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PGA members usher in historic health-care reform package

March 23, 2010 | United States

PGA international Council member Senator Tom Harkin called it a "poignant moment" and said in a statement that there was a "hard-fought battle" to get to today, but Harkin said the "hundred year struggle to provide affordable, quality health care coverage is over."

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan/Queens) supported the bill and said, "No longer can health insurance companies capriciously deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions to protect their bottom line."

She added, "No longer will individual and small business pricing be set by a virtual monopoly; and no longer will individuals be stuck in bad jobs because of good coverage."

PGA member Rep. Dennis Kucinich writes "I am pleased to have played a role in helping to make this important moment possible."

PGA member Rep. Jim McDermott stated "It will be rather like utility service: Everybody needs health care, but it needs to be regulated so people can afford it."

Senator Barbara Boxer released the following statement "This is a historic achievement and a victory for our seniors, our children, our small businesses and for California."

President Obama called the health care bill an "extraordinary achievement" and he said congressional Democrats "did what was right" in passing the legislation.

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Abrget47j, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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