
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 579 resultados. Mostar 441 a 460.
Opciones de búsqueda
Parliamentary Mission to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute - 12, 13 March 2015

Parliamentary Mission to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute - 12, 13 March 2015

PGA has organized a Parliamentary Mission from the Dominican Republic to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to contribute to the furtherance of the country’s engagement with international justice and to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute.
en Centro de Noticias
The Fight against Impunity for the most serious crimes under International Law is an imperative for the International Community as a whole

The Fight against Impunity for the most serious crimes under International Law is an imperative for the International Community as a whole

Is the International Community Abandoning the Fight Against Impunity? Intervention by David Donat Cattin (Ph.D., Law), Secretary-General, Parliamentarians for Global Action; Adjunct Professor of International Law, NYU Center for Global Affairs
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Mesa Redonda Técnica Sobre la Aplicación Plena del Estatuto de Roma y la Ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala por Ecuador

Mesa Redonda Técnica Sobre la Aplicación Plena del Estatuto de Roma y la Ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala por Ecuador

organizó una mesa redonda técnica sobre la aplicación plena del Estatuto de Roma y la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala por Ecuador
en Centro de Noticias
PGA Supports the Creation of a Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic

PGA Supports the Creation of a Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic

PGA strongly supports the creation of a Special Criminal Court to fight against impunity for the international crimes committed since 2012 in the territory of the Central African Republic (CAR).
en Centro de Noticias
Los parlamentarios ecuatorianos se comprometen a discutir la implementación de los mecanismos internos para cooperar con la Corte Penal Internacional y la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala

Los parlamentarios ecuatorianos se comprometen a discutir la implementación de los mecanismos internos para cooperar con la Corte Penal Internacional y la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala

PGA, junto con la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador, convocó a una mesa redonda técnica sobre la aplicación del Estatuto de Roma
en Centro de Noticias
Statement by PGA Members on Palestine, the ICC and the request by Israel’s MFA to Stop Funding-Support for the ICC

Statement by PGA Members on Palestine, the ICC and the request by Israel’s MFA to Stop Funding-Support for the ICC

Statement of PGA members in the European Parliament in response to the request of Minister of of Foreign Affairs of Israel to stop funding-support to the International Criminal Court following the ratification of Palestine
en Centro de Noticias
PGA acoge con beneplácito la transferencia a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de Dominic Ongwen

PGA acoge con beneplácito la transferencia a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de Dominic Ongwen

PGA acoge con beneplácito la transferencia a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de Dominic Ongwen, un líder del movimiento rebelde, el Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (LRA, por sus siglas en inglés) y subcomandante del jefe del LRA, Joseph Kony.
en Centro de Noticias
Arrest of Dominic Ongwen, LRA 'Commander' Wanted by the ICC

Arrest of Dominic Ongwen, LRA 'Commander' Wanted by the ICC

PGA earnestly applauds the arrest of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) ‘commander’ by US forces in CAR, Dominic Ongwen
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Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2015

Calendario de Actividades de PGA 2015

PGA Activity in 2015
en Calendarios de Actividades
Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 8th session

Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - 8th session

Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Morocco, Rabat, Morocco. 04-05 December 2014.
en Centro de Noticias
Llamado de los Parlamentarios del Mundo a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Solicitando Tome Acciones Enérgicas para Poner Fin a la Impunidad por Atrocidades Masivas

Llamado de los Parlamentarios del Mundo a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Solicitando Tome Acciones Enérgicas para Poner Fin a la Impunidad por Atrocidades Masivas

El Parlamento de Marruecos recibe en Rabat a la 8. ª Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios por la CPI y el Estado de Derecho
en Centro de Noticias
PGA Member Hon. M. Kula Segaran speaks out again on long overdue need for Accession by Malaysia to Rome Statute of ICC

PGA Member Hon. M. Kula Segaran speaks out again on long overdue need for Accession by Malaysia to Rome Statute of ICC

DAP vice chair M Kulasegaran to take up again the cause of Malaysia’s accession to the ICC.
en Centro de Noticias
19th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards

19th PGA Annual Defender of Democracy Awards

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) is pleased to announce that it will present the 2014 Defender of Democracy Awards to Ms. Navanethem Pillay (Navi) and Mr. Abdelaziz Bennani.
en Centro de Noticias
Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica Aprueba las Enmiendas de Kampala

Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica Aprueba las Enmiendas de Kampala

Parlamentarios celebran la aprobación de las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) en la plenaria de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica.
en Centro de Noticias
6th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC  in the Middle East and North Africa

6th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and North Africa

While most Governments in the (MENA) Region have expressed support for the ICC and the fight against impunity for crimes under international law, few have taken the necessary steps to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC.
en Centro de Noticias
Kurdish-Iraq Authorities look at Rome Statute/ICC for restoring trust

Kurdish-Iraq Authorities look at Rome Statute/ICC for restoring trust

On October 20th-21st, a mission from the Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq visited the International Criminal Court (ICC), other international legal institutions and relevant non state actors in The Hague.
en Centro de Noticias
 Parliament of Jordan - MPs from MENA Region discuss the ICC and fight against impunity for international crimes

Parliament of Jordan - MPs from MENA Region discuss the ICC and fight against impunity for international crimes

MPs from MENA Region discuss the ICC and fight against impunity for international crimes
en Centro de Noticias
Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Cameroon

Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Cameroon

From 6 to 8 October, PGA conducted a field mission in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in the framework of the PGA Campaign for the Universality and Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system to generate political will for the fight against impunity
en Centro de Noticias
PGA Celebrates the Ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Spain, Latvia and Poland

PGA Celebrates the Ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Spain, Latvia and Poland

Parliamentarians around the world celebrate the ratification of the Kampala Amendments of the crime of aggression of the International Criminal Court by Spain, Latvia and Poland. This brings the number of ratifying states to 18.
en Centro de Noticias
PGA Welcomes the Opening of a Second Investigation in CAR by the Prosecution of the ICC

PGA Welcomes the Opening of a Second Investigation in CAR by the Prosecution of the ICC

PGA welcomes the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open a second investigation in CAR with respect to crimes allegedly committed since 2012.
en Centro de Noticias