
La visión de PGA es contribuir a la creación de un orden internacional basado en el imperio de la ley para un mundo más equitativo, seguro, sostenible y democrático.

Towards a Digital Rights Bill in Cameroon

Following his participation in the PGA's recent African Regional Workshop on the Universalization of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocols in Lilongwe, Malawi, on April 3-4, 2023 and in line with the Lilongwe Plan of Action adopted during the event, Hon. Agho, MP, Cameroon, put forth a question to Cameroon's Minister of Post and Telecommunications on June 21st, 2023, regarding the Digital Rights Bill.

La Secretaría de PGA se pone a su disposición para asistirles en esta o cualquier otra acción que consideren necesaria. Para mayor asistencia técnica, por favor póngase en contacto con:

Sr. Peter Barcroft
Director senior,
Programa de paz y seguridad internacionales

Últimas noticias de la Campaña Mundial Contra Crímenes Cibernéticos:

PGA's International Peace and Security Program organized a 2 Day Regional Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop in Fiji from 6-7 May, 2024

Unanimous support for Fiji’s accession of the Budapest Convention

PGA's International Peace and Security Program organized a 2 Day Regional Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop in Fiji from 6-7 May, 2024

Participants benefited from several expert presentations. Points of Action were identified at the conclusion of the Workshop to promote accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in participant States in the region.

With Grenada’s accession, 72 States are now Parties, two have signed it and 19 have been invited to accede to the Convention.

Grenada joining the Convention on Cybercrime may set an example for other countries of the Caribbean region to follow.