
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 77 resultados. Mostar 71 a 77.
Reporte Anual 1995

Reporte Anual 1995

1995 provided a host of round-number anniversaries. Foremost was the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. Hopes were high that the 50th would bring major reform of the UN System. Unfortunately, hopes that rely on numbers are rarely realized.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1994

Reporte Anual 1994

Senator Silvia Hernandez described the dichotomy between global North and South as 'the obscenity of our generation', calling on PGA members lead their national constituencies in demonstrating the political maturity necessary to tackle problems of
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1993

Reporte Anual 1993

Senator Silvia Hernandez described the dichotomy between global North and South as 'the obscenity of our generation', calling on PGA members lead their national constituencies in demonstrating the political maturity necessary to tackle problems of
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1992

Reporte Anual 1992

1992 proved to be another year of challenge, uncertainty and change in the political evolution of the world community.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1991

Reporte Anual 1991

As the Soviet Union transitioned from Communism, the 1991 PGA Annual Report considers a year of positive collective action.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1990

Reporte Anual 1990

1990 was an historic year, with political events putting the seal of authenticity on the revolutions of 1989 - not simply in Europe but around the world.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Bellagio Communiqué on Climate Change (1990)

Bellagio Communiqué on Climate Change (1990)

From 31 May to 2 June 1990, members of Parliamentarians for Global Action met in Bellagio, Italy for a workshop entitled Global Warming: North-South and the Planetary Partnership.
en Materiales para parlamentarios