
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 579 resultados. Mostar 81 a 100.
Opciones de búsqueda
Nigeria y el Estatuto de Roma

Nigeria y el Estatuto de Roma

Nigeria signed the Rome Statute on 1 June 2000 and deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 27 September 2001.
Nepal y el Estatuto de Roma

Nepal y el Estatuto de Roma

PGA has been working with Nepal for over more than ten years and continues to do so since Nepal is a target country of the Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC.
Países Bajos y el Estatuto de Roma

Países Bajos y el Estatuto de Roma

Netherlands signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 17 July 2001.
Noruega y el Estatuto de Roma

Noruega y el Estatuto de Roma

Norway signed the Rome Statute on 28 August 1998 and ratified on 16 February 2000, becoming the 7th State Party.
Palestina y el Estatuto de Roma

Palestina y el Estatuto de Roma

Palestine acceded to the Rome Statute in January 2015, becoming the 123rd State Party to the Rome Statute.
Panamá y el Estatuto de Roma

Panamá y el Estatuto de Roma

Panama signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998, and ratified on 21 March 2002, becoming the 56th State Party.
Papúa Nueva Guinea y el Estatuto de Roma

Papúa Nueva Guinea y el Estatuto de Roma

PGA started monitoring the gradually increasing interest in Papua New Guinea (PNG) towards becoming a State party to the Rome Statute of the ICC since 2011.
Paraguay y el Estatuto de Roma

Paraguay y el Estatuto de Roma

Paraguay signed the Rome Statute on 7 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 14 May 2001.
Filipinas y el Estatuto de Roma

Filipinas y el Estatuto de Roma

Filipinas se ha retirado del Estatuto de Roma. La retirada entró en vigor el 17 de marzo de 2019.
Polonia y el Estatuto de Roma

Polonia y el Estatuto de Roma

Poland signed the Rome Statute on 9 April 1999, and ratified on 12 November 2001, becoming the 46th State Party.
Portugal y el Estatuto de Roma

Portugal y el Estatuto de Roma

Portugal signed on 7 October 1998 and ratified on 5 February 2002, becoming the 51st State Party.
San Marino y el Estatuto de Roma

San Marino y el Estatuto de Roma

San Marino signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998 and ratified on 13 May 1999, becoming the 3rd State Party.
Samoa y el Estatuto de Roma

Samoa y el Estatuto de Roma

Samoa signed the Rome Statute on 17 July 1998 and ratified on 16 September 2002, becoming the 80th State Party.
Serbia y el Estatuto de Roma

Serbia y el Estatuto de Roma

Serbia deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 6 September 2001.
Eslovaquia y el Estatuto de Roma

Eslovaquia y el Estatuto de Roma

Peter Burian, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, deposited the instrument of ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC at the United Nations.
Sudán y el Estatuto de Roma

Sudán y el Estatuto de Roma

Sudan is a ’situation country’ under the ICC. Current focus: Alleged genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in in Darfur, Sudan, since 1 July 2002 (when the Rome Statute entered into force).
Sudáfrica y el Estatuto de Roma

Sudáfrica y el Estatuto de Roma

South Africa signed the Rome Statute on 17 July 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 27 November 2000.
San Vicente y las Granadinas y el Estatuto de Roma

San Vicente y las Granadinas y el Estatuto de Roma

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Rome Statute on 3 December 2002.
España y el Estatuto de Roma

España y el Estatuto de Roma

Spain signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998 and ratified on 24 October 2000, becoming the 22nd State Party.
Suecia y el Estatuto de Roma

Suecia y el Estatuto de Roma

Under the leadership of Sweden as the Coordinator of the “Group of Friends of the ICC”, the group of ICC Member States meeting regularly at the UN, it was decided to organize an annual high level meeting in April to high-light the importance of the ICC.