PGA has organized a Parliamentary Mission from the Dominican Republic to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to contribute to the furtherance of the country’s engagement with international justice and to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute.
Within the framework of PGA’s Campaign Against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) (SOGI Campaign), the Gender, Equality and Population Program conducted field missions to Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname
Empoderando a las Mujeres, Empoderando a la Humanidad: Imagínalo!
PGA welcomes the abolition of the death penalty by the Parliament of Suriname, in the framework of the discussions regarding the adoption of the new Criminal Co
A session of round table discussion on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an important subject of International Peace and Security (P&D) Program of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 in Parliament House, Pakistan.
La comunidad internacional se ha comprometido a eliminar el matrimonio infantil, temprano y forzado como ha sido plasmado en la Resolución reciente sobre este tema adoptada por la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas en Diciembre de 2014.
Members of the Ugandan National Group of PGA met with the Prosecutor of the ICC during her first official visit to the country in this position.
PGA congratulates its National Group in Côte d’Ivoire for its relentless efforts over the past 18 months which made an important contribution leading to the deposit yesterday of the Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the Government of
Sierra Leone - Longstanding PGA Member Hon. Bernadette Lahai MP participates in Parliamentary Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons Reguations
Is the International Community Abandoning the Fight Against Impunity? Intervention by David Donat Cattin (Ph.D., Law), Secretary-General, Parliamentarians for Global Action; Adjunct Professor of International Law, NYU Center for Global Affairs
From 18-19 May, 2015, PGA, with the kind cooperation of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga, will organize and host a Regional Parliamentary Workshop to promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty in the Pacific Islands Region.
organizó una mesa redonda técnica sobre la aplicación plena del Estatuto de Roma y la ratificación de las enmiendas de Kampala por Ecuador
PGA strongly supports the creation of a Special Criminal Court to fight against impunity for the international crimes committed since 2012 in the territory of the Central African Republic (CAR).
El primer desafío consiste en reconocer que de acuerdo con la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, alrededor de 21 millones de personas son esclavizadas en cualquier momento dado y, que en su mayoría, éstas son mujeres y niños.
PGA, junto con la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador, convocó a una mesa redonda técnica sobre la aplicación del Estatuto de Roma
PGA expresa su profunda preocupación y condena las amenazas de muerte que el Sen. Ivan Cepeda Castro y su Asesor, Agustín Jiménez han recibido.
Statement of PGA members in the European Parliament in response to the request of Minister of of Foreign Affairs of Israel to stop funding-support to the International Criminal Court following the ratification of Palestine
PGA acoge con beneplácito la transferencia a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de Dominic Ongwen, un líder del movimiento rebelde, el Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (LRA, por sus siglas en inglés) y subcomandante del jefe del LRA, Joseph Kony.
A session of round table discussion on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an important subject of International Peace and Security (P&D) Program of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 in Parliament House, Pakistan.
PGA Congratulates Akilisi Pohiva on his election to Prime Minister of Tonga.