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PGA Welcomes the Opening of a Second Investigation in CAR by the Prosecution of the ICC

In light of its numerous statements and calls for action to put an end to atrocities and impunity in the Central Africal Republic (CAR), PGA welcomes the decision of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open a second investigation in CAR with respect to crimes allegedly committed since 2012. Indeed, PGA, in particular, the PGA CAR National Group has issued various statements (November 2013, March 2014) and called for action (February 2014) by the international community to protect the civilian population and bring to justice the perpetrators of atrocities committed in the CAR territory. PGA had already welcomed the decision by the Office of the Prosecution to open an investigation on 7 February 2014 and the referral to the ICC Prosecutor made by the new authorities of CAR on 30 May 2014.

Thousands of civilians are estimated to have been killed in CAR and there are reasonable basis to believe that crimes against humanity and war crimes have been committed in a widespread manner. The decision to open a second investigation must, therefore, be welcomed as a clear sign that these crimes will not go unpunished and impunity will not be tolerated. Those responsible for crimes under international law, from all sides of the hostilities, shall be brought to justice. PGA encourages the UN peacekeeping mission to cooperate with the ICC for the arrest and surrender of ICC fugitives, as well as to assist the CAR authorities to fight against impunity with the establishment of a Special Criminal Court (CCS) to investigate and prosecute the alleged perpetrators of international crimes in the country. To this effect, PGA members in CAR have already started to collaborate with the relevant national authorities and to promote the creation and effective functioning of such mechanisms as a complementary effort to the work of the ICC in CAR.

As the Chair of the PGA National Group in CAR, I welcome the decision taken by the Office of the Prosecutor to open a second investigation in CAR. I have suffered and continue to suffer with the people of the CAR the rapidly deteriorating situation in our country.  As I have repetitively stated since the beginning of the crises, the ongoing and escalating cycles of violence need to stop. The ICC opening a second investigation is an important step in this direction and will hopefully have a deterrent effect. Bringing perpetrators of extermination, murder, rape, torture and other inhuman acts  to justice, is of paramount importance not only for the sake of justice, but for the establishment of sustainable and long lasting peace. Statement by Chair of the PGA National Group in CAR, Hon. Marcel Djimasse
A second investigation by the ICC in CAR brings hope for the victims of crimes against humanity and war crimes that are currently being committed, who want to see those responsible for the commission of these serious crimes, being held individually accountable and brought to justice. This is a clear sign that impunity will not be tolerated. The Prosecutor of the ICC declares “I cannot ignore these alleged crimes”, I cannot either, nor can the international community. Statement by Dep. Emilie Beatrice Epaye, PGA Member

PGA remains engaged to the fight against impunity in CAR through its Campaign for the effectiveness and universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the members of the PGA CAR group who remain mobilized to take relevant action.

La Secretaría de PGA está dispuesta a ayudarle en estas u otras acciones. Para obtener asistencia técnica y más información sobre la Campaña del Sistema del Estatuto de Roma, póngase en contacto con:

Sra. Frederika Schweighoferova
Programa de Derecho Internacional y Derechos Humanos

Sra. Olivia Houssais
Oficial de Programa Seniora,
Programa de Derecho Internacional y Derechos Humanos

Sra. Fiona Servaes
Consultora de comunicación,
Programa de Derecho Internacional y Derechos Humanos