
Movilizando parlamentarios como defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, la democracia y un mundo sostenible.

SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - December 2021

The Weekly SALW/ATT Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program and provided strictly for informational purposes only. Any opinions expressed in articles contained in this Update are not necessarily shared by PGA or any individual/s associated with PGA, nor does PGA, or any individual/s associated with PGA, vouch for the accuracy of the contents of these articles. For more information on PGA's Campaign Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, please visit Campaign to Address the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

  Africa Africa Talks: Youth Innovations on Peace, Democracy and Governance in Africa
  Burma/Myanmar Worldly, Charming, and Quietly Equipping a Brutal Military
  Bangladesh/Myanmar Weapons Supply to Myanmar: Dhaka urges sanctions
  Belgium NGOs sue Flemish government over Turkey arms exports
  Canada Swords into Ploughshares
  European Union A new EU policy to support Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of former combatants
  France "Il faut que cesse la complicité de la France dans les crimes internationaux"
  Gabon Armes légères & petits calibres : le Gabon veut mieux en contrôler la circulation
  Gabon PGA congratulates the Government of Gabon on its decision on December 17th, 2021 to proceed to ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty, having signed the ATT on 25th September 2013. PGA Member, former Foreign Minister of Gabon Dep. Noël Nelson Messone, Member of the National Assembly of Gabon, Vice Chair of the Foreign Relations and Defence Committee contacted PGA's International Peace and Security Program in writing in mid-October 2021 indicating a strong interest in collaborating with PGA IPSP, in particular in the area of addressing the illegal trade in small arms and light weapons where he has had prior experience. PGA IPSP subsequently provided Dep. Noël Nelson Messone, also in mid-October 2021, with an extensive background brief, including in connection with the current status of Gabon vis-a-vis the Arms Trade Treaty, outlining suggested steps that could be taken to encourage the Government of Gabon to proceed to ratification of the ATT. PGA also outreached and interacted directly wtih Hon. Messone in the implementation of its recently concluded UNSCAR project, as also set out/described in further detail in its Final Report to UNSCAR for this project in October 2021
  Gabon Nouveaux textes, nominations… ce qu’il faut retenir du dernier Conseil des ministres de cette année 2021 présidé par Ali Bongo Ondimba

Sur présentation de Monsieur le Ministre, le Conseil des Ministres a adopté les sept (7) projets de textes suivants :
1- le projet de loi autorisant la ratification du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes, signé le 25 septembre 2013 à New-York.
Le présent projet de loi s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’adhésion du Gabon, d’une part, à l’engagement de la Communauté internationale de combler le vide juridique régissant les transferts internationaux d’armes classiques, leurs munitions, pièces et composants, et d’autre part, à la volonté des Etats Parties au Traité de règlementer ledit secteur en vue d’atténuer les risques liés aux effets des crimes de guerre ou de violation grave du droit international des droits humains qui pourraient être commis.
  Haiti US to Provide Offensive Weapons, Armed Vehicles to Haiti
  United Nations Kenya votes to adopt resolution on small arms
  KSA/China CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China
  KSA Saudi Arabia calls on UN Security Council to hold Houthis accountable
  México/ONU ONU aprueba resolución de México contra contrabando de armas
  Nigeria Restraining the illegal circulation of firearms
  Nigeria ECOWAS-EU empower 50 ex-militants with working tools, inaugurates micro-projects in C’River communities
  Poland Ukraine arms-trafficking into Poland on rise
  Spain The Lower House requests more transparency in the sale of arms through a new Law of Secrets
  Spain Spanish-Lebanese arms dealer wanted for tax fraud reported to accompany former king Juan Carlos I in Abu Dhabi
  United Kingdom UK licensed £2.8bn worth of arms to human rights abusers since Boris Johnson became PM
  United Nations Security Council Resolves to Consider During Mandate Renewals Role of Peace Operations in Curbing Illicit Weapons Flow, Adopting Resolution 2616 (2021) by Recorded Vote
  United States It's beyond time to end Yemen's civil war. Christmas Eve would be a great time for it
  United States New reforms target US military's missing weapons problem

