
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

Financial Statements

Parliamentarians for Global Action ("PGA") is the largest non-governmental, cross-party, international network of individual legislators with approximately 1,185 members in 146 parliaments around the world. PGA mobilizes parliamentarians as human rights champions committed to promoting the rule of law, democracy, human security, non-discrimination and gender equality. PGA' s vision is to contribute to the creation of a rules-based international order for a more equitable, safe and democratic world.

PGA is in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations with headquarters in New York; its office in The Hague, Netherlands fosters cooperation with The Hague-based International Organizations, including the International Criminal Court ("ICC"). PGA is represented at the country level by PGA National Groups in parliaments around the world, which creates sustainability and ownership of issues at the national level.

2023 Financial Statement and Supplementary Information
Document PDF, 2.06 MB, 7 downloads, 12 June, 2024
2022 Financial Statement and Supplementary Information
Document PDF, 2.33 MB, 46 downloads, 27 November, 2023
2021 Financial Statement and Supplementary Information
Document PDF, 109 downloads, 31 January, 2023
2020 Financial Statement and Supplementary Information
Document PDF, 10 downloads, 03 March, 2023
2019 Financial Statement and Supplemantary Information
Document PDF, 12 downloads, 03 March, 2023

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Championing  Human Rights, Democracy and The Rule of Law - International Day of Parliamentarism 2024

We invite parliamentarians to learn more about our toolkits and resources on democracy, the environment, gender equality, international justice, peace and security and the inclusion of marginalized populations.

The session was organized with the kind support of the Weapons Threat Reduction Program (WTRP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC WTRP).

While Tanzania is already a State Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation and other treaties, action is still pending .with respect to several other crucial international conventions and treaties which regulate nuclear and radiological security,.

Photo Courtesy the United Nations

In a 2021 resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on “promoting inter-religious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in countering hate speech”.