
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 77 resultados. Mostar 21 a 40.
Opciones de búsqueda
Reporte Anual 1994

Reporte Anual 1994

Senator Silvia Hernandez described the dichotomy between global North and South as 'the obscenity of our generation', calling on PGA members lead their national constituencies in demonstrating the political maturity necessary to tackle problems of
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1995

Reporte Anual 1995

1995 provided a host of round-number anniversaries. Foremost was the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. Hopes were high that the 50th would bring major reform of the UN System. Unfortunately, hopes that rely on numbers are rarely realized.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1996

Reporte Anual 1996

As we near the dawn of the 21st century, political and economic decision-making has become more complex and more sophisticated than ever before in history. Indeed, the process of governing now needs more vision, conceptualization, communication, and intellect. And governing is still more complicated in a democracy where governments and legislators must satisfy so many diverse segments of society.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1997

Reporte Anual 1997

1997 proved to be a monumentally successful year for Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) . Remarkable advancements were made in our program work as well as our membership development.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1998

Reporte Anual 1998

In the 1990's, PGA pioneered parliamentarians' involvement in conflict prevention and management in countries such as Haiti, Togo and Burundi. PGA also mobilized consensus on key controversial issues at the global UN conferences of 1990-1996.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 1999

Reporte Anual 1999

This year PGA held its 21st Annual Forum entitled 'Eradicating Global Poverty' on September 29-30, which struggled with the heartbreaking and unnecessary issue of poverty.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2000

Reporte Anual 2000

Although it has taken more than a decade, the road started by PGA members Mr. Arthur N.R. Robinson, currently President of Trinidad and Tobago, and U.S. Rep. James Leach in 1989 to set up an International Criminal Court is now closer to becoming a reality, with President Clinton signing the ICC statute on December 31, 2000.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2001

Reporte Anual 2001

Scarred by the tragedy of September 11th, the year 2001 has become a turning point in the world history. The focus on counter-terrorism and security must be retained in balance with respect for civil liberties and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) must take a prominent role in ensuring that in each of our parliaments the balance in maintained.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2002

Reporte Anual 2002

2002 has proven to be a year of great achievements for the global community, one of which was the ratification and entry into force of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (ICC). Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) has played a viral role in the ratification process of the Statute.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2003

Reporte Anual 2003

Over the past 25 years, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) established itself as a unique organization driven by individual legislators addressing pressing global issues such as peace, democracy, international law, human rights, nuclear disarmament, sustainable development and population.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2004

Reporte Anual 2004

This past year marked the 20th Anniversary of the Six Nation Peace Initiative on nuclear disarmament. In 1984, PGA brought together six presidents and prime ministers from Argentina, Greece, fudia, Mexico, Sweden and Tanzania, to work together and call on leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union to halt their production, testing and deployment of nuclear weapons.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Reporte Anual 2005

Reporte Anual 2005

The year 2005 was strategic for PGA as we embarked on new programme initiatives in addition to continuing progress on our ongoing activities.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
25th Anniversary Commemorative Publication (2003)

25th Anniversary Commemorative Publication (2003)

At the end of its first quarter century, PGA has demonstrated that the concept on which it is based - that a results-oriented global network of legislators can be a powerful and effective force for peace and progress - is both valid and sustainable.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Descargar Nuestro Folleto

Descargar Nuestro Folleto

Puede descargar nuestro folleto para obtener más información sobre nosotros y sobre lo que hacemos.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Ten Years of Peacemaking: PGA and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-2001

Ten Years of Peacemaking: PGA and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-2001

This publication tells the story of the men and women who have taken part in missions - organized by PGA's Task Force on Peace & Democracy - to Burundi, Cote d'lvoire, Haiti, Tanzania, Togo and elsewhere, in response to requests for assistance from the parliaments themselves or from Special Representatives of the United Nations Secretary-General.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Sustainable Development and Population Program: 1993-1999 Report

Sustainable Development and Population Program: 1993-1999 Report

The International conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in September 1994, was a watershed for global population and development initiatives. In an unprecedented move, government officials from 179 countries unanimously adopted a Program of Action.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Eradicating Global Poverty: Parliamentary Action Agenda for the 21st Century

Eradicating Global Poverty: Parliamentary Action Agenda for the 21st Century

As the millennium approaches, the globe has never been more connected: technology and business rush forward, partnerships cross borders, the Internet breaks old barriers of communication - and yet at the same time, poverty has sharply increased. Development and underdevelopment have reached hyperbolic peaks.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
The Role of Parliament in the Development of E-Commerce and the Internet

The Role of Parliament in the Development of E-Commerce and the Internet

Postponed from the previous year, due to the tragic events of 9/11, the 23rd Annual Forum, in Stockholm, Sweden, featured a special session on counter-terrorism, in addition to its main theme of parliamentarians and E-commerce and the Internet.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)

Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)

PGA ha elaborado este manual con el fin de establecer criterios y recomendaciones específicas para que los parlamentarios alienten a sus Gobiernos a mejorar los procedimientos nacionales de designación de candidatos a magistrados de la CPI y adopten buenas prácticas y requisitos para garantizar que estos procesos sean justos, transparentes y meritocráticos.
en Materiales para parlamentarios
Cómo Trabajar con Parlamentarios para Abolir la Pena de Muerte

Cómo Trabajar con Parlamentarios para Abolir la Pena de Muerte

Aunque sólo formen parte de una estrategia de defensa más amplia, los parlamentarios y la abolición de la pena de muerte van de la mano.
en Materiales para parlamentarios