
Movilizando parlamentarios como defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, la democracia y un mundo sostenible.

Costa Rica y el Estatuto de Roma

PGA has a long and solid partnership history with parliamentarians from Costa Rica, a state party to the Rome Statute, which has also ratified the Kampala Amendments. Currently PGA’s work focuses on the full implementation of the Rome Statute and strengthening the cooperation of Costa Rica with the Court.

Rome Statute

The Republic of Costa Rica signed the Rome Statute on 7 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 7 June 2001.

Kampala Amendments of 2010

Costa Rica was the 22nd State to ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It deposited the instrument of ratification on February 5, 2015, after the plenary of the Legislative Assembly had approved the instrument of ratification on 11 November 2014.

This development was, in no small part, thanks to the endless efforts of Dip. Alfaro Zamora, who, as President of the International Relations and Foreign Trade Committee, was one of the most active promoters of the Bill to ratify the Kampala Amendments in the Committee. After the 2014 parliamentary elections, the newly elected Dip. Ronny Monge and Dip. Gonzalo Ramirez, actively supported the inclusion of the Bill as a priority item in the plenary agenda. Please click here to learn more.

Status on the domestic implementation of the Rome Statute

The Congress of Costa Rica approved an amendment to the criminal code (Law 8272) in May 2003, which included an article referring to the crimes embodied in the international treaties that have been ratified by Costa Rica, including the Rome Statute of the ICC. A separate law including all crimes under the Rome Statute and complementarity provisions has been forwarded to Congress, but no decision on this matter has been taken so far. There is no legislation on cooperation with the ICC.

In June 29th, 2009, Bill No 16272 was tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica. This Bill includes a definition of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and some of the general of law included in the Rome Statute.

At the 2010 Kampala Review Conference of the Rome Statute, Costa Rica pledged to work on ensuring the adoption of legislation that implements the Rome Statute at the domestic level.

As of September 2015, a Bill to amend the Criminal Code is under discussion at the parliament, however, as it includes other topics of internal nature, it is not expected to be voted soon.

Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court (APIC)

Costa Rica signed the APIC on 16 December 2002 and ratified it on 28 April 2011.

Additional Agreements

Costa Rica publicly rejected to sign a Bilateral Non-Surrender Agreement with the United States, regarding the US national´s surrender to the ICC.

ICC Progress and PGA Action

After the request of the PGA national group, the president of Costa Rica requested the bill on cooperation with the ICC presented by our member to be discussed at the extraordinary session that will last until April 2016

In June, 2015, PGA member, Dip. Ronny Monge submitted a bill to create a cooperation mechanism with the ICC. The will is being discussed in the Security Committee.

In March 2015, following a Parliamentary Workshop in Santo Domingo, Costa Rican MPs participating  in such event, committed to the following:

  • Amend the Criminal Code to achieve full implementation of the Rome Statute in the domestic legislation regarding principles of international law and crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC, including the Crime of Aggression.
  • Promote the cooperation bill already introduced in the previous legislature and amend it to include new elements and best practice regarding States cooperation with the ICC.
  • Request the government to promote the ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute as well as political support for the International Criminal Court in all multilateral negotiations, especially with countries in Latin America.

PGA started working with new members of parliament given the change of the parliamentarians on May 2014 after the elections, Dip. Ronny Monge and Dip. Gonzalo Ramirez, through their participation in the Sub Regional Working Group in Uruguay in 2014 and in the Dominican Republic in 2015 to ensure the adoption of a Cooperation Bill in Parliament.

After Dip. Oscar Alfaro Zamora, former President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, participated in 2013 in the Sub-Regional Working Group and in PGA’s 35th Annual Forum, he requested PGA technical assistance in the drafting of a cooperation law that would be supported by the Government and that was presented in the Legislative Assembly by April 2014. PGA provided a customized cooperation bill based on our law model.

Dip. Ronny Monge Salas participated in the Eight session of The Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law, held in Rabat, where the role of members of Parliament in bringing political support for the international criminal justice system was the central topic.

Dip. Ronny Monge and Dip. Gonzalo Ramirez  participated in the Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas, held in the Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay on 27- 28 August 2014,  where they reaffirmed their commitment to continue promoting the Kampala Amendments Bill.

Dip. Oscar Gerardo Alfaro Zamora, assisted the 35th  Annual Parliamentary Forum held in the Parliament of Colombia, Bogotá, 9 and 10 December, 2013 and reaffirmed his willingness to present the implementation of the ICC (core crimes and cooperation) at the beginning of 2014.

Dip. Oscar Gerardo Alfaro Zamora assisted the Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas, held in the Parliament of Uruguay, Montevideo, in September 16-17, 2013.

Dip. Ricardo Aime Toledo Carranza assisted PGA’s 26th Annual Forum: Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law - III session, held in the Parliament of  New Zealand, Wellington in December 6-7 2004.

Dip. Gerardo González Esquivel assisted the Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute & II Session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law, held in the United Nations Headquarters, United States, New-York in September 12-13 2003.

Further relevant information

As a member of the Organization of American States, Costa Rica has supported the promotion of the International Criminal Court through the adoption of an annual resolution by the General Assembly of the OAS, as well as by the holding of a annual working meeting of high level within the Political and Juridical Affairs Committee of the OAS. PGA members have been invited at numerous occasions to this meeting. For more information on the work of PGA within the OAS, click here

Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review

Within the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR), Costa Rica was reviewed during the 19th session of the UPR in 2014 where it received 2 recommendations to fully implement the Rome Statue, which it accepted. During the UNHRC-UPR 1st cycle, Costa Rica received no recommendations related to the Rome Statute and has been a staunch promoter of the universality of the Rome Statute. It has recommended to 2 states (Guinea and the United States) to consider the ratification of the Rome Statute as a human rights objective.

Key Documents
Parliamentary Action
Related Activities

Estados que forman parte del sistema del Estatuto de Roma a febrero de 2024:

Estados que han ratificado el Estatuto de Roma [125]
Estados que han firmado el Estatuto de Roma pero aún no lo han [29]
Estados que se han retirado del Estatuto de Roma [2]
Estados que no han firmado ni ratificado el Estatuto de Roma

125 países forman parte del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional. De ellos, 33 son Estados africanos, 19 son Estados de Asia y el Pacífico, 20 son de Europa oriental, 28 de 28 de América Latina y el Caribe, y 25 de Europa occidental y otros Estados.

Trabajo de PGA en el País:

17 July, Day of International Justice and 20th of the Rome Statute.

PGA co-sponsored a high-level ministerial event at the UN to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute, International Justice Day, and the entry into force of the Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression.

El Proyecto de Ley número 19.665 sobre la Cooperación y Relación con la CPI fue aprobado por unanimidad en segundo debate.

El Proyecto de Ley número 19.665 sobre la Cooperación y Relación con la CPI fue aprobado por unanimidad en segundo debate.

PGA promueve la universalidad del Estatuto de Roma en la Sesión Especial de la OEA sobre la CPI

On 15 March 2018, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), participated in the 10th Special Session of the Organization of American States (OAS) on the International Criminal Court (ICC), organized by the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs.

La Asamblea Legislativa aprobó el proyecto de ley 19.665 sobre la Cooperación y relación con la Corte Penal Internacional.

La Asamblea Legislativa aprobó el proyecto de ley 19.665 sobre la Cooperación y relación con la Corte Penal Internacional.

El compromiso de Costa Rica con la justicia internacional, la democracia, los derechos humanos y el Estado de derecho ha sido ilustrado por las numerosas iniciativas de los miembros de PGA en la Asamblea Legislativa.

El 16 de marzo de 2017 al mediodía, la Presidenta de PGA se reunió con el Presidente de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica.

el Presidente de la Comisión parlamentaria de Seguridad y Narcotráfico de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica, el Dip. Ronny Monge

Dip. Ronny Monge, miembro del comité ejecutivo de PGA, de que el proyecto de ley número 19.665 sobre la cooperación con la CPI fue aprobado por los miembros de la comisión.

Dip. Ronny Monge Salas, Costa Rica serves on PGA’s Executive Committee. He is a Costa Rican lawyer and politician for the National Liberation Party.

El 6 de diciembre de 2016, el Dip. Ronny Monge, miembro de la Junta Directiva de PGA, presentó el proyecto de ley número 4573, que modifica el Código Penal de Costa Rica para implementar los crímenes incluidos en el Estatuto de Roma así como las enmiendas

Dip. Antonio Alvarez Desanti, President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

The Secretariat of PGA received a letter from the President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica Dip. Antonio Alvarez Desanti.

PGA Members from across the African continent and the rest of the world have chosen to stand up for justice and are asking their South-African peers to make sure that the withdrawal does not go through.

News broke today that the Government of South Africa has notified the United Nations Secretary General of its intention to withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Este seminario tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un espacio en  el  cual  legisladores y  otros  actores  relevantes de distintos países  de  América  Latina  pudieran intercambiar los avances realizados y los desafíos que persisten en sus respectivos paíse

Los días 28-29 de septiembre de 2016, en el marco de la Campaña Parlamentaria para la Efectividad y la Universalidad del Estatuto de Roma, Parlamentarios para la Acción Mundial (PGA, por sus siglas en inglés) organizó un Seminario Parlamentario.

© Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

Parlamentarios de Costa Rica y El Salvador emprendieron una estrategia para avanzar en sus respectivos procesos de implementación y ratificación domésticos del Estatuto de Roma de la CPI el 10 de julio de 2015 en la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica.

Costa Rica ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC on 7 June 2001, becoming the 33rd State Party to do so.

Parlamentarios celebran la aprobación de las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) en la plenaria de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica.

Parliamentarians from Latin America at the Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay in Montevideo, PGA Parliamentary Seminar and technical Workshop

The intense activities and discussions brought together over 25 Parliamentarians from 12 different Latin American States.

The discussions brought together over 20 Parliamentarians from 10 different Latin American States, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.

In September 2013, PGA organized a Parliamentary Seminar and a technical Roundtable in the framework of a Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas.


Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional
Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional

Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional

Es imperativo que el Estatuto de Roma sea ratificado universalmente para el buen funcionamiento de la Corte. Los parlamentarios deben garantizar que la CPI sea verdaderamente universal.


Creada por el Estatuto de Roma, la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es el primer tribunal internacional permanente e independiente capaz de investigar y llevar ante la justicia a las personas que cometen las violaciones más graves del derecho penal internacional, el derecho internacional humanitario y los derechos humanos.

El Estatuto de Roma define los crímenes de su competencia y establece los principios y procedimientos generales de funcionamiento de la Corte. También esboza las obligaciones de cooperación de sus Estados Parte. Es imperativo que el Estatuto de Roma sea ratificado universalmente para el buen funcionamiento de la Corte. Los parlamentarios deben garantizar que la CPI sea verdaderamente universal.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Toolkit
  • Autor/es: Parliamentarians for Global Action


Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)

Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)


La CPI es el primer y único tribunal permanente independiente con el mandato de investigar y enjuiciar a los máximos responsables de cometer crímenes internacionales, a saber, el genocidio, los crímenes de lesa humanidad, los crímenes de guerra y el crimen de agresión. Sus 18 magistrados, procedentes de todo el mundo y elegidos por un mandato de nueve años, desempeñan un papel fundamental a la hora de asegurar que se cumplen estas expectativas mediante la garantía de juicios justos y el dictamen de jurisprudencia autoritativa y de la más alta calidad.

La calidad de los magistrados de la CPI, por lo tanto, tiene una importancia fundamental para el rendimiento, la eficiencia y la eficacia de la Corte puesto que de ello depende el éxito a largo plazo de la CPI y del sistema del Estatuto de Roma en su conjunto. Bajo estos antecedentes, PGA ha elaborado este manual con el fin de establecer criterios y recomendaciones específicas para que los parlamentarios alienten a sus Gobiernos a mejorar los procedimientos nacionales de designación de candidatos a magistrados de la CPI y adopten buenas prácticas y requisitos para garantizar que estos procesos sean justos, transparentes y meritocráticos. El objetivo de un procedimiento de designación sólido es el de garantizar que sólo los candidatos a magistrados o juristas del más alto calibre figuren en la papeleta de votación.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Handbook
  • Autor/es: Parliamentarians for Global Action


Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional


Es para nosotros un honor y un privilegio presentarles el Manual sobre la Ratificación e Implementación de las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional.

Este Manual es producto de nuestros esfuerzos colectivos dirigidos a asistir a los Estados en la ratificación de las enmiendas aprobadas por consenso en Kampala—enmiendas que son fundamentales para el proceso de criminalización efectiva del uso ilegal de la fuerza en los asuntos internacionales.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Handbook
  • Autor/es: Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations; Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression; Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University (LISD); (Drafting Assistance by PGA)