
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Su búsqueda devolvió 540 resultados. Mostar 151 a 165.
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Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Leading Parliamentarians from Italy, Sweden and the European Parliament stress the importance of the fight against impunity for international crimes, including the aggressive use of force.
Letter to President Zelenskyi of Ukraine Urging Decisive Action on the Rome Statute of the ICC

Letter to President Zelenskyi of Ukraine Urging Decisive Action on the Rome Statute of the ICC

Leaders of PGA and its Ukrainian civil society partner, the Center for Civil Liberties (CCL), have written a letter to the President of the Republic of Ukraine urging decisive action towards Ukrainian membership of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

PGA reaffirms that any military attack directed against Ukrainian territory would be unlawful use of force prohibited by the UN Charter and may qualify as crime of aggression attributable to the individual criminal responsibility of the leader(s).

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (julio 2021 – dic. 2021)

Acontecimientos Judiciales Y Otros Eventos Clave Sobre La CPI (julio 2021 – dic. 2021)

Investigaciones en curso y Exámenes Preliminares

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Diciembre 2021 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

Diciembre 2021 Actualización de la Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

Luego de un primer semestre marcado por la adaptación a las nuevas realidades y la innovación, las actividades de PGA de julio a diciembre de 2021 continuaron enfocadas en la necesidad de fortalecer el Sistema del Estatuto de Roma y las capacidades nacionales para luchar contra la impunidad...

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates: From the Independent Experts Review report to action by the Assembly of States Parties

Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates: From the Independent Experts Review report to action by the Assembly of States Parties

On 10 December 2021, PGA virtually gathered a group of high-level experts and representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs) to discuss the importance of reforming national nomination procedures for the International Criminal Court (ICC) judicial

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC

The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC

This side-event analysed the main problems hindering States from joining the ICC, with examples of successes as well as challenges experienced, elucidated from the perspective of Parliamentarians from four countries.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Working Group on Afghanistan: Legislators Must Continue to Put Pressure on Their Government

Working Group on Afghanistan: Legislators Must Continue to Put Pressure on Their Government

To keep the focus on strategic and efficient actions and considering that the situation in Afghanistan must not be forgotten, PGA, in collaboration with a Malaysian Think Tank, have organized a follow-up meeting to discuss the step
PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia

PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia

While marking a new chapter of positive complementarity in the country, it is also the first time that the Office concludes such an agreement with a State Party.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Senado de México aprueba la Ratificación de Enmiendas al Artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

Senado de México aprueba la Ratificación de Enmiendas al Artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

Con la aprobación de estas enmiendas, México reitera sus compromisos internacionales y nacionales con los derechos humanos, la justicia y el Estado de Derecho. PGA continuará apoyando a sus miembros en México para impulsar la plena implementación del Estatuto de Roma y su cooperación con la CPI.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Italian Parliament authorises the Government to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Italian Parliament authorises the Government to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Italy will become the 42nd State to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the crime of aggression and war crimes.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Coup d’état in Sudan: an unfortunate setback delaying the democracy-building process and justice for victims

Coup d’état in Sudan: an unfortunate setback delaying the democracy-building process and justice for victims

The recent events that took place during the evening of Monday 25 October 2021 in Khartoum, Sudan, are yet more evidence of the worrying trend of democratic backsliding worldwide.
Parliamentarians from the Republic of Ghana and Uganda reinforced their commitment to international justice and human rights during their visit to the Hague

Parliamentarians from the Republic of Ghana and Uganda reinforced their commitment to international justice and human rights during their visit to the Hague

PGA organised a visit of members of Parliament from Ghana and Uganda to the Hague. The delegation, was composed of 10 Parliamentarians and two staff members.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
Roundtable on Afghanistan: Learning From Our Past Mistakes to Move Ahead to Try to Prevent New Atrocities

Roundtable on Afghanistan: Learning From Our Past Mistakes to Move Ahead to Try to Prevent New Atrocities

The roundtable explored actions that could be undertaken by the international community which could have an impact toward the prevention of atrocity crimes and improve the safety and security of Afghan civilians.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI
The United States and International Criminal Justice:  A complex and challenging relationship

The United States and International Criminal Justice: A complex and challenging relationship

A list of relevant events where the U.S. played a critical role, in addition to the evolution of the relation between the United States and the International Criminal Court.

Campaña: Estatuto de Roma de la CPI