
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 540 resultados. Mostar 226 a 240.
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PGA Members at the European Parliament at the vanguard of efforts to bring justice to the Rohingya people

PGA Members at the European Parliament at the vanguard of efforts to bring justice to the Rohingya people

PGA commends the powerful resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 19 September on Myanmar and the situation of the Rohingya.
Sudan: PGA Members Demand the Arrest and Surrender of Omar al-Bashir and Accomplices to the International Criminal Court

Sudan: PGA Members Demand the Arrest and Surrender of Omar al-Bashir and Accomplices to the International Criminal Court

PGA welcomes reports of the arrest of senior members of the regime of former Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir, who stands accused of the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes against the civilian population of Darfur.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
On International Justice Day, PGA Recognizes Parliamentarians at the Forefront of the Fight Against Impunity and Calls upon Legislators Worldwide to Join Them

On International Justice Day, PGA Recognizes Parliamentarians at the Forefront of the Fight Against Impunity and Calls upon Legislators Worldwide to Join Them

International Justice Day is commemorated on 17 July, marking the 21st anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Parlamentarios africanos se reúnen en Banjul para discutir la rendición de cuentas por violaciones graves de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales

Parlamentarios africanos se reúnen en Banjul para discutir la rendición de cuentas por violaciones graves de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales

On 3 and 4 July 2019, the National Assembly of the Gambia hosted over 40 participants, representing more than 15 African States, to participate in the Working Group on the Fight against Impunity in Africa.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
The Crimes and Violence Committed in Ituri Province Will Not Go Unpunished

The Crimes and Violence Committed in Ituri Province Will Not Go Unpunished

PGA Members in the DRC call on the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Prosecutor at the Bunia Court of Appeal to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators of international crimes...

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Sudan: Peace and Stabilization Demand Accountability

Sudan: Peace and Stabilization Demand Accountability

PGA reiterates its call for Sudanese authorities to surrender former President al-Bashir to the ICC and reaffirms its recommendations for a peaceful transition

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Estados de las Islas del Pacífico se comprometen a defender la justicia penal internacional

Estados de las Islas del Pacífico se comprometen a defender la justicia penal internacional

On 31 May 2019, more than 40 members of parliament, government representatives, and senior diplomats convened at a strategic high-level event in Vanuatu, to promote the advancement of international criminal justice in the Pacific Islands region.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Parlamentarios Latinoamericanos se reúnen en Montevideo para promover la Justicia Internacional

Parlamentarios Latinoamericanos se reúnen en Montevideo para promover la Justicia Internacional

El 6 y 7 de mayo de 2019 la Cámara de Representantes del Uruguay alojó a cuarenta participantes de América Latina reflexionar sobre la justicia internacional como herramienta fundamental para fortalecer el Estado de derecho, la protección de los derechos

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Red de Parlamentarios exige poner fin a la persecución política de los diputados electos de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela por el régimen de Nicolas Maduro

Red de Parlamentarios exige poner fin a la persecución política de los diputados electos de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela por el régimen de Nicolas Maduro

Sr. Edgar Zambrano, vicepresidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, fue detenido arbitrariamente el miércoles 8 de mayo de 2019 por agentes del Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN) en Caracas.
Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador aprueba Enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma sobre Crimen de Agresión

Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador aprueba Enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma sobre Crimen de Agresión

Nueva York / Quito, 23 de abril de 2019 - Hoy, la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador dió un paso significativo en la lucha global a favor del Estado de derecho y contra la impunidad al aprobar la ratificación de las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma...

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
PGA member, Rep. Jim McGovern, requests information on the Trump Administration’s decision to restrict visas of International Criminal Court staff

PGA member, Rep. Jim McGovern, requests information on the Trump Administration’s decision to restrict visas of International Criminal Court staff

“The International Criminal Court exists because far too often, countries are unable or unwilling to punish authorities responsible for terrible crimes like massacres, torture and forced disappearance,” Rep. Jim McGovern said.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Parliamentarians around the world welcome the arrest of ICC fugitive, Sudanese President al-Bashir

Parliamentarians around the world welcome the arrest of ICC fugitive, Sudanese President al-Bashir

At this crucial juncture for the future of Sudan, PGA calls upon all relevant parties engaged in the reconstruction of democracy and the Rule of Law to undertake the following changes...

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
PGA calls for an informed parliamentary debate on domestic implementation of the Rome Statute into Malaysian Law and for a reversal or, at least, a suspension of the decision to exit from the ICC

PGA calls for an informed parliamentary debate on domestic implementation of the Rome Statute into Malaysian Law and for a reversal or, at least, a suspension of the decision to exit from the ICC

It is the understanding of PGA that the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) does not limit in any manner the constitutional prerogatives of the Monarch. PGA calls the Prime Minister of Malaysia to reconsider today’s decision.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador avanza con paso firme hacia la ratificación de las Enmiendas sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador avanza con paso firme hacia la ratificación de las Enmiendas sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

La Comisión de Soberanía, Integración, Relaciones Internacionales y Seguridad Integral de la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador aprobó por unanimidad el informe de la “Enmiendas al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional relativas al crimen de agresión

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Parliamentarians express profound regret over the withdrawal of the Philippines from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Parliamentarians express profound regret over the withdrawal of the Philippines from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

In the Philippines, throughout the region, and across the globe, parliamentarians, as democratically-elected representatives of the people, raised their voices to condemn this disappointing development.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI