
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Visit by Delegation of Turkish Parliamentarians to the ICC

May, 2006 | The Hague, Netherlands

A delegation of 5 Turkish Parliamentarians, sponsored by PGA and drawn from both the governing and opposition parties, travelled to The Hague, Netherlands in May 2006 and held informative meetings and briefings with....

International Criminal Court

  • H.E. Judge Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC
  • Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, Prosecutor of the ICC
  • Mr. Bruno Cathala, Registrar of the ICC

International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

  • Judge Mehmet Guney (Appeals Chamber ICTR)

Parliament of the Netherlands, House of Representatives

  • Mr. Coskun Coruz, MP (CDA)
  • Mr. Boris Dittrich, MP, PGA member (D66)
  • Ms. Fatma Koser Kaya, MP (D66-Democraten)

Ministry of Foreign Relations, Government of the Netherlands

  • Mr. Edmond Wallenstein, Director for the ICC Task Force
  • Ms. Marjoelin Jongman, Office of the ICC Task Force
  • Mr J.A.C. (Hans) Bevers, Ministry of Justice

The objectives of this Delegation visit were

  1. To provide a space for dialogue between Turkish legislators and ICC organs,
  2. To facilitate the understanding of the judicial mandate of the ICC,
  3. To sensitise particular key actors in favour of the ICC,
  4. To promote a message of the importance of the Turkish membership to the ICC system and
  5. To advance the role of parliamentarians in strengthening and monitoring the ICC mandate.

The Turkish Parliamentary Delegation consisted of:

  • Mr. Reha Denemec MP (AK) Vice Chairman of the governing AK PARTY R &D - Member of Democracy Committee - Head of Delegation (PGA International Council Member)
  • Mr. Zekeriya Akcam (AK) Member of Constitution Committee - Member of Turkey-EU Harmonization Committee - Member of Turkey-EU Mixed Parliamentary Committee
  • Mr. Mustafa Nuri Akbulut (AK) Member of Justice Committee - Member of Euromed Mediterranean Countries' Parliaments Assembly - Member of Romania Friendship Group
  • Mr. Yuksel Corbacyoalu (CHP) Member of the Justice Committee, Spokesman of Party
  • Ms. Zeynep Damla Gurel (CHP) Member and Vice President of the Democracy Committee - NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mediterranean Special Group Rapporteur - Member of the Committee on Petition - Member of USA Friendship Group

Following the conclusion of this Delegation visit, Mr. Mustafa Nuri Akbulut delivered a strong statement in favour of Turkey's accession to the ICC in the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara.

Últimas Actividades: Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

From 28 to 30 May 2024, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) organized an important visit of Somali Members of Parliament to The Hague, Netherlands

The delegation – all members of the Committee of Justice and Defense from the Federal Parliament of Somalia – had the opportunity to engage in direct and crucial exchanges on accountability and justice.

Mujeres Maya Achi participan en la conmemoración del Día Nacional contra las Desapariciones Forzadas en Ciudad de Guatemala el 21 de junio de 2019. En enero de 2022, ganaron un juicio contra cinco antiguos paramilitares que las sometieron a actos de violencia sexual y esclavitud durante el conflicto armado interno.

La impunidad es el principal obstáculo para la justicia y la reparación de las víctimas y supervivientes de violaciones de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales. A menudo, sólo un pequeño número de responsables rinden cuentas.

l-r: Hon. Patrick Kensenhuis, Member of the Human Rights Committee and Chair of the PGA National Group in Suriname; Ms. Frederika Schweighoferova, PGA's Director, International Law & Human Rights Program; Mr. Daniel Garzón López,  PGA's Senior Program Officer, International Law & Human Rights Program; and Hon. Dewanchandrebhose Sharman, Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Human Rights Committee.

From 15 to 17 May 2024, a delegation of Members of Parliament from Suriname participated in a high-level visit to The Hague, The Netherlands, organized by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).