
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 100 resultados. Mostar 71 a 80.
Opciones de búsqueda
Ukraine/EU Association Agreement contains important ICC ...

Ukraine/EU Association Agreement contains important ICC ...

17 sept 2014 ... Ratified EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is Fresh Impulse Towards Rome Statute Ratification by Ukraine. On Tuesday, the European Parliament ...
Girls Summit 2014 - Centro de Noticias

Girls Summit 2014 - Centro de Noticias

6 ago 2014 ... The Summit provided a platform for government representatives from 19 countries, the European Union (EU), and numerous civil society ...
PGA Concerned by the Surge of Violence Following the Cease Fire ...

PGA Concerned by the Surge of Violence Following the Cease Fire ...

29 jul 2014 ... ... European Commission, European Union and the Governments of The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Estonia, as well as from Humanity United. In ...
Comisi6n de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Proceso de Estudio de ...

Comisi6n de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Proceso de Estudio de ...

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22 jun 2014 ... / fl1tO-fJ!',™ de flwdicipacuf.n eu.,dadana. Firrna. Page 10. No. 19 ... Embajada de la Union. Europea. ----- .---... Comisi6n de Relaciones ...
Cámara de Diputados Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cámara de Diputados Buenos Aires, Argentina

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21 abr 2014 ... Members of Parliament. Diputado Julián Domínguez (Speaker of ... EUROPEAN UNION. Embajador Alfonso Díez Torres, Head of Delegation ...
The Chair of PGA's European Parliament National Group, Mr ...

The Chair of PGA's European Parliament National Group, Mr ...

22 ene 2014 ... PGA EU Parliament National Group Chair Helmut Scholz commented: "In voting through this report the International Trade Committee has recommended ...
List of Participants: 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2013)

List of Participants: 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2013)

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8 dic 2013 ... European Union. Humanity United. The Netherlands. Switzerland. With support for PGA's Gender, Equality and Population Programme from. Open ...
Madagascar y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la ...

Madagascar y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la ...

6 sept 2013 ... ... European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly (ACP-EU JAP), Ljubljana, Slovenia; November 2007: Round-Table Discussion on the Fight against Impunity and the ...
Indonesia y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la universalidad y ...

Indonesia y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la universalidad y ...

6 jun 2013 ... ... Parliament of Indonesia (Commission I, Foreign Affairs & Defense). He ... 17 July 2012: The EU delegation in Jakarta (through the European Instrument ...
Países Bajos y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la ...

Países Bajos y el Estatuto de Roma - Campaña para la ...

23 may 2013 ... The Netherlands has not signed a Bilateral Immunity Agreement. As a member of the European Union, and as signatory of the revised EU-ACP Cotonou Agreement ...