October 22, 2010 | Hotel Conrad - Istanbul, Turkey
On the occasion of PGA'S 32nd Annual Forum on Empowering women; building Human Security, Members of Parliament from the Central African region gathered to discuss the current status of implementing legislation of the Rome Statute in their respective countries and to address questions on cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Under the leadership of Sen. Jean Philibert Mabaya Gizi, Treasurer of the Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congolese delegation informed the participants that the debate on the draft implementing legislation of the Rome Statue is scheduled to start in the Lower House during the ongoing parliamentary session. Sen. Mwamba Mushikonke Mwamus, chairperson of the PGA DRC group, shared with the participants the experience of a visit of a delegation of DRC MPs to the ICC earlier this month, which aimed at gathering multiparty support for the debate on and adoption of the law. The report, recently published by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, titled DRC: Mapping human rights violations 1993-2003, in its paragraphs 1134 and 1135, strongly recommends the prompt adoption of the draft implementing legislation, tabled in 2008 by two PGA members, Prof. Nyabirungu and Dep. Mutumbe.
Whereas the Parliament of the Central African Republic, represented by Dep. Maurice Bangayassi, has adjusted in large parts its domestic law to the Rome Statue requirements (adoption of the revised Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code on 29/30 September 2009), Chad does not dispose of a Rome Statute implementing legislation yet. Dep. Jules Mbaigoto Tatoloumel expressed his intention of working on a Private Members Bill, making use of PGAs technical assistance (see also Resolution).
Dep. Mamadou Lamine Thiam, chairperson of the Senegalese PGA national group, encouraged the participants to promptly adopt relevant legislation. Senegal, the first Member State of the International Criminal Court, has enacted comprehensive implementing legislation in March 2007. Similarly, Mr. Stephen Tashobya, MP shared with the MPs the Ugandan experience, where the ICC bill has been unanimously adopted by parliament on 10 March 2010. PGA members in the Ugandan parliament have played an important role during this process. Mr. Tashobya, who chairs both the constituent PGA Ugandan group and the Legal & Parliamentary Affairs Committee, emphasized the challenge in strengthening the judiciary as well as the need for broad reforms in the field of security and penitentiary systems in order to provide the capacities for an effective functioning of the adopted law. The PGA members in the Ugandan Parliament are committed to continue this work within PGAs framework.
All the participants united their voices regarding the need for broader and more effective cooperation amongst international organizations and governments to execute the pending arrest warrants issued by the ICC. They also recognized the importance of strengthening the parliamentary contribution in international fora such as the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC (see Resolution).
During the roundtable meeting, Ms. Özlem Türköne Piltanoğlu, MP, member of the hosting committee of this years annual forum, shared the Turkish experience with the African Members of Parliament. Turkey still has to ratify the Rome Statute of the ICC.
Related PGA Activities:
- March 27-28, 2009: Parliamentary Seminar on the Implementation of the Rome Statute and its impact on reforming justice, fighting impunity and promoting post-conflict reconciliation in the DR Congo (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- - December 10-12, 2009: International Parliamentary Seminar on Justice and Peace - The Role of Justice in Post-Conflict Recovery (Venue: Parliament of the DR Congo, Kinshasa)
- - October 11-13, 2010: Visit by a Delegation of parliamentarians from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the ICC, The Hague, Netherlands
Upcoming PGA Activities in the Region:
- Early 2011: National Conference on the Implementation of the Rome Statute and Effective Cooperation with the ICC, Parliament of Chad, Ndjamena (dates to be determined after the elections, scheduled in Jan. 2010)
- Second Half 2011: Consultations on the Rule of Law and Justice in the Central African Republic, Parliament of Bangui, CAR