PGA staff met with Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, MP (Speaker of the Parliament of Denmark); H.E. Mr. Ib Petersen, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN; and Mrs. Mette Thygesen, Deputy Head of the Department for Development Policy and Global Cooperation, to discuss PGA programmatic priorities and shared objectives with Denmark in promoting human rights, the rule of law and gender equality in the priorities for the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The PGA Secretary-General, Dr. David Donat Cattin, expressed the gratitude of the organization for the core funding that PGA receives from Denmark, which is instrumental to the performance of all Programs and Campaigns of the global parliamentary network, including the new platform for the abolition of the death penalty. Speaker Lykketoft, a long-standing PGA member with a deep commitment to human rights, is well-positioned to become the 70th President of the UN General Assembly in 2015.