Croatia signed the Rome Statute on 12 October 1998, and ratified on 21 May 2001, becoming the 32nd State Party.
125 países forman parte del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional. De ellos, 33 son Estados africanos, 19 son Estados de Asia y el Pacífico, 20 son de Europa oriental, 28 de 28 de América Latina y el Caribe, y 25 de Europa occidental y otros Estados. |
PGA desea recordar la importancia de unirse en este día en apoyo a la justicia, los derechos de las víctimas y la prevención de crímenes que amenazan la paz, la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestro planeta.
PGA congratulates Croatia on ratifying four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes, including the most recent one on starvation as a punishable offence in non-international armed conflicts.
Parliamentarians celebrate Croatia ratification of the Kampala Amendments to the Crime of Aggression Press Releases News Center
The aim of this dialogue was to improve the relationship between the ICC and the Security Council of the United Nations, and to assess how to overcome the challenges arising from this relationship in order to enhance the fight against impunity.