
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Intervention of PGA Board Member Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch MP (Suriname) in the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Adoption of the Rome Statute of the ICC Assembly of States Parties

Ruth Wijdenbosch said that her Suriname’s accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC was an extra guarantee against the possibility of some future governments or individual violating human rights and then escaping justice.
Ruth Wijdenbosch said that her Suriname’s accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC was an extra guarantee against the possibility of some future governments or individual violating human rights and then escaping justice.

On 17 July 2008, H. E. Amb. Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Liechtenstein, and President-elect of the ASP, organised an event at the United Nations Headquarters to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Mr. Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Foreign Minister of Costa Rica and President of the ASP opened the commemoration. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, adressed the audience, followed by Judge Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC, Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the Court; Mr. André Laperrière, Head of the Trust Fund for Victims, Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP, Member of PGA (statement available on this page), and Mr. Bill Pace, Convenor of the Coalition for the ICC.

Mr. Ben Ferencz presented an award to Mr. Arthur N. R. Robinson, former President of Trinidad and Tobago, and former PGA member, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the cause of international justice. In the afternoon, Amb. Wenaweser chaired a panel discussion on the topic "International Criminal Justice ten years after Rome - Prospects for the next decade", with participation by the ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, Mr. Nicolas Michel, UN Legal Counsel and Mr. Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch.

In the morning, a press conference was held at the United Nations with Dr. Wijdenbosch, MP (PGA Executive Committee Member), H.E. Amb. Mac-Donald, Permanent Representative of Suriname to the UN, and Mr. Peter Barcroft, Senior Program Officer, PGA, to allow for an opportunity for the media to discussion the recent accession by Suriname to the Rome Statute of the ICC.

Últimas Actividades: Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

From 28 to 30 May 2024, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) organized an important visit of Somali Members of Parliament to The Hague, Netherlands

The delegation – all members of the Committee of Justice and Defense from the Federal Parliament of Somalia – had the opportunity to engage in direct and crucial exchanges on accountability and justice.

Mujeres Maya Achi participan en la conmemoración del Día Nacional contra las Desapariciones Forzadas en Ciudad de Guatemala el 21 de junio de 2019. En enero de 2022, ganaron un juicio contra cinco antiguos paramilitares que las sometieron a actos de violencia sexual y esclavitud durante el conflicto armado interno.

La impunidad es el principal obstáculo para la justicia y la reparación de las víctimas y supervivientes de violaciones de derechos humanos y crímenes internacionales. A menudo, sólo un pequeño número de responsables rinden cuentas.

l-r: Hon. Patrick Kensenhuis, Member of the Human Rights Committee and Chair of the PGA National Group in Suriname; Ms. Frederika Schweighoferova, PGA's Director, International Law & Human Rights Program; Mr. Daniel Garzón López,  PGA's Senior Program Officer, International Law & Human Rights Program; and Hon. Dewanchandrebhose Sharman, Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Human Rights Committee.

From 15 to 17 May 2024, a delegation of Members of Parliament from Suriname participated in a high-level visit to The Hague, The Netherlands, organized by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).