
Movilizando parlamentarios como defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, la democracia y un mundo sostenible.

Croatia ratifies four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes

CMS Manual for Parliamentarians for Global Action

26 May 2021, Zagreb/ New York

PGA congratulates Croatia on ratifying four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes, including the most recent one on starvation as a punishable offense in non- international armed conflicts. By the ratification, Croatia has decided to bind its nationals and its territory to the prohibition of the use of certain weapons and of the method of warfare of using starvation against civilians, applicable in armed conflicts of both international and non- international character.

Having already ratified the Kampala Amendments on the crime of aggression and war crimes in 2013, as well as on the removal of the “transitional provision” on war crimes of Article 124 in 2018, Croatia has effectively ratified all amendments to the Rome Statute. In this respect, PGA wishes to extend its congratulation to its former Member, Mr. Andrej Plenković, Prime Minister of Croatia, for this important decision by the Government and Parliament of Croatia which sets an important example for other States

On behalf of PGA, I sincerely congratulate Croatia on this significant development which reflects the progress in the advancement of international law that has been made since the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998. PGA supports the universal ratification and entry into force of all amendments to the Rome Statute. We therefore call on all States to follow Croatia’s example - wide ratification of the amendments, together with their effective implementation in the countries’ domestic frameworks, is key to ensuring that the perpetrators of these crimes will face justice.Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden), The President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)

CMS Manual for Parliamentarians for Global Action

Through the adoption of the amendments, States can effectively prevent the potential gross abuse and superfluous human suffering against civilian populations, in violations of all principles and norms upheld by international community, which has been dramatically increased as a result of the technological advancements in weaponry.

PGA would also wish to express its gratitude for having been honoured to work with H.E. Mr. Ivan Šimonović, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nations, who has been instrumental in advancing PGA’s objectives as Member of the PGA UN Committee.

The adopted Amendments to the Rome Statute

The four amendments adopted include three war crimes applicable in both international conflicts and non-international conflicts (currently ratified by 9 States):

  • 8.2.b) (xxvii) and 8.2.e) (xvi): Employing weapons, which use microbial or other biological agents, or toxins, whatever their origin or method of production;
  • 8.2.b) (xxviii) and 8.2.e) (xvii): Employing weapons the primary effect of which is to injure by fragments which in the human body escape detection by X-rays;
  • 8.2.b) (xxix) and 8.2.e) (xviii): Employing laser weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices.

The fourth amendment extends the application of starvation as a war crime to non-international armed conflicts (previously punishable only in international armed conflicts under the Rome Statute), in line with customary international law and international consensus. In a remarkable achievement set in motion by Switzerland, ICC States Parties unanimously adopted the starvation amendment during the Assembly of States Parties in December 2019, signalling to those using starvation as a method of warfare in any conflict that they cannot continue to act with impunity (currently ratified by 5 States):

  • 8.2.e) (xix) Intentionally using  starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objectsindispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies.


Oak Foundation

The Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Switzerland Federal Department for Foreign Affairs

Liechtenstein Permanent Mission to the United Nations

CMS Manual for Parliamentarians for Global Action

PGA receives core support from the Governments of:
Sweden (Sida) & Denmark

CMS Manual for Parliamentarians for Global Action


Ms. Frederika Schweighoferova
Acting Director,
Rome Statute system Campaign
Senior Legal Officer
, International Law and Human Rights Program

Dr. David Donat Cattin
Secretary- General

Últimas Actividades: Campaña para el Estatuto de Roma de la CPI

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