja De Herramientas Parlamentaria Para El Tratado Sobre El Comercio De Armas
- El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y la Corte Penal Internacional
- Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Reporte Anual 2005
- Reporte Anual 2004
- Islandia – Reglamento No. 122/2004 sobre la seguridad de los buques pesqueros de 15 metros de eslora o más, en su forma enmendada
- Reporte Anual 2003
- 25th Anniversary Commemorative Publication (2003)
- Reporte Anual 2002
- Reporte Anual 2001
- The Role of Parliament in the Development of E-Commerce and the Internet
- Ten Years of Peacemaking: PGA and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-2001
- Reporte Anual 2000
- Reporte Anual 1999
- Eradicating Global Poverty: Parliamentary Action Agenda for the 21st Century
- Sustainable Development and Population Program: 1993-1999 Report
- Reporte Anual 1998
- In Defense of Human Dignity: Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice
- Reporte Anual 1997
- Reporte Anual 1996
- Reporte Anual 1995
- Reporte Anual 1994
- Reporte Anual 1993
- Reporte Anual 1992
- Reporte Anual 1991
- Reporte Anual 1990
- Bellagio Communiqué on Climate Change (1990)
- Campaña para abordar el comercio ilícito de armas pequeñas y armas ligeras (APAL) y promover la universalidad e implementación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas (TCA)
- Biological Security and Health Campaign
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