
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 579 resultados. Mostar 421 a 440.
Opciones de búsqueda
Parlamentarios africanos apoyan el Sistema de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) como la último amparo contra la impunida

Parlamentarios africanos apoyan el Sistema de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) como la último amparo contra la impunida

Declaración del Día Internacional de la Justicia por parte de la Honorable Dr. Pindi Chana, MP (Tanzania), en su calidad de Presidenta del Consejo Internacional de Parlamentarios por la Acción Global.
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Sesión Especial sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma

Sesión Especial sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma

Parlamentarios de Costa Rica y El Salvador emprendieron una estrategia para avanzar en sus respectivos procesos de implementación y ratificación domésticos del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI el 10 de julio de 2015 en la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica.
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Parliamentary Delegation on Equality and Non-Discrimination to San Salvador

Parliamentary Delegation on Equality and Non-Discrimination to San Salvador

PGA Members, Dip. Berta Sanseverino (Uruguay), Dip. Manuel Garrido (Argentina), and Dip. Tucapel Jiménez (Chile), along with PGA program staff, Mónica Adame and Romina Morello, conducted a field mission to El Salvador.
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PGA felicita a la Magistratura Italiana por el juicio histórico de ciertos dirigentes de la

PGA felicita a la Magistratura Italiana por el juicio histórico de ciertos dirigentes de la

PGA felicita a la Magistratura Italiana por el juicio histórico de ciertos dirigentes de la “Operación Cóndor “ y pide que las víctimas y los testigos de América Latina sean escuchados y tratados con dignidad y respeto, acorde a sus derechos inalienables.
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PGA Member, Hon. James Selfe, MP (South Africa) questions People’s Assembly on the neglect of arresting Omar Al-Bashir

PGA Member, Hon. James Selfe, MP (South Africa) questions People’s Assembly on the neglect of arresting Omar Al-Bashir

Hon. James Selfe recently joined PGA amidst the unfolding events around the neglect of the ICC arrest warrants, as well as the national Gauteng High Court orders, for the arrest of Omar Al-Bashir. During the debates in the South African people’s assembly
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ICC Ratification: Increasing the Opportunities for Justice in Ukraine

ICC Ratification: Increasing the Opportunities for Justice in Ukraine

Are further delays in ratification of the Rome Statute presenting a lost opportunity to provide for justice in Ukraine? Can Rome Statute ratification in fact help the high-level peace negotiations? Will the ICC replace national Ukrainian courts?
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Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty and the Fight Against Impunity

Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty and the Fight Against Impunity

From 10 to 13 June, PGA conducted a field mission on the abolition of the death penalty and the fight against impunity in the margins of the South-East Asia Regional Congress on the abolition of the death penalty organized by Ensemble Contre la Peine de M
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Parliamentary Expert & Peer-Exchange Roundtable Discussions on the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Parliamentary Expert & Peer-Exchange Roundtable Discussions on the International Criminal Court (ICC)

PGA, in partnership with the Human Rights Agenda and the Razumkov Center organized a Parliamentary Expert & Peer-Exchange Roundtable Discussions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) from June 18-19, 2015 at the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine
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In Memoriam of Prof. Otto Triffterer (1931-2015), a giant of International Criminal Law

In Memoriam of Prof. Otto Triffterer (1931-2015), a giant of International Criminal Law

Earlier this month, on June 1, 2015, the world lost one of the most innovative and charismatic legal thinkers of our times, Professor Dr. Otto Triffterer.
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Interview with PGA Member Mr. Harry van Bommel, MP, The Netherlands

Interview with PGA Member Mr. Harry van Bommel, MP, The Netherlands

The PGA Secretariat has the pleasure of highlighting this month’s work on the ratification of the Rome Statute by Armenia, with 10 questions to Mr. Harry van Bommel, MP, The Netherlands.
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PGA Congratulates the Unanimous Vote for the Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in DRC

PGA Congratulates the Unanimous Vote for the Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in DRC

On 2 June the Chamber of Deputies of the DRC voted unanimously for the adoption of the Law to Implement the Rome Statute of the ICC in the domestic legal order.
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ISIS: Abducting Girls and Women to Finance their Activities

ISIS: Abducting Girls and Women to Finance their Activities

Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict gave a poignant report on the situation in Iraq, and Syria following her mission in the region
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Taller Parlamentario sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma y las Enmiendas de Kampala en la República Dominicana

Taller Parlamentario sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma y las Enmiendas de Kampala en la República Dominicana

El 10 y 11 de marzo de 2015, PGA junto con el Senado de la República Dominicana organizó un Taller Parlamentario sobre la Ratificación e Implementación del Estatuto de Roma y las Enmiendas d
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Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Tanzania

Parliamentary Roundtable and Consultations on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Tanzania

PGA organized on Sunday 3 May a Roundtable meeting on the abolition of the death penalty in Tanzania and Uganda in Dar es Salaam with the participation of Parliamentarians from Tanzania and Uganda
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Field Mission of PGA in Kyiv bolsters support for the ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Ukraine

Field Mission of PGA in Kyiv bolsters support for the ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Ukraine

From 20 to 22 April 2015, the Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC conducted a field mission to Kyiv to engage with Members of the newly elected Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) for the purpose of introducing the vision and goal of PGA
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Parliament of the Central African Republic adopts the law establishing a Special Criminal Court

Parliament of the Central African Republic adopts the law establishing a Special Criminal Court

Central African Republic (CAR) adopted by a large majority, on 22 April 2015, the bill establishing a Special Criminal Court in CAR
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Czech Republic and Switzerland approve Kampala Amendments

Czech Republic and Switzerland approve Kampala Amendments

Parliamentarians around the world celebrate the acceptance by the Czech Republic of both Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC and the Swiss Federal Assembly unanimous approval of the ratification of the Kampala Amendments
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PGA Condemns the Brutal Assassination of Ugandan leading State-Prosecutor Ms. Joan Kagezi

PGA Condemns the Brutal Assassination of Ugandan leading State-Prosecutor Ms. Joan Kagezi

PGA firmly condemns her brutal and senseless assassination, occurred on 30 March, 2015 in Kampala
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PGA Statement concerning the restrictions of personal liberty against Mr. Ahmed Mahloof, MP (Maldives), PGA Member

PGA Statement concerning the restrictions of personal liberty against Mr. Ahmed Mahloof, MP (Maldives), PGA Member

PGA expresses its undiminished solidarity with Mr. Mahloof for his prolonged detention without formal charges being presented to him before an independent judge.
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PGA Calls for Peaceful Presidential Elections in Nigeria

PGA Calls for Peaceful Presidential Elections in Nigeria

PGA urges Nigerians to restrain from using violence during the presidential elections to be held on the 28 March 2015 and calls for peaceful elections.
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