
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

PGA’s participation in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment

Panelists discuss Cooperation with the International Criminal Court
Panelists discuss Cooperation with the International Criminal Court

May 17-18, 2016
Parliament of Italy in Rome

On 17-18 May 2016, upon invitation of International Law and Human Rights Co- Convenor, Sen. Alain Destexhe, the ICC President Judge Silvia Fernandez and PGA Secretary General Dr. David Donat Cattin participated in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment in the margins of Legal and Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), hosted by Parliament of Italy in Rome. Sen. Destexhe is the chairperson of this prestigious Committee.

Discussions with MPs provided a solid basis for the report on universality and implementation of the Rome Statute that will be presented for adoption at PACE Plenary before the end of the year. The PACE session was opened by Italian Justice Minister Mr. Andrea Orlando and Italian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Ms. Marina Sereni, MP, an active member of PGA, who recognized PGA’s leadership in the global effort to struggle against impunity and to prevent mass-atrocity crimes.

(PACE) meeting on the Rome Statute and Kampala Amendments Ratification

Últimas Actividades: Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

From 28 to 30 May 2024, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) organized an important visit of Somali Members of Parliament to The Hague, Netherlands

The delegation – all members of the Committee of Justice and Defense from the Federal Parliament of Somalia – had the opportunity to engage in direct and crucial exchanges on accountability and justice.

Mujeres Maya Achi participan en la conmemoración del Día Nacional contra las Desapariciones Forzadas en Ciudad de Guatemala el 21 de junio de 2019. En enero de 2022, ganaron un juicio contra cinco antiguos paramilitares que las sometieron a actos de violencia sexual y esclavitud durante el conflicto armado interno.

La impunidad es el principal obstáculo para la justicia y la reparación de las víctimas y supervivientes de violaciones de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales. A menudo, sólo un pequeño número de responsables rinden cuentas.

l-r: Hon. Patrick Kensenhuis, Member of the Human Rights Committee and Chair of the PGA National Group in Suriname; Ms. Frederika Schweighoferova, PGA's Director, International Law & Human Rights Program; Mr. Daniel Garzón López,  PGA's Senior Program Officer, International Law & Human Rights Program; and Hon. Dewanchandrebhose Sharman, Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Human Rights Committee.

From 15 to 17 May 2024, a delegation of Members of Parliament from Suriname participated in a high-level visit to The Hague, The Netherlands, organized by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).