  Africa African Union held a high-level seminar on: Art, culture, and heritage as levers to silencing the guns in Africa
  Africa Communique of the 1055th meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) held at Ministerial level on 14 December 2021 on the theme: Interdependence between Peace, Security and Development
  France/UAE France signs weapons mega-deal with UAE as Macron tours Gulf
  Gabon Gabon : Nouveaux textes, nominations… ce qu’il faut retenir du dernier Conseil des ministres de cette année 2021 présidé par Ali Bongo Ondimba "...MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES
Sur présentation de Monsieur le Ministre, le Conseil des Ministres a adopté les sept (7) projets de textes suivants :
1- le projet de loi autorisant la ratification du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes, signé le 25 septembre 2013 à New-York.
Le présent projet de loi s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’adhésion du Gabon, d’une part, à l’engagement de la Communauté internationale de combler le vide juridique régissant les transferts internationaux d’armes classiques, leurs munitions, pièces et composants, et d’autre part, à la volonté des Etats Parties au Traité de règlementer ledit secteur en vue d’atténuer les risques liés aux effets des crimes de guerre ou de violation grave du droit international des droits humains qui pourraient être commis....'
  Jamaica Jamaica to Review Constitution in 2022; Holness Wants Stricter Gun Laws
  Madagascar Région Imoron’i Mania : Une centaine d’armes principalement de fabrication artisanales rendues
  Mexico Demanda de México contra armerías de EU no es un acto intervencionista, asegura la SRE
  Nigeria Centre for control of small arms, light weapons distances self from NATFORCE
  Nigeria Restraining the Illegal Circulation of Firearms
  República Dominicana OEA dona a Interior y Policia maquina para marcaje y remarcaje de arms registradas en la institucion
  Senegal Convention de la Cedeao sur les armes légères : Société civile et Forces de sécurité mises à niveau
  Global Taking stock of the arms trade treaty: A summary of policy options
  Turkey/Africa Armed with drones, Turkey explores African arms sales
  UAE/US U.A.E. will ‘suspend discussions’ on $23 billion weapons deal with U.S.
  Uganda Amnesty campaign on gun control to be rolled out
  United States Now In Power, Key Anti-War Democrats Soften On Saudi War in Yemen
  United States America should severely restrict guns

  Afghanistan Afghanistan foils weapons smuggling
  European Union Worrying increase in illegal guns and related violence in EU, study reveals
  India/Russia India and Russia sign arms, trade deals straining tense relationship with US
  Israel IDF thwarts attempted weapon-smuggling from base in North
  Jamaica Jamaican diplomat Shorna-Kay Richards appointed to UN Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters
  Niger Jihadist-hit Niger urges crackdown on Libya arms traffic
  Senegal Forum de Dakar : Mohammed Bazoum cible la lutte contre le trafic d'armes
  Seychelles Seychelles : 6 interpellations pour trafic d’armes et la disparition de 50 millions de dollars
  South Korea South Korean defence industry expanding globally
  Tchad Tchad : le ministère de la Sécurité met en garde les trafiquants d’armes
  Tchad Le gouvernement tchadien encadre strictement le port d'armes à feu
  Ukraine Ukraine arms-trafficking into Poland on rise
  United Kingdom New rules on UK arms trade make it ‘easier’ to sideline human rights
  United States US gunning to plug Haiti arms flow
  United States US helping Jamaica to ease flow of guns
  United States Senate rejects bipartisan bid to stop $650M Saudi arms sale
  United States Record-high 5,674 guns seized at TSA checkpoints in 2021

  Afrique Pourquoi la paix se fait toujours attendre en Afrique ?
  Africa Africa needs to address effects of COVID-19 for peace and stability
  Brazil Brazil continues selling arms to conflict zones, violating UN treaty
  Côte d'Ivoire Trafic illicite des armes : Des leaders communautaires formés
  Éthiopie La guerre en Éthiopie menace de déstabiliser toute la région
  Egypt Top buyer Egypt shops around at its international arms fair
  France Macron visits Gulf seeking arms deal, stronger regional role
  France/KSA Emmanuel Macron accused of trying to ‘rehabilitate’ Mohammed bin Salman
  KSA/Yemen Saudi Arabia ‘bullied and bribed’ states to quash Yemen war crimes inquiry
  Libye En Libye, « les stocks d’armes restent élevés et suffisants pour alimenter tout conflit futur », estiment des experts de l’ONU
  Haiti US Guns Flow into Haiti, Fuel Gang Violence
  Mali Saisie d’une importante quantité de munitions et d’armes de guerre,par le commissariat du 1er arrondissement de Bko
  Namibia Namibia: Officials Strategise On Arms Control
  Suisse Trafic d'armes : la Suisse, nouvel arsenal du grand banditisme
  Uganda Uganda gives two-month amnesty for citizens to surrender illegal guns
  United States Saudi warplanes carpet-bomb Yemen with US help. This must end
  United States Congress Must Halt Biden’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
  United States East Africa: U.S. Support for Conventional Weapons Destruction in the Horn of Africa
  Global Weapons trade booms as profits hit record $531bn in 2020