
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

The Congress of Guatemala has approved ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Former PGA Member Mr. Edgar Herrera now with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala
Former PGA Member Mr. Edgar Herrera now with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala

3 March 2022

PGA was very pleased to be informed earlier today by former PGA Member Mr. Edgar Herrera (now with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala) that the Congress of Guatemala has approved ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Guatemala joined the more than 50 countries that have ratified the international treaty. This United Nations initiative required the support of 50 countries for the treaty to take effect. It was possible with the vote of Honduras in October 2020 and therefore, said treaty entered into force on January 22, 2021.

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Últimas Actividades: Campaña de armas autónomas

The session was organized with the kind support of the Weapons Threat Reduction Program (WTRP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC WTRP).

While Tanzania is already a State Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and other treaties, action is still pending .with respect to several other crucial international conventions and treaties which regulate nuclear and radiological security,.

Photo by Александр Македонский: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-gas-masks-3591394/

The Weekly Nuclear/Radiological Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program.

Photo by Gerhard Reus on Unsplash

The Weekly Nuclear/Radiological Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program.