The Dominican Republic has acceded to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR-OP2), thereby reinforcing its commitment to against use of the Death Penalty.
State Parties to the ICCPR-OP2 cannot withdraw, making the abolition of capital punishment final. The Dominican Republic is the 83rd State to accede to this protocol, highlighting the growing global movement towards abolition.
By acceding to the only universal international treaty which is designed to abolish the death penalty, I am proud that my country is re-affirming its stance on outlawing capital punishment. Worldwide more and more countries are becoming abolitionist and I hope that the Dominican Republic continues to lead by example for Caribbean States.
By acceding to the Second Optional Protocol, my country is committing to human rights and showing the world that death sentences and executions are a violation of human dignity that is no longer acceptable.
Dip. Victor Orlando Bisono (Dominican Republic), PGA Board Member