
Movilizando parlamentarios como defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, la democracia y un mundo sostenible.

Chad y el Estatuto de Roma

PGA has been very active in Chad since 1999 to promote ratification and full implementation of the Rome Statute. PGA Parliamentarians’ advocacy and deliberations contributed to parliamentary approval of ratification and its consequent deposit in 2006. PGA Members have been active to promote full implementation of the Rome Statute and address and prevent instances of Non Cooperation with the Court.

Rome Statute

Chad signed the Rome Statute on 20 October 1999 and ratified it on 1 November 2006.

Kampala Amendments of 2010

Chad did not ratify the Kampala Amendments.

Status on Domestic Implementation of the Rome Statute

In September 2014, a new Penal Code bill has been adopted by the government and PGA members in the newly elected Assembly are committed to follow-up on previous efforts by their colleagues towards the implementation of the Rome Statute; the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights having expressed support for the enactment of ICC legislation back in 2009 and a National Commission for Humanitarian Law having been set up, as to support and facilitate the drafting process of an implementing legislation.

Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court (APIC)

Chad has not signed the APIC.

Additional Agreements

Chad signed a Bilateral Non Surrender Agreement (BNSA), which entered into force on 30 June 2003, with the United States regarding the surrender of persons to the International Criminal Court. However, this agreement has not been ratified by the Parliament of Chad.


icc developments

The ICC issued several decisions regarding non-cooperation of Chad vis à vis the visit to Chad by President of Sudan, Omar Al-Bashir, against whom the ICC has issued a warrant of arrest

On 26 March 2013, Pre-Trial Chamber II issued a decision on the non-compliance of Chad with the cooperation requests issued by the Court regarding the arrest and surrender of Omar Al-Bashir.

On 16 February 2013, PGA members Hon. Saleh Kebzabo, MP and Hon. Saleh Makki, MP, released a press statement condemning the visit of President Al Bashir to Chad and calling the Chadian authorities to fulfil their obligations to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) under the Rome Statute of the ICC.

On 13 December 2011, the same Chamber issued a decision on the refusal of the Republic of Chad to comply with the cooperation requests issued by the Court with respect to the arrest and surrender of Omar Al-Bashir.

On 27 August 2010, Pre-Trial Chamber I informed the United Nations Security Council and the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute about Omar Al-Bashir’s recent visit to the Republic of Chad.

Progress and PGA Action

PGA has been very active in Chad for a number of years and recently, in December 2014, upon request of its leading member, PGA provided technical assistance to draft the implementing legislation, which should be presented by this MP in the framework of the adoption of the new criminal code by Parliament.

On 13-14 October 2011, PGA invited two Chadian MPs to participate in Consultations on International Justice and the Rule of Law held in the parliament of CAR, Bangui. The main objective was to give the recently elected CAR MPs, as well as selected MPs from several African countries (Chad, DRC, Mali, Tanzania), a platform to discuss the role and impact of Justice and the Rule of Law on the ongoing process of consolidating peace. It offered an opportunity to underscore the contribution of the Rome Statute of ICC to the fight against impunity and the promotion of peace, democracy and human rights, as well as law-reforms.

On February, 2011, PGA commented on the "Projet de Proposition de Loi Portant Indemnisation des Victimes des Crimes et Répressions Politiques au Tchad", shared with PGA member Hon. Asnal Djidandibe.

Previously, in 2008 as a result of the 5th CAP ICC in Santa Domingo, a PGA Member and Chair of the Legal Affairs and Legislation Committee initiated deliberations in his Committee for the establishment of a special committee for the drafting of an effective and comprehensive ICC implementing legislation, and has been receiving technical assistance of PGA for the preparation of this legislation.

human rights council universal periodic review

In the 2nd cycle of the UPR, Chad accepted a recommendation from Tunisia calling for the integration of the provision of the Rome Statute of the ICC into its national legislation. Chad’s next UPR is scheduled in April 2018.

additional relevant information

As a member of the African, Caribbean and Pacific community (ACP), and as signatory of the revised Cotonou Agreement with of the ACP and European Union, Chad has recognized the importance of the ICC as a mechanism for peace and international justice, and has committed to promote the ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute, to seek to take steps towards the ratification and the implementation of the Rome Some Statute, and to fight against international crime giving due regard to the Rome Statute. For more information on the work of PGA within the ACP-EU mechanism. See PGA work through the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.

Key Documents
Related Pages
  • July 31, 2013: PGA Restates its Deep Concern at Ongoing Human Rights Violations Against Parliamentarians and Representatives From Civil Society in Chad: ENGLISH | FRENCH
  • May 23, 2013: Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) expresses deep concern at recent wave of arrests of Parliamentarians and civil society representatives in Chad: ENGLISH | FRENCHSPANISH
  • February 20, 2013: Statement of President of the Assembly of States Parties, Amb. Tiina Intelmann on the visit of Pres. Al-Bashir to Chad: ENGLISH | FRENCH | SPANISH
  • February 20, 2013: PGA members in Chad condemn the visit of President Al Bashir to Chad and call the Chadian authorities to fulfil their obligations to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) under the Rome Statute of the ICC: ENGLISH | FRENCH

Estados que forman parte del sistema del Estatuto de Roma a febrero de 2024:

Estados que han ratificado el Estatuto de Roma [125]
Estados que han firmado el Estatuto de Roma pero aún no lo han [29]
Estados que se han retirado del Estatuto de Roma [2]
Estados que no han firmado ni ratificado el Estatuto de Roma

125 países forman parte del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional. De ellos, 33 son Estados africanos, 19 son Estados de Asia y el Pacífico, 20 son de Europa oriental, 28 de 28 de América Latina y el Caribe, y 25 de Europa occidental y otros Estados.

Trabajo de PGA en el País:

Ali Kushayb is a former commander of the Janjaweed, the government-backed militias who earned notoriety for their brutal attacks in Darfur. Photo: VOA

Ali Kushayb is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Darfur (Sudan) between 2002 and 2004.

Parliamentarians from Francophone African Countries have sent a strong message confirming their commitment to the Rule of Law and Justice by adopting the Action Plan Lomé 2016

El Grupo de trabajo sobre la lucha contra la impunidad en África francófona tuvo su segunda reunión los días 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2016 en Lomé, Togo.

La Asamblea Nacional y el Senado de la República de Burundi votaron masivamente a favor de que el país se retirarse del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI).

El 12 de octubre de 2016, la Asamblea Nacional y el Senado de la República de Burundi votaron masivamente a favor de que el país se retirarse del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI).

PGA strongly condemns the ongoing repressive and intimidatory actions by Chadian authorities against Parliamentarians, human rights defenders, journalists and political opponents.

PGA strongly condemns the ongoing repressive and intimidatory actions by Chadian authorities against Parliamentarians, human rights defenders, journalists and political opponents.

Hosting Mr. Bashir of Sudan in Chad runs contrary to Chad’s legal obligation as a State Party to the ICC to execute the pending arrest warrant issued by the ICC against the President of Sudan. Photo: Stephan Röhl.

Leading MPs call upon Chad to arrest and surrender Al Bashir to the ICC.


Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional
Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional

Guía parlamentaria sobre la Corte Penal Internacional

Es imperativo que el Estatuto de Roma sea ratificado universalmente para el buen funcionamiento de la Corte. Los parlamentarios deben garantizar que la CPI sea verdaderamente universal.


Creada por el Estatuto de Roma, la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es el primer tribunal internacional permanente e independiente capaz de investigar y llevar ante la justicia a las personas que cometen las violaciones más graves del derecho penal internacional, el derecho internacional humanitario y los derechos humanos.

El Estatuto de Roma define los crímenes de su competencia y establece los principios y procedimientos generales de funcionamiento de la Corte. También esboza las obligaciones de cooperación de sus Estados Parte. Es imperativo que el Estatuto de Roma sea ratificado universalmente para el buen funcionamiento de la Corte. Los parlamentarios deben garantizar que la CPI sea verdaderamente universal.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Toolkit
  • Autor/es: Parliamentarians for Global Action


Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)

Manual Para Parlamentarios: Designación Nacional De Candidatos A Magistrados De La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)


La CPI es el primer y único tribunal permanente independiente con el mandato de investigar y enjuiciar a los máximos responsables de cometer crímenes internacionales, a saber, el genocidio, los crímenes de lesa humanidad, los crímenes de guerra y el crimen de agresión. Sus 18 magistrados, procedentes de todo el mundo y elegidos por un mandato de nueve años, desempeñan un papel fundamental a la hora de asegurar que se cumplen estas expectativas mediante la garantía de juicios justos y el dictamen de jurisprudencia autoritativa y de la más alta calidad.

La calidad de los magistrados de la CPI, por lo tanto, tiene una importancia fundamental para el rendimiento, la eficiencia y la eficacia de la Corte puesto que de ello depende el éxito a largo plazo de la CPI y del sistema del Estatuto de Roma en su conjunto. Bajo estos antecedentes, PGA ha elaborado este manual con el fin de establecer criterios y recomendaciones específicas para que los parlamentarios alienten a sus Gobiernos a mejorar los procedimientos nacionales de designación de candidatos a magistrados de la CPI y adopten buenas prácticas y requisitos para garantizar que estos procesos sean justos, transparentes y meritocráticos. El objetivo de un procedimiento de designación sólido es el de garantizar que sólo los candidatos a magistrados o juristas del más alto calibre figuren en la papeleta de votación.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Handbook
  • Autor/es: Parliamentarians for Global Action


Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

Manual: Ratificación y aplicación de las Enmiendas de Kampala sobre el crimen de agresión al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional


Es para nosotros un honor y un privilegio presentarles el Manual sobre la Ratificación e Implementación de las Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional.

Este Manual es producto de nuestros esfuerzos colectivos dirigidos a asistir a los Estados en la ratificación de las enmiendas aprobadas por consenso en Kampala—enmiendas que son fundamentales para el proceso de criminalización efectiva del uso ilegal de la fuerza en los asuntos internacionales.


Additional Details

  • Tipo de publicación: Handbook
  • Autor/es: Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations; Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression; Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University (LISD); (Drafting Assistance by PGA)