"Barbara Lochbihler" by boellstiftung is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .
In the face of the announced visit to Chad of the most prominent person indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes by the International Criminal Court (ICC), the President of Sudan, Omar Al-Bashir, PGA Members leading the Chadian opposition and the European Parliament Human Rights Sub-Committee have issued the following statement and letter addressed to the Government of Sudan.
Letter from the Chair of European Parliament Sub-Committee on Human Rights Ms. Barbara Lochbihler, member of PGA - February 20, 2013
In both documents, the two Lawmakers from Chad and Germany reiterate the position of the largest transnational parliamentary network, Parliamentarians for Global Action, namely that all the arrest warrants and other binding decisions issued by the ICC shall be promptly enforced by States Parties to the Rome Statute, in light of their treaty-obligation to cooperate fully with the ICC.