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The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law is aimed at ensuring the responsible development and use of AI. Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) is raising awareness among members of parliament on this first ever international treaty on AI in an effort to balance innovation with fundamental rights so that the use of AI serves humanity in an ethical, fair and accountable manner. For smaller countries and parliaments, this convention offers essential guidance to navigate the complexities of AI to help establish policies and legislation that protect our citizens as innovation is developed and promoted. As a board member of PGA, I am very pleased that the network has taken on this global parliamentary initiative on responsible artificial intelligence. This convention should provide all parliaments with the space for international cooperation to implement effective regulations that uphold democracy, human rights and the rule of law in an increasing digital world. This Convention, therefore, directly aligns with the guiding principles of the PGA. The Treaty requires States Parties to minimise the risks of AI usage with responsible regulatory action. Innovation and the use of AI no doubt can provide major advances and solutions to challenges in our respective country developments. Notwithstanding this, as parliamentarians, we each must do our part to ensure that at the same time the use of AI does not undermine the high standards of accountability and transparency or that it does not bolster or perpetuate inequalities and discrimination. This is an exciting initiative of PGA and I hope members of parliament will be encouraged to learn more about this global international treaty and work towards championing it.Hon. Valerie Woods Speaker of the House of Representatives (Belize)
Hon. Valerie Woods Speaker of the House of Representatives (Belize)
